how to crack listening of english

How to crack english listening ?It is a good question to ask. A lot of people do not know about it, here is how to.

First you should understand you should love doing listening exercise, otherwise how can you make sure you can do this so well so much so amazing , that is the reason I want to tell you to do listening more and more.

I think it is so nice to do this again and again if you can put all your heart and enthusiasm to that .

The best way to crack it is to do dictation and interpret them into chinese as you like every day. Listening should be practiced every day otherwise you can not have a good sense of english.

Everyday you should be sure you are doing your utmost to win to fight to struggle to strive for the very best. This is what I want to tell to know your listening skill is second to none .

The last but not the least thing I want to tell you is that if you practice everyday you will improve.