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WANG Lin Hong: AIDS prevention, mother to child transmission of syphilis progress
www.xtata.com Posted :2011 -09-23 Source: Tencent
Women, syphilis and AIDS virus (HIV) infection, through mother to child transmission during pregnancy can cause adverse pregnancy outcomes. Maternal and child health at the Fourth Conference of China, the Chinese Center for Disease Control Maternal and Child Health Center Director Wang Linhong introduced to prevent AIDS, the progress of mother to child transmission of syphilis, to conduct joint prevention of maternal transmission of HIV infection and syphilis to provide integrated services for reference.

Mother to child transmission of syphilis in pregnancy, the impact of HIV

Prof Wang said: "The collaboration with the general population the same mechanism of action, women can also occur during pregnancy and syphilis co-infected with HIV, some studies show that 8% -11% of pregnant women co-infected. HIV-infected women, and divorce , single, widowed more susceptible to syphilis. women aged 20-24 the highest incidence of syphilis, the number of sexual partners associated with syphilis infection. "

Syphilis and HIV co-infection during pregnancy may be attached or by the combined effects of increased incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes. For example, syphilis can cause pathological changes in the placenta, such as chronic inflammatory changes, villous atrophy and focal necrosis, destruction of the maternal-fetal circulation of the vascular endothelial cells, thus affecting fetal growth and development, and increased mother to child transmission of HIV . And because syphilis increased preterm birth, also increased the risk of mother to child transmission of HIV.

Pregnant women should seek testing and counseling services related to

Medical and health institutions at all levels should be combined with maternal health and midwifery services to carry out testing and counseling services, testing for all pregnant women take the initiative and consulting services, product acceptance in the initial period of maternal care, while providing AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B-related detection, clear infection as soon as possible, provide early intervention.

Women receiving antiretroviral treatment should avoid pregnancy

Professor Wang said that if anti-viral therapy is in pregnancy, women should pay attention, try to provide appropriate and effective contraceptive methods as part of antiretroviral therapy in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, keeping in mind, antiviral drugs and hormonal method of contraception there is a potential interaction between the anti-viral treatment may reduce the contraceptive effectiveness.

Early detection of syphilis in pregnancy

Maternal child transmission of syphilis can occur, leading to spontaneous abortion, stillbirth and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Studies have shown that 50% of untreated syphilis can cause acute adverse pregnancy outcomes. They must be detected early syphilis, all pre-marital, pre-pregnancy care and pre-pregnancy check women for syphilis prevention knowledge to counseling and syphilis, syphilis infection in women for their sexual partners should be mobilized / spouse for testing.

For already pregnant women, prenatal care should be for every pregnant women and their sexual partners, risk behavior assessment, to promote their high-risk behavior change, emphasizing the use of condoms during pregnancy, safe sex, the importance of avoiding syphilis infection during pregnancy. All (or have the time) of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as late miscarriage, stillbirth, delivery of pregnant women had syphilis gentile, etc. to conduct syphilis testing. There are all suffering from sexually transmitted infections and HIV-infected pregnant women to confirm syphilis testing, and to mobilize their sexual partners for testing.

China's current strategy of mother to child transmission prevention

From 453 counties (cities) has been extended to 1156 counties (cities), now mother to child transmission of work into existing maternal and child health and reproductive health services to, the medical institutions active detection and screening (PITC) service applications in maternal screening.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-9-24    文章录入:nnb ]