















1)勿以恶小而为之、勿以善小而不为=Never do evil deed no matter how trifling.The worst is behindOf one ill come many.

2)从善如流=Follow what is good as constantly and smoothly as a stream.To follow virtue like its shadowNever be weary of well doing.

3)正其谊不谋其利=In doing things, act according to reason and not to profit.He that follows nature will never be out of his way.


     修身要慎独,"莫见乎隐,莫显乎微,故君子慎其独也"(《礼记•中庸》),要不欺暗室,"芝兰生于深林,不以无人而不芳"(《孔子家语•在厄》)。做人要堂堂正正,"仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人"(《孟子•尽心上》)。修身在于养性,"皓齿蛾眉,命曰伐性之斧" (汉枚乘《七发》)。要安心立命,顺天者昌,逆天者亡:

1)慎独,不欺暗室=Man should be true to his conscience when alone.Good conscience is a continual feast.

2)芝兰生于深林,不以无人而不芳=The bletilla stay fragrant even in a deep mountain forest whether or not there are people who appreciate them.Do on the hill as you would do in the hall.

(3)仰不愧于天=I am not morally ashamed of myself before God or manThe conscience is a thousand witnesses.

4)安心立命=To resign oneself to one's fate and make peace with God.Let everymen be content with his own level.

5)顺天者昌,逆天者亡=He who follows Heaven will proper, while he who acts against Heaven's will perish.He that follows nature is never out of his way.


6)性相近,习相远≈Birth is much, but breeding is more.Nurture and good manners maketh man.Nurture is above nature.

7)学而不思则罔=Getting at the truth of what you have learned requires meditation Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.A mere scholar, a mere ass.

8)朝闻道夕死可矣=If a man learns truth in the morning, he may die in the evening without regret The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

9)不怨天不尤人=Whatever happens, one must not quarrel with providence or blame others. Do well and have wellDo well and doubt no man;

10)过则勿惮改=Don't hesitate to correct an error. Never too late to mend a mistake


11)其身不正,虽令不从=If the top person behaves correctly, all others will follow.If the staff be crooked, the shadow cannot be straight.Like master, like man.

12)克己复礼为仁=Control selfish desire and return to civil waysHe get a double victory who conquers himself.

13)杀身以成仁=To practice virtue at the sacrifice of oneself.A candle lights others and consumes itself.

14)巧言令色鲜有仁=Fine words and flattering looks lack sincerity.A honey tongue, a heart of gall.

15)己所不欲勿施于人=Don't do to others what you would not wish them do to you.Do as you would be done by.

16)知者不惑;勇者不惧=A wise man never wavers, a brave man never fears. The resolved mind has no cares.

17)知者乐水,仁者乐山=The virtuous mind is as calm as the mountain, free from earthly worries.Virtue is the beauty of the mind.Our peace shall stand as firm as rocky mountainsA quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.

18)过犹不及=To go too far is not to go far enoughMore than enough is too much . Too much a good thing is good for nothing.


19)有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎=What better pleasure is there than a visit from an old friend from afar?It's merry when friends meet.Old friends, and old wine, and old gold are best.

20)君子和而不同=A man of virtue sings in unison but never echoes another's word.One must draw the line somewhereHe keeps his road well enough who gets rid of bad company.

21)人无远虑,必有近忧=If one takes no thought about what is distant, he shall find sorrow near at handOne good forewit is better than two afterwits.Forecast is better than work-hard. Forewarned is forearmed.


22)青出于蓝胜于蓝≈The scholar may be better than the master.

23)蓬生麻中,不扶自直≈Keep good men company, and you shall be of the number.


24)合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于累土≈Great oaks from little acorn grow

25)大道废,有仁义;国家昏乱,有忠臣 Ill manners produce good laws;

26)信言不美,美言不信=Truth has no need of rhetoricAll are not friends that speak us fair.

