




德国是马克思的故乡。法兰克福是德国经济金融发展中心地区之一,大概十五年前接触德国工业代表产品之一双螺杆空气压缩机就和法兰克福这个城市以及不来梅Port of Bremen)和不来梅哈芬港Port of Bremerhaven有国际贸易,进口德国压缩机机头。两个港口同属于德国不来梅州,距离法兰克福大约440公里。十五年后,丁主任在亚马逊国际网站买了几百本长篇小说《卤阳湖》和金融专著《利息伦理和借贷投融资》,同时提出让我做个在线讲座,又偏偏让我讲徐州铁链女事件。这是把我架在火上烤。我再几年就五十岁了,早过了年轻气盛年龄,习惯性明哲保身,不轻易谈社会事件。因此,起初我没同意丁主任。直到北京2022冬奥会结束,你们德国一个媒体《焦点》用不很友好的语气报道,说“终于结束了”,我才纳闷,何至于此呢?后来才知道,中国花费39亿美元举办冬奥会,这还不算张家口高铁投资92亿美元建设费用,在国际传播上,被一个徐州铁链女事件严重影响。在全球传媒数据看,徐州铁链女事件全球一百多亿人次传播,三十多亿人口知悉,影响力不亚于冬奥会,并该事件被国际敌对力量和国内邪恶力量利用,在全球面前抹黑中国。







马克思主义基本原理告诉我们:看问题要从全局看,不能只看局部,或放大一点。这个原理告诉我们,中国全局上是全球第二大经济体,为全球和平稳定做出了重要贡献,为全球经济贸易和金融发展提供了重要市场和消费群体。从这个意义讲,在冬奥会这个全球传播平台上,谷爱凌是局部一个点,铁链女也是局部一个点。两个点传递给世界截然不同的中国形象。在自媒体时代,尽管官方媒体大力宣传谷爱凌,但在广大人民群众眼里,那也是电视上的人家的孩子,不就美国人上了个中国户口,为我国夺得金牌和荣誉,人家自己品牌代言也挣了几个亿,浓浓的American is business的商业逻辑,典型美国个人发展观和价值观的体现。徐州铁链女,在广大人民群众眼里,那可是身边可见的真实,在疯狂发酵传播到全球三四十亿人知悉,以至于最后中国中央政府不得不出面管,这是怎样的代价和后果?中国政府的形象和颜面,在铁链女事件影响下,统统扫地。群众痛恨拐卖人口和虐待妇女,中央政府也痛恨这些不人道的行为,问题是,传播失控。













“庆父不死,鲁难未已。”新时代中国国际形象传播与建设,最大的“庆父”就是中国自身的传播构建能力,这是内因。基层官员政治水平不高是一个直接现实阻力。在中国经济落后县区,官员很少有全局观。《素书》是张良辅佐刘邦打天下的语文课本,里面说“有过不知者蔽,迷途不返者惑”,又说“地薄者,大物不产;水浅者,大鱼不游”,要提高经济落后地区基层官员政治水平,和经济发达地区官员交流学习是一个重要有效方法。至于政治智慧,是学不来的。有人天生性格禀赋和情商智商适合从政,有人天生适合经商。习近平主席强调传播可信、可爱、可敬中国形象逻辑顺序中,可信是第一位,也是最难的。国家之间,个人之间,单位之间,交易对手之间,可信是很高的要求。你和谁认识,不等于你信他。金融贸易领域更是如此,如果银行信你,给你贷款就不用你提供抵押,是不是这个道理?(参考 张京宏:《利息伦理和借贷投融资》,经济日报出版社,2019)金融体系授信管理和风控管理系统中,对“信”进行了具体量化。



前两天中国政法大学博士发文,提出五点建议,要解决徐州铁链女事件。关于徐州,我本人在那里学习、工作过,前后八到九年时间我就生活在徐州,分别在泉山区和云龙区(参考 张京宏:《卤阳湖》,长篇小说,天津人民出版社,2021)。徐州因为铁路陇海线大动脉的地位,使得过去许多年以徐州火车站为代表的地方鱼龙混杂,各地人都有。文明和愚昧在人口流动中剧烈冲突。但总体来说,世界在发展,中国在发展,徐州也在发展。一个极端铁链女事件,在世界性冬奥会之机,已经严重影响中国的国际形象,造成巨大损失。无论江苏省调查组在中央代表过问下最终调查结论如何,该事件都要进行查处和问责。尽管这种查处和问责根本无法弥补中国国际形象巨大损失之万一。随着高等教育普及和基层公务人员文化水平提高,以及经济水平发展,铁链女事件滋生的社会土壤将逐步被更加文明法治的社会环境取代,城乡还会进一步更好发展。关于解救铁链女议题,应当相信法律,应当相信天下之正义力量,中央政府和各级地方政府在群众监督下有错必纠,今后这个国家将进一步会提高生产力,提高人民生活水平,提高国际公信力。



