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图示∶2011年5月正式出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构事迹 |

Infected with both HIV and hepatitis B she can to children?
. Xtata.com Posted :2011 -09-21 Source: Sohu
Women infected with both HIV and hepatitis B, but also to children? September 20, at the regional health department in 2011, "Use of tenofovir during pregnancy" issue at the start, AIDS experts say, is possible. Currently there are many countries in the international use of tenofovir drug for HIV-infection (HIV) and hepatitis B (HBV) in pregnant women, PMTCT, and the drug of our HIV-HBV co-infection in pregnant women is applicable? U.S. disease control experts will carry out clinical research in Guangxi.
Tenofovir (tenofovir fumarate two imidacloprid furosemide esters) is produced by the U.S. Gilead Sciences Inc. of new nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), HIV-1 by inhibiting the activity of reverse transcriptase inhibit HIV replication. The drug is the World Health Organization (WHO) HIV treatment guidelines recommend first-line antiretroviral AIDS drugs. Currently in the country was listed as second-line antiretroviral therapy free AIDS drugs.
CDC experts in regional anti-Ai Liu told reporters that tenofovir is not only a role for HIV, hepatitis B virus, also are effective. Infected pregnant women in pregnancy after 24 weeks of use, is currently used in dozens of countries worldwide hepatitis, HIV co-infection antiviral drugs.
HIV mother to child transmission is one of three kinds of transmission. In the case of non-intervention, mothers pass the virus to the baby's chance of 30% -40%, and effective intervention may be the chance of infection control at 2%. During pregnancy, the chance of mother to child transmission is 25% -40%. All HIV-infected pregnant women, if you are ready to continue the pregnancy should be given anti-viral therapy; in childbirth, the risk of mother to child transmission of up to 60% -75%, prolonged labor and birth trauma will increase the chance of infection; breastfeeding also has the risk of HIV transmission, the chance of infection, 10% -20%, so the pregnancy is necessary for PMTCT.
According to reports, this study will last three years, drawing on advanced experience of foreign countries, give full play to women and children in Guangxi and the disease control agency network advantages within the region to explore more economical and convenient AIDS, hepatitis B PMTCT new methods and new technologies the establishment of effective prevention and treatment of special populations for this service model.