2009年11月 威尔鑫首席分析师 杨易君
目前投资性金条零售市场应该是 “乱市”出英雄,“乱市”树品牌的阶段。企业应该尽可能自己把握原材料采购,以及原材料保值的市场操作风险,降低投资人交易成本。把投资性金条的零售市场做出品牌,通过薄利多销做大,而不是简单追求利润率做强。比如我有100家门店,每家年盈利300万,年总计就是3亿盈利。而如果我总计10家门店,每家年盈利800万,利润也只有8000万。所以,对目前投资性金条的零售市场,我认为企业应该将做大、做品牌占领市场放在首位,而不是简单追求市场混沌中的零售暴利。黄金是最同质化的金融商品,当市场逐渐成熟后,投资人知道该怎样进行理性选择。可能有的企业会忧虑资金周转,但银行应该非常乐意接受黄金抵押贷款。故与银行建立灵活的黄金抵押合作应该能够解决企业资金流动问题。
Status Quo & Development Suggestions for China's Gold Market
Yang Yijun, Chief analyst of Wellxin Investment Consultation Company Limited, October 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very delightful today to discuss about the development prospect of both gold sector and gold market. Since my job is closely connected with the gold trading market, I’d like to share some ideas with you about the present conditions of domestic gold market, in the hope that my suggestions could contribute to the development of China’s gold market.
Current composition of China's gold market
China's gold market is currently composed of the following major markets: Shanghai Gold Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange, paper gold of banks, investment gold bars of gold merchants, various kinds of commemorative gold bars, unshaped domestic market makers, OTC transaction of overseas gold markets in China. Of which, the unshaped domestic market maker together with the OTC transaction of overseas gold markets in China are currently defined as gray market, which are neither regulated nor protected by legislations. Generally speaking, a complete variety of gold markets are available domestically. However, the above-mentioned markets are yet not perfect to a certain extent, which need to be improved further. Meanwhile, the gray gold market is required to be regulated and supplemented by the introduction of a new market.
Firstly, Lets have a look at the present conditions of Shanghai Gold Exchange
At the present, the gold investment vehicle of almost all varieties have been introduced in Shanghai Gold Exchange, with its trading hours basically in line with that in Europe and America, this is critically imp
However, the client funds management mode currently adopted by the gold exchange seems more suitable for institutional investors principally represented by corporate members. AU999 and AU9999 gold transactions are mainly conducted in domestic spot market. AU(T+D) transaction provides hedging for spot market on the on
Though individual investors are allowed conditional access to gold products on the exchange, proactive approaches to fully individual participation are still far from enough, mainly attributing to the theoretical credit risks involved with individual investor's account management. Currently, individual funds earmarked for gold products transaction are directly transferred to the accounts of corporate investor members or agency institutions, rather than the separately managed funds trust similar to securities and futures trade. Accordingly, if brokerage firms entrusted by individual investors are hit by operating crisis, the individual investor concerned will likely be left stranded in credit risks. No domestic credit dispute has emerged up to now, but if on
I personally recommend three solutions:
Firstly, the trading & settlement system dedicated to individual funds management should be improved by the gold exchange, and a subsystem specifically targeted on individual settlement should be set up under the settlement system of corporate investor members. Commercial banks act as an independent third-party funds custodian.
Secondly, based on the existing platform, corporate investor members interested in gold brokerage business are required to establish cooperative relations with local commercial banks or local banks. As an independent third-party client funds custodian, the bank shall carry out non-indebted funds settlement on a daily basis, so as to guard against credit risks arising from misappropriation of client funds by corporate investor members.
Thirdly, given that financial corporate investor members, mainly commercial banks, generally enjoy favorable credit standing, it is suggested that commercial banks with higher credit rating engage in gold brokerage business, if the above-mentioned two approaches fail to be applied. Nevertheless, apart from the brokerage business, relevant advisory service is always rendered by non-financial corporate investor members on the exchange currently, which could better facilitate a healthy development of such market. Therefore, I recommend the first solution first, then the second and the third solution last.