Online Lecture at the University of Frankfurt, Germany: Analysis of the International Communication of the Xuzhou Iron Chain Women Incident in China from the Perspective of Marxist Communication

(Chinese and English bilingual version)


Director Ding, representatives of international students in Germany, friends of the Frankfurt Chinese Financial Club, and friends from all over the world:

Germany is the hometown of Marx. Frankfurt is one of the centers of economic and financial development in Germany. About fifteen years ago, twin-screw air compressors, one of the representative products of German industry, came into contact with the city of Frankfurt and the Port of Bremen and the Port of Bremerhaven. There are international trade, imported German compressor head. Both ports belong to the German state of Bremen, about 440 kilometers away from Frankfurt. Fifteen years later, Director Ding bought hundreds of novels "Luoyang Lake" and the financial monograph "Interest Theory and Loan Investment and Financing" on Amazon's international website. At the same time, he asked me to give an online lecture, but he asked me to talk about Xuzhou. The Chain Girl Incident. This is putting me on fire. I'll be fifty years old in a few years, and I've already passed the age of youthful vigour. Therefore, at first I did not agree with Director Ding. It was not until the end of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics that one of your German media, Focus, reported in a not very friendly tone, saying, "It's finally over." I wondered why this happened? Only later did I learn that China spent 3.9 billion US dollars to host the Winter Olympics, and this was not counting the 9.2 billion US dollars invested in the construction of the Zhangjiakou high-speed rail. In terms of international communication, it was seriously affected by a Xuzhou iron chain woman incident. According to global media data, the Xuzhou Iron Chain Women Incident has been spread by more than 10 billion people around the world, and more than 3 billion people are aware of it. Smear China in front of you.




President Xi Jinping pointed out at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on May 31, 2021 that it is necessary to build China's international communication capabilities and export a credible, lovely and respectable image of China to the world. The first edition of People's Daily on June 2, 2021 published a detailed summary of President Xi Jinping's speech. The epidemic has been going on for several years, and the whole country has tightened its belts. The Minister of Finance, Liu Kun, used non-standard Mandarin to report the financial expenditure to the people of the whole country. Since 2019, the central financial expenditure has been reduced by 36%, saying that this is a long-term strategy. A big country with a population of 1.4 billion, under the epidemic, the central government led the fight against the epidemic, anti-corruption, anti-crime, economic construction, cultural construction, and spent so much money on holding the Winter Olympics, also to let the world know more about China, who knows the key At this juncture, an incident of trafficking in women decades ago was amplified to the world through Douyin. Mass communication has a 72-hour golden time rule, which means that if an event is not spoken in time within 72 hours, it may get out of control. The Xuzhou Iron Chain Girl incident quickly fermented through self-media and live broadcasts by netizens, and the spread was out of control. Some Western media and domestic evil forces who are accustomed to bad-mouthing China took the opportunity to stir up trouble, and during the prime time period in the early days of the incident, our powerful domestic public opinion machines collectively pretended to be asleep and focused on covering the Winter Olympics, but they had no idea about the Chain Girl incident. Say a word. It was not until the Xuzhou Iron Chain Women incident had a huge negative impact on China's image and severely smeared China's image internationally that the central government stepped in to deal with it. Various media also reported the news of the establishment of the Jiangsu Provincial Investigation Team only after the central government intervened. This is a huge failure in mass communication and international communication. Such failures are bad for China's image internationally. As some people have said, in addition to the Chinese-American mixed-race Gu Ailing, and the chain girl imprisoned in Xuzhou, which is the portrayal and image representative of the real China? So some people say that Gu Ailing looks like the face of the United States, and has a Chinese hukou. After winning the gold medal, people will go back to the United States to study and develop. Only the Chain Girls will always be in China, so the Chain Girls can represent the real China.

Intellectuals who have systematically studied communication and propaganda know that the Xuzhou Chain Girl is only an individual case and cannot represent the whole of China. This kind of human trafficking and trafficking in women and children exists all over the world, in every country, and in the West. Now this thing is being used to talk about things at the juncture of the Winter Olympics, and it is out of control. This is like the case of sexual slavery all over the world, except for the Luoyang slavery case in Henan, there are also Western countries. Thousands of worlds, all-inclusive.




