艾滋病30年全球新症锐减 印度仍藏隐忧 20国发行主题邮票 纪念艾滋病在美确诊30周年
2011年06月07日 15:10来源:凤凰卫视
凤凰卫视 余健超 综合报道
20国发行主题邮票 纪念艾滋病在美确诊30周年
2011年06月07日 17:01 来源:中国新闻网
中新网6月7日电 据台湾《联合报》7日报道,今天是第一个艾滋病例在美确诊30周年,俄罗斯、巴西等20多国邮局同时发行艾滋病相关邮票,以提高民众对艾滋病关注与警觉。
艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复
图示∶2011年5月正式出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构事迹 |
30 new cases of AIDS dropped in India remains the world possessing hidden theme issue 20 stamps commemorating the 30th anniversary of AIDS diagnosed in the United States
At 15:10 on June 7, 2011 Source: Phoenix
AIDS was formally recognized in 1981, has now been three years. The latest United Nations report that work against AIDS, is at a turning point, emphasis on effective delivery of resources and allow more patients to receive medication as soon as possible, is to reverse the situation, the two priorities.
The latest UNAIDS report, said at the end of 2010, 3 thousand 4 million worldwide living with HIV, and AIDS-related deaths with the number of close to 3000 people.
In the past decade, low and middle income countries, patients treated increased by 22 times. New cases worldwide has declined by a quarter. In Asia, India, the largest number of infected people, over half of new cases is down. However, the situation in India hide the major worry, rising number of young drug users, and needle-sharing is one of HIV transmission.
Some experts pointed out that in India two hundred thousand drug addicts using syringes inside, more than half are HIV-infected persons into, while the global average of just one percent. Health workers believe that these drug addicts who are socially marginalized, neglected, are likely to become army spread of the virus.
In the past, prevention and education is an important weapon against AIDS, drugs that now add new blood. Reported that early infection as long as the medication, as many as six Jiucheng opportunity to avoid the virus to partners.
MSF Lynch adviser: "We know that treatment can save lives, so that patients living with the virus, also know that treatment can prevent infection by disease, but new evidence is put forward last year, said the treatment will help reduce the 92 new cases %. "
Although they could not cure, but drugs were at least able to save lives, but also put into AIDS, similar to the presence of chronic diseases. Drugs, coupled with prevention education, HIV prevention has become the three magic weapons, which all require resources. But the financial turmoil, the international donors, the report to "cross point" to propositions put forward if governments choose to invest according to their disease, it is estimated that by 2020, from 12 million new infections can be avoided, and 7.4 million deaths cases.
Phoenix TV YU Jian Chao Roundup
Commemorative stamps issued 20 topics the 30th anniversary of AIDS diagnosed in the United States
At 17:01 on June 7th 2011 Source: China News
BEIJING, June 7 According to Taiwan, "the United Daily News" 7 reported cases of AIDS today is the first diagnosed 30 years in the United States, Russia, Brazil and other countries post office also issued more than 20 AIDS-related stamps to raise public concern and AIDS alert.
6 press release that the United Nations, the Universal Postal Union, UNAIDS, International Labour Organization in 2009 launched the global fight against AIDS, stamp collecting, the post office issued more than 20 countries to AIDS as the theme of stamps, the