请记住Neil French 关于伟大的木象雕刻匠的故事“创造完美大象的秘诀是,去掉所有不是大象的部分(His secret for making perfect elephants was to cut away everything that was not elephant)”
igger things, and paint bigger pictures)除非我们知道什么是百年老店的“IDEA”,否则我们很难判断某个公司的“IDEA”是好还是坏(Unless we have a sense of what an idea is it is very hard to say whether
igger things, and paint bigger pictures)除非我们知道什么是百年老店的“IDEA”,否则我们很难判断某个公司的“IDEA”是好还是坏(Unless we have a sense of what an idea is it is very hard to say whether
百年老店不可能任何一个人都说它好,它只是适合某些人的偏好,这些人有更大的思想,做更大的事,画更大的画(… is not for everybody. It is for those who think bigger thoughts, do bigger things, and paint bigger pictures)
年老店的故事,那就是“创造百年老店的秘诀是,去掉所有不是百年老店的部分”!百年老店不可能任何一个人都说它好,它只是适合某些人的偏好,这些人有更大的思想,做更大的事,画更大的画(… is not for everybody. It is for those who think bigger thoughts, do b除非我们知道什么是百年老店的“IDEA”,否则我们很难判断某个公司的“IDEA”是好还是坏(请记住Neil French 关于伟大的木象雕刻匠的故事“创造完美大象的秘诀是,去掉所有不是大象的部分(His secret for making perfect elephants was to cut away everything that was not elephant)” 请记住像宝洁、IBM这样一些百Unless we have a sense of what an idea is it is
very hard to say whether any one idea is good or bad年老店的故事,那就是“创造百年老店的秘诀是,去掉所有不是百年老店的部分”!百年老店不可能任何一个人都说它好,它只是适合某些人的偏好,这些人有更大的思想,做更大的事,画更大的画(… is not for everybody. It is for those who think bigger thoughts, do b)
做一家百年老店的秘诀是,想象一家公司是一条鱼,那么,请“变成鱼年老店的故事,那就是“创造百年老店的秘诀是,去掉所有不是百年老店的部分”!百年老店不可能任何一个人都说它好,它只是适合某些人的偏好,这些人有更大的思想,做更大的事,画更大的画(… is not for everybody. It is for those who think bigger thoughts, do b, 而不是看着鱼”Being a Fish, Not Seeing a Fish