The basic principles of Marxism tell us that we should look at the problem from the overall perspective, not just the part or magnify it a little. This principle tells us that China is the world's second largest economy as a whole, making important contributions to global peace and stability, and providing important markets and consumer groups for global economic, trade and financial development. In this sense, on the global communication platform of the Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing is a local point, and the Chain Girl is also a local point. The two points convey a very different image of China to the world. In the era of self-media, although the official media vigorously promotes Gu Ailing, in the eyes of the general public, he is also the child of someone on TV, not just an American who has a Chinese hukou, won gold medals and honors for our country, and has his own brand. Endorsements have also earned hundreds of millions. The strong business logic of American is business is the embodiment of the typical American concept of personal development and values. In the eyes of the majority of the people, the Xuzhou Iron Chain Girl is a reality that can be seen around you. It has spread wildly to three or four billion people around the world, so that in the end, the Chinese central government has to come forward and take care of it. What is the cost and consequence? ? The image and face of the Chinese government have been swept away under the influence of the Women in Chains incident. The masses hate human trafficking and abuse of women, and the central government hates these inhumane behaviors. The problem is, the spread is out of control.

Seeking truth from facts is the essence of Marxism after its sinicization. Including the six-level Quartet Conference, which has spread the buzz among billions of people on earth and the media, the handling, especially the handling and dissemination of information, is not adequate. Representatives of the Central Committee went to Xuzhou to convene a special meeting attended by the deputy secretaries of all provinces. In fact, there was no need to hide it. It was originally a meeting to solve problems. After the result was covered up, it was taken out of context by some media with ulterior motives to maliciously vilify the Chinese government and China's image. Rather than that, it's better to be realistic. The methodology of seeking truth from facts contributed to the success of China's revolution and construction, and can of course be used in meetings. What is there to hide? A meeting of more than 500 people is not a conspiracy, it is a problem-solving meeting. The address was in Xuzhou but not held in F county, because F county could not find a large enough conference room. Seek truth from facts, not shameful, but convincing. Once the masses are convinced, the power will be enormous.




The mass line is the magic weapon for the success of the Chinese revolution. Now, the masses have mobile phones, mobile phones have the Internet, and mobile software has live broadcasts and short videos. In the new era, the masses demand to know about public events, and if they can, they should implement the mass line. Otherwise, the masses will vote with their feet.

After the Xuzhou Iron Chain Girl incident fermented, Xuzhou and F County were pulled out by netizens in the financial industry in terms of urban investment bond financing, and various investors refused to invest. Some employers even said that it was a project that was won by Ruan Mo and Hard Buo at the time, but now because of public opinion and value issues, there is no reason to stop it. In the Chinese credit system, contracts are mostly used for breach of contract, and they are not the basis of credit for cooperation in various industries in China. Although Chinese society has made great progress in the credit system and credit environment, there are still huge gaps in the world, including the credit reporting system and the construction of the social credit environment.

The same is true in the field of trade. On online shopping platforms such as Taobao, products from Xuzhou and F County were removed from the shelves for no reason. You could also say that this is a mass movement of the new age. The masses are simple, but the power is as great as the sea. Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is also true. The dissatisfaction of the masses with local governments and grass-roots institutions has migrated to small business owners and merchants.

Germany is the hometown of Marx. I use the analysis method of Marx's life and the analysis method of Marx's "Das Kapital" to analyze the international communication events, which should be acceptable to you. The bronze statue of Marx is also erected on the city square of Trier, Germany.

At the six-level Quartet meeting chaired by representatives of the Central Committee, the speeches of the representatives of the Central Committee adhered to the position of seeking truth from facts as a whole. The representative of the central government told the local party, government, police and medical personnel that the central government protects the calf, but the central government also wants to save face. Local institutions do not perform their duties in accordance with the law, and the central government cannot help you in the face of strong global public opinion. Representatives of the central government severely criticized the local police station for criminally detaining two female netizens. The local police station released the two female netizens shortly after the incident. The two female netizens quickly stated to the people of the country how they were illegally and cruelly tortured by the local police station and were tortured by the local police station. Covering your head and mouth with a schoolbag and almost suffocating, etc., what good is this for the image of the local government? In the media era, everyone may use a mobile phone to broadcast live, simple and rude, threatening the masses, arresting the masses, these bandits lacking political wisdom and political level can only lose their credibility and obliterate their credible and respectable image. The central representative also questioned the local officials, why didn't lawyer Li Zhuang want a marriage photo? The local staff said that the photos did not look like them, so they dared not give them. The representative of the central government said that the four circulars were inconsistency and loopholes, and they were spread all over the world. What is this?

People are saints. The masses want to know the truth about public communication incidents. If you use arrest and threats to deal with them, then the masses can also oppose you. Once the masses rise up against you, you become a tree without roots. The representative of the Central Committee spoke bitterly, and from an overall perspective, it was based on solving problems and controlling the situation that continued to get out of control.




