1、 近期内(3至6个月)体重减轻10%以上,且持续发热达38摄氏度。
2、 近期内(3至6个月)体重减轻10%以上,且持续腹泻(每日达3至5次)一个月以上。
3、 卡氏肺囊虫肺炎。
4、 卡波氏肉瘤。
5、 明显的真菌或其他机会性感染。

艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复
图示∶2011年5月正式出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构事迹 |

HIV testing is important
Posted: 2011-9-23 | Source: Peace Health Network
In recent years, because the more open society, people living with AIDS in parts of emerging, high-risk behavior of people who do HIV testing has become very necessary. HIV tests do not only respect for their own health, more relatives and friends is responsible for the health and even life.
HIV testing is the use of laboratory methods for human blood, other body fluids, tissues and organs, blood derivatives, such as the AIDS virus, HIV-related immune parameters and testing. HIV testing methods: antibody detection, antigen detection, nucleic acid testing, virus isolation.
China is currently the diagnostic criteria of AIDS: HIV antibody blood test, but also has the following symptoms in any one person, can be diagnosed as AIDS.
1, in the near future (3 to 6 months) weight loss over 10%, and persistent fever of 38 degrees Celsius.
2, in the near future (3 to 6 months) weight loss over 10%, and persistent diarrhea (up to 3 to 5 times per day) more than a month.
3, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
4, Kaposi's sarcoma.
5, obvious fungal or other opportunistic infections.
HIV testing costs generally ranging from tens to hundreds. 6 weeks or detect most people do not need testing. If screening is positive, the diagnosis needs to be done cost is very high, at least a few hundred pieces. HIV viral load measured relatively more expensive, generally to 1,000 yuan. Best qualified to have relevant national laboratory, where staff are guaranteed quality and technical level. In addition, we can use test strips to detect HIV, the test results are accurate, the costs are relatively low.
Under normal circumstances, should go to the hospital for 2-6 weeks in HIV testing, if it is negative, then the other, it is recommended to review three months after the first.