皮尔斯前男友被确诊患艾滋病 前职棒球星遭起诉
2009-02-13 16:08:01 来源: 网易体育 作者:Janko
前MLB球星罗伯特·阿洛玛因感染典型的艾滋病(full blown AIDS)遭到前女友的起诉。

阿洛玛是法国网球名将皮尔斯的前男友,两人于2001年分手。2002年,阿洛玛开始和伊亚·达尔(Ilya Dall)约会,两人在没有任何保护措施的情况下发生关系。2006年,阿洛玛被检测出携带HIV病毒,后来医生告诉他被确诊患用AIDS。
前女友达尔称虽然她的检查结果是阴性的,不过她要求阿洛玛对她所造成的精神损失进行赔偿。尽管两人在发生无保护措施的关系时,阿洛玛对自己患病与否并不知情,但当时医生曾建议他去做艾滋病检测。不过阿洛玛拖延了检查时间,并告诉达尔说自己并没有得病。达尔还回忆说,2004年时她曾注意到阿洛玛长有唇疱疹(cold sores),第二年他被查出患有血液病,这些症状都与艾滋病的发病症状相似。之后其他发病症状也开始呈现出来,慢性干咳、疲劳。
(本文来源:网易体育 作者:Janko)
Pierce, former boyfriend was diagnosed with AIDS before being sued for professional baseball players
2009-02-13 16:08:01 Source: Netease Sport Author: Janko
Sports Netease reported February 13:
Former MLB star Roberto Alomar had been infected with AIDS, a typical (full blown AIDS) was the prosecution of ex-girlfriend.
This year is the 41-year-old Alomar has been nominated 12 times All-Star line-up, 10 times Gold Glove award, the 90's are known as the greatest second baseman in 2005, announced his retirement.
Alomar Pierce tennis players are France's former boyfriend, the two parted in 2001. In 2002, the beginning and伊亚达尔Alomar (Ilya Dall) appointments, both in the absence of any protective measures the relationship happen. In 2006, Alomar was detected carrying HIV virus, and later told doctors he was diagnosed with suffering from AIDS.
Darfur ex-girlfriend although she said the test results are negative, but she asked Alomar to her mental anguish caused by compensation. Although the two measures of protection in the event of no ties, Alomar of their illness or did not know, but the doctors have advised him to do AIDS testing. But Alomar delayed clearance time, and told Dahl that he did not get sick. Darfur is also recalled that in 2004, she had noted the long Alomar has herpes labialis (cold sores), the second year he was diagnosed with blood diseases, these symptoms are similar to AIDS symptoms. After other symptoms have also begun to show, chronic dry cough, fatigue.
Doctor has said that Alomar was diagnosed very early in fact carrying HIV virus, but he has refused to admit their illness.
(This article Source: Netease Sport Author: Janko)
2009-02-13 16:08:01 Source: Netease Sport Author: Janko
Sports Netease reported February 13:
Former MLB star Roberto Alomar had been infected with AIDS, a typical (full blown AIDS) was the prosecution of ex-girlfriend.
This year is the 41-year-old Alomar has been nominated 12 times All-Star line-up, 10 times Gold Glove award, the 90's are known as the greatest second baseman in 2005, announced his retirement.
Alomar Pierce tennis players are France's former boyfriend, the two parted in 2001. In 2002, the beginning and伊亚达尔Alomar (Ilya Dall) appointments, both in the absence of any protective measures the relationship happen. In 2006, Alomar was detected carrying HIV virus, and later told doctors he was diagnosed with suffering from AIDS.
Darfur ex-girlfriend although she said the test results are negative, but she asked Alomar to her mental anguish caused by compensation. Although the two measures of protection in the event of no ties, Alomar of their illness or did not know, but the doctors have advised him to do AIDS testing. But Alomar delayed clearance time, and told Dahl that he did not get sick. Darfur is also recalled that in 2004, she had noted the long Alomar has herpes labialis (cold sores), the second year he was diagnosed with blood diseases, these symptoms are similar to AIDS symptoms. After other symptoms have also begun to show, chronic dry cough, fatigue.
Doctor has said that Alomar was diagnosed very early in fact carrying HIV virus, but he has refused to admit their illness.
(This article Source: Netease Sport Author: Janko)