大耳朵FAITH口语课堂-天天学NO.274 话题: 你业余时间做什么?



第274课 话题: 你业余时间做什么?

美丽的一天又迎来了我们新的一课。大家好,欢迎Faith口语课堂-天天学的新老学员们,我是Faith老师, What do you usually do in your spare time/free time? 你在业余时间通常都做些什么呢?这就是今天的话题;

a. I like hanging out with my friends. We usually get together on weekends, going to a restaurant, or a dance club, sometimes we go to a karaoke bar. 

我喜欢和朋友在一起。 我们通常在周末聚会,去去餐厅或舞厅,有时候去唱唱卡拉OK。

b. I do Face-book in most of my free time. And I also like partying.

我的大部分业余时间全泡在Face book上了。我也喜欢参加派队。

c. I barely have any free time. But If I do have a little time occasionally, I like to stay with my kids. 


d. Well, I learn English, read some fashion magazines, write to my friends, or watch movies. Also I go to gym once a week. 

我嘛,我学英语,读些时尚杂志,给我的朋友写写信,或看看电影。 我一个星期还会去一次健身房。

e. As for me, I watch Korean movies and English movies. I am also fond of listening to English songs, especially pop songs. And I also enjoy reading books. 


f. Sometimes I go to internet cafe. Sometimes, I read books, now, I have read "Who moved my cheese?” I think it can give us a great help in our life if we are able to make the most of it.


g. Sometimes I listen to music, and sometimes I surf on the internet to find some interesting friends online, it is so funny.


h. For me now I simply go to bed early cause I’m very tired. I need more time to rest. But I usually work out in my spare time. I practice yoga every day for at least 1 hour. 


i. I think we depend on computers so much in modern life. As you see, we often stay at home, just rarely go out or exercise. When I stay at home, for the most part, I listen to music, then surf on the Internet. Does it mean I'm lazy? 


j. I’m a typical couch potato; I spend almost all my spare time in front of TV.


Well, I’m as busy as a bee. I don’t think I could find myself more free time, but I manage to squeeze a little time from my tight schedule to listen to music or accompany my son. (我呀,就像小蜜蜂一样忙。我真的很难找出更多的业余时间,但我还是努力从忙碌的安排中挤出点时间听听音乐,或陪陪儿子。) 课后欢迎登陆大耳朵英语网站Faithradio播客:http://oral.ebigear.com/mypodcastlist-3065994-1.html, 与其它听众一起互动学习本课内容,告诉我们“What do you usually do in your spare time”。让我们一起学好英语吧!这里是Faith口语课堂-天天学,我是Faith老师,Jagged Edge正在对一个女人唱着这首歌: Let’s get married, if I were the girl, I would definitely say “YES”…