
彭博社报道 - 中国自1950年以来最强烈的地震显示,这个国家的保险业与世界上其他经济大国的同业相比要落后数十年。




The Earthquake Shows China's Insurance Industry Is Left Behind

Bloomberg - The most powerful earthquake in China since 1950 shows the nation‘s insurance industry is decades behind those of the world‘s biggest economies.

Just 5 percent of the more than $20 billion of damage from the quake in Sichuan province is covered by insurance, according to estimates from an official at the China Insurance Regulatory Commission.

By contrast, about half of the $120 billion of estimated costs from Hurricane Katrina, the most expensive storm in U.S. history, was insured by companies or the federal government, data compiled by analysts at Jersey City, New Jersey- based Property Claim Services show.

“The earthquake underscores how much room insurers have to penetrate into rural China,” said Zhang Ling, who oversees $1.1 billion for ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co. from Beijing. “There‘ll be much more momentum and government support to do that after this year‘s natural disasters.”