Gold futures on Shanghai Futures Exchange
Gold futures is just on
At the present, some new investors and speculators, partly diverted from other futures market, have been attracted into the gold futures market. The gold futures on Shanghai Futures Exchange has successively addressed the problem of credit risks relating to client funds trust, specifically speaking, commercial banks act as the third-party funds custodian for individual investors. However, there exists a relatively serious defect in the trading mode, that is, the trading hours of gold futures cannot keep pace with that prevalent in Europe and America, which makes investors more susceptible to greater uncertainty risks in market control. If this problem is solved, the gold futures on Shanghai Futures Exchange will enjoy much greater development potential. In conclusion, the gold exchange should learn from the futures exchange about investor's funds trust mode, while the futures exchange should learn from the gold exchange about trading hours. As far as the later-stage market development is concerned, whether it be a direct introduction of international market maker or opening up international gold futures market, it is mainly designed to strengthen the development of foreign markets. We, however, should concentrate efforts on the growth and improvement of our own market.
Paper gold of banks
The paper gold has been introduced almost by all the commercial banks, with 24-hour continuous service rendered nowadays. As a market maker of paper gold, the bank acts as a seller for all the buyers on the on
Since the paper gold is also classified as a market-making trade, risks hedging might be applied to client's net position. Currently, on
If any supplement is necessitated for the trading mode of paper gold, that will be bear operation mechanism. The non-margin bear operation mechanism of paper gold, on
Investment gold bars
All kinds of investment gold bars have increasingly emerged along with the gradually heated gold investment in China, mainly including the investment gold bars either from banks or gold merchants. Investment gold bars differ from each other in terms of marketing channels, trading mode and pricing mechanism, e.g. some gold bars are sold in banks, shopping malls or gold merchants’ shops, some can be repurchased after sales, but some not. Additionally, various investment gold bars are priced differently in spite of the same quality, of which many green-hand investors are yet unaware in the gold market, since they simply believe that the gold bar of various kinds are identical to each other, not realizing that the gold price can be variable in different shops. Generally speaking, the bid-ask spread for domestic investment gold bars is relatively large, which is unfair for investors. Investors have found squeeze on profit margins increasingly difficult because the transaction cost of some investment gold bars has exceeded RMB10 yuan/g, as a result of which the further market growth of investment gold bars has been discouraged to some extent. Reasons behind such phenomenon lie in the fact that companies have passed on their market operation risks completely to investors, or they are merely striving for immediate huge profit amidst the market turbulence.
Against the background of unfavorable retail market for investment gold bars, it is wise of companies to build up their own famous brands, that is, tougher companies for tougher times. The companies themselves should rein in risks involved with raw materials purchasing and hedging, in an effort to reduce investor’s transaction cost. Meanwhile, they should blaze a trail with brand consciousness in the retail market of investment gold bars by expanding operation scale based on small profits and quick returns, rather than blindlessly striving for higher profit margins. For example, if I opened 100 shops, with each earning RMB 3 million yuan, then the combined profit totals RMB300 million yuan annually. In contrast, if I just opened 10 shops, with each making a profit of RMB 8 million yuan, then the combined profit reaches on
Commemorative gold bars
Nowadays, investors find it increasingly difficult to acquire investment premium with collection value from commemorative gold bars. Additionally, the non-governmental market for commemorative gold bars is very immature, as evidenced by the fact that commemorative gold bars are usually traded between distributors and investors, whereas seldom seen among investors. The investment gold bar is repurchased by distributors merely as gold metal, with the collection premium of commemorative gold bars not reflected at all, that is to say, the collection premium has not yet been acknowledged by distributors. The commemorative gold bar is required to be produced by national legitimate mints or companies specifically designated by China’s government in memory of certain historical events.
There should exist investment premium for commemorative gold bars in memory of certain subjects, however, a free market is currently absent for commemorative gold bars and gold coins. It is therefore recommended that the issuer of commemorative gold bars and gold coins should focus attention on development of such a free market.
