
www.fjsen.com 2011-05-11 06:46  鲍娜 陈虹冰 来源:东南网    




东南网-海峡导报5月11日讯(本网记者 鲍娜 通讯员 陈虹冰/文 张向阳/图)没开设专门诊室时,来咨询或做检测的倒不少;可挂牌开设了专门诊室后,却一下子冷清了。记者昨天了解到,厦门市妇幼保健院的艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)门诊在半个月前正式挂牌后,只接诊了一位咨询者。



“看来问题可能还真就出在这块牌子上!”陈医生分析,造成病患稀少的原因,除了宣传较少之外,很多人对于门诊牌上 “艾滋病”三个字很顾忌,担心被别人看到从这个诊室进出,所以挂牌之后,便出现咨询的患者反倒一下子没有了的“怪现象”。


艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复



红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




中国青年网 健康频道








Hospital outpatient HIV voluntary counseling and testing embarrassing phenomenon
Bing Chen Hong Bao Na www.fjsen.com 2011-05-11 06:46 Source: Southeast Network
Southeast Network - Channel News Herald May 11 (Ben Wang Chen Hong Bao Na correspondent ice / Wen Zhang Xiangyang / Chart) did not open a special clinic when to consult or do a lot of testing down; can be listed on a special clinic set up after But suddenly deserted. Reporter learned yesterday, Xiamen City, MCH HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) clinic in the two weeks before the official listing, the only reception of a consultant.

Xiamen, women and children VCT clinics, providing HIV prevention, treatment and policy relevant knowledge, do not charge consulting fees, and in consultation with the premise voluntarily provide HIV antibody testing services.

Consulting room can be opened in two weeks, and only ushered in a consultant, the hospital a little puzzled. "We have such a service before, but not listed on a special clinic set up." Maternal and child preventive health care, Xiamen Branch Dr Chan said that before to many people to consult, and in order to protect their privacy, so the hospital to find special listed on a separate consulting room clinic. Unexpectedly, a hanging card, the patient hand, no more.

"It seems the problem may really lies in this sign!" Dr Chan analysis, resulting in few patients because, in addition to less than publicity, many people are out-board "AIDS" in the name is very reluctant, worried to be seen out of this clinic, so the listing after the consultation patients will occur once gone hand, the "strange phenomenon."

Xiamen MCH staff, the establishment of VCT clinics, including one of the important functions is to provide consulting services to facilitate the residents and to keep abreast of mobile population to HIV prevention, treatment and policy knowledge, and this consultation process is all free, but also completely confidential. In addition, only in consultation with the premise of voluntary, the hospital had just provide HIV antibody testing services. Therefore, the patient does not need to complete this treatment psychological concerns. The hospital said the next step will be to increase promotional efforts, according to the actual admissions case, Waste Management introduced or improved a number of convenient measures to VCT clinics play a role in preventing the spread of AIDS, reduce HIV on individuals, families and social impacts, to maximize the detection of HIV infected persons and AIDS patients, and provide timely treatment and care.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:198    更新时间:2011-5-12    文章录入:nnb ]