Intellectuals have always been the vanguard of the transformation of China's destiny. After the Xuzhou Iron Chain Women Incident spread to more than 10 billion people around the world, Peking University students launched a joint proposal, Shanghai young women distributed flyers about the incident on Huaihai Road, and Chinese students from New York in the United States held placards to protest in Times Square, New York. You are reasonable to study in Germany, you are just inviting online lectures to express your concern. As we all know, the May 4th Movement in 1919 was initiated by Peking University students, and the 1989 student wave turmoil was also initiated by Peking University students. The intellectuals of all dynasties in China are the most tolerant, but once the intellectual class takes action clearly, this will be a key part of the change in the quantity and quality of the contradictions and movements of things. As an individual case, Xuzhou Iron Chain Girl is out of control to such an extent that it is worth reflecting on and improving the construction of the communication and publicity system. Now the education system requires teachers not to tell students about the chain girl incident in the classroom, but this can't stop them, and there are mobile phones. Quick resolution is the key.

"Father Qing is immortal, but Lu's hardship will never end." In the dissemination and construction of China's international image in the new era, the biggest "Qing father" is China's own communication and construction ability, which is an internal cause. The low political level of grass-roots officials is a direct practical obstacle. In China's economically backward counties, officials rarely have a big picture. "Su Shu" is a Chinese textbook used by Zhang Liang to assist Liu Bang in conquering the world. It says, "Those who do not know will be blocked, those who have lost their way will not return," and also said, "Those with thin soil will not produce great things; those with shallow water will not swim large fish. "In order to improve the political level of grass-roots officials in economically backward areas, it is an important and effective method to exchange and learn with officials from economically developed areas. As for political wisdom, it cannot be learned. Some people are born with personality and EQ and IQ are suitable for politics, and some people are born suitable for business. President Xi Jinping emphasized that in the logical sequence of disseminating a credible, lovely and respectable image of China, credible is the first and the most difficult. Between countries, between individuals, between units, between counterparties, credibility is a very high requirement. Who you know doesn't mean you believe him. This is especially true in the field of finance and trade. If the bank trusts you, it does not require you to provide collateral for a loan. Is this the truth? (Refer to Zhang Jinghong: "Interest Ethics and Loan Investment and Financing", Economic Daily Press, 2019) In the credit management and risk control management system of the financial system, "credit" is specifically quantified.




Two days ago, a doctor from China University of Political Science and Law issued a document, putting forward five suggestions to solve the Xuzhou iron chain girl incident. Regarding Xuzhou, I myself have studied and worked there. I have lived in Xuzhou for eight to nine years, in Quanshan District and Yunlong District respectively (refer to Zhang Jinghong: "Luoyang Lake", novel, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2021 ). Because of Xuzhou's status as the main artery of the railway Longhai Line, the places represented by Xuzhou Railway Station have been mixed for many years, and there are people from all over the world. Civilization and ignorance clash violently in the flow of population. But in general, the world is developing, China is developing, and Xuzhou is also developing. An extreme iron chain woman incident, at the opportunity of the world Winter Olympics, has seriously affected China's international image and caused huge losses. Regardless of the final investigation conclusion of the Jiangsu Provincial Investigation Team under the intervention of the central representative, the incident must be investigated and held accountable. Although such investigation and accountability cannot make up for the huge loss of China's international image. With the popularization of higher education, the improvement of the literacy level of grass-roots public servants, and the development of the economic level, the social soil that breeds the iron chain women incident will gradually be replaced by a more civilized and legal social environment, and the urban and rural areas will further develop better. Regarding the issue of rescuing the women in chains, we should believe in the law and the power of justice in the world. The central government and local governments at all levels must correct their mistakes under the supervision of the masses. In the future, this country will further increase its productivity, improve people's living standards, and raise international standards. credibility.

Finally, thank you for listening to my point of view. Communication is an independent subject system, and Marxism is a powerful theoretical system. The analysis of the Xuzhou Iron Chain Women incident from the perspective of Marxist communication is a special analysis of special events (refer to Shen Zongnan and Zhang Jinghong: "Marketing Communication", World New University Publishing Center, 2010). Just like Gu Ailing does not represent all of China, the Chain Girl is also a case. After the public opinion turmoil is over, and the relevant incidents are dealt with judicially and administratively, the world will be brighter. In 2022, Germany has already taken the lead in the field of new energy. Thermal power generation will be basically replaced by wind power and solar power, reducing carbon emissions and increasing clean energy. This is the direction of learning in the world energy field. Hope to have more exchanges and interactions in the future. thanks. (over)