Unshaped domestic market maker & OTC transaction of overseas gold market in China
Regulation and development of this market are most required from my point of view. The present market-making mode in China mainly finds its expr
In addition, the margin trading mode with variable leverage ratios adopted by some domestic gold merchants, together with OTC transactions of some particular overseas markets by way of on-line trading in China are commonly known as gray market, since they are neither protected by Chinese legislations nor regulated by supervisory authorities concerned. However, it is just this so-called gray market that remained attractive for years. My company receives many calls from investors every day inquiring about OTC margin trading platform, which, of course, we don’t recommend to them. The advantages and disadvantages of such platform are listed as follows:
In respect of disadvantages, the biggest disadvantage of OTC margin trading mode is the credit risk resulting from absent legislative supervision. As far as the OTC market making mode in China is concerned, the credit risk mainly lies in the following facts: firstly, the domestic market maker generally cannot reach the threshold of capital fund as necessarily required for financial market makers; Secondly, the market-making trade can be easily influenced by the mixed operation of market maker itself, that is, the market makers spontaneously formed by domestic gold merchants are not very capable to withstand unexpected risks, so investors engaged in such platform will be vulnerable to relatively greater credit risks. When it comes to OTC transactions of overseas gold market in China, the major credit risk lies in that no legal protection is available in case of disputes, because Chinese legislation is possibly invalid. Additionally, too many intermediate links also have investor exposed to greater credit risks.
In respect of advantages, as a necessary supplement to on-exchange transactions, the OTC market making mode is flexible and more effective, with 24-hour continuous service rendered conveniently and flexibly.
Investors have found this kind of trading mode particularly appealing, however, China’s government has been blocking up the waves and tides of it over recent years, rather than providing regulation and guidance through active establishment of relevant platforms. To my knowledge, the OTC gray market is not rooted out despite governmental efforts, and at least 90% of companies involved in gold trade have access to overseas gold trade between 2005 and 2008. The OTC gold trading volume in gray market outnumbers on-exchange trade in China to a substantially greater extent, and the gray market today also possibly doesn’t compare unfavorably with Shanghai Futures Exchange and Shanghai Gold Exchange combined in terms of gold trading volume.
Such a market is therefore necessitated to satisfy the further growth demand of gold market, rather than simply blocking it up. Establishment of such a market seems inevitable if China’s gold market is to be fully internationalized with gold pricing power.
The disadvantage can be easily controlled if such a market is established. Commercial banks are the best solution, whose sufficient capital fund and credit guarantee are essential prerequisites for the establishment of such platform. In addition, Shanghai Gold Exchange can cooperate with commercial banks to set up such a market. The OTC gold margin trading mode with 30 times leverage ratio was on
Here comes a question: could the gold trade on Shanghai Futures Exchange and Shanghai Gold Exchange be discouraged by OTC market growth? Of course not. I have previously mentioned that the daily trading volume of Shanghai gold futures and Shanghai spot gold combined merely accounts for approximate on
My speech is ended here today. Considering that I have been long devoted to the frontier of gold investment sector, with more focus placed on market phenomena and conditions than market development, therefore I would appreciate your kind understanding if my ideas conflict with your interests and opinions. I do hope to communicate with you on gold trading market.
Wellxin Investment Consultation Company Limited
Tel. for consultation: 028-86128733;028-66719233
Website: www.wellxin.com
Yang Yijun
Chief analyst of Wellxin Investment Consultation Company Limited in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China
Mr. Yang has delivered many lectures on gold investment separately sponsored by China Merchants Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, gold merchants, TV stations, newspaper offices, etc. Mr. Yang is also a special contributor for Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Journal, International Finance New, China Precious Metals, South Daily, Financial Investment and Chinese Business News. Additionally, as China’s senior contributing author on gold trade sector, Mr. Yang has had many articles released in China Business, Beijing Daily, Beijing Evening News, Beijing Youth Daily, First Financial Daily, Liaoshen Evening News, Yangcheng Evening News, Shenzhen Business, Sina website, Sohu website, Netease website, People’s Daily On
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