


    来源∶健康报 2010。03。18
  本报讯  (记者冯立中  陈  旭  通讯员徐晓敏)艾滋病和结核病易相生相伴。近年来,安徽省实施为期3年的艾滋病、结核病双重感染控制项目,取得了较好效果。该省近日公布的统计数据显示,到2009年年底,该省7个试点县共检出双重感染病人244名。经过有针对性的治疗,双重感染患者的涂阳肺结核治愈率达到78.2%。





來源∶健康報 2010。03。18




AIDS and tuberculosis Yi closely linked to
Solution of problems of double infection in Anhui initial success
Source: Health News 2010. 03.18
(Reporter correspondent Xiao-Min Xu Chen Xu Feng Li in) AIDS and tuberculosis, accompanied by easy to Aioi. In recent years, Anhui Province, the implementation of a 3-year AIDS, TB co-infection control project, and achieved good results. Recently, the province released statistics show that by the end of 2009, the province's seven pilot counties were found in 244 patients with dual infections. Through targeted therapy in patients with dual infections cure rate of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis reached 78.2%.

AIDS and tuberculosis are associated with disease, the lesions in patients with dual infection may accelerate the process, leading to rapid deterioration of illness and death. At present, tuberculosis control and AIDS prevention and control belong to different departments, in the past few co-operation between the two. From the end of 2006, Anhui Fuyang, Suzhou, Huaibei, Bozhou 4 City seven counties of AIDS, TB co-infection prevention and control projects. Key strategies adopted by the project are: out-patient newly registered TB control of TB patients for free HIV antibody testing and found that HIV-infected persons; in HIV-infected people and patients for free TB screening, the detection of tuberculosis patients; pairs found in the double infection in a timely manner free of anti-TB treatment and anti-AIDS treatment, while patients treated dual transport subsidies.

After three years of hard work, a total of seven pilot counties TB control clinic in the 14302 pairs of newly discovered TB patients HIV antibody testing, was found positive in 41; in 2376 follow-up of HIV-positive persons for TB screening, 203 TB patients was found. Local health departments to identify pairs of dual infection were targeted therapies.

According to TB control experts from Anhui Province, at present, prevention and treatment of heavy infections there are still many difficulties. For example, anti-TB control institutions and Ai cooperation agencies; dual therapy side effects of medicines to enhance problem; the treatment of immune reconstitution syndrome occurring problems; patients with poor dependence. Related technologies are making countermeasures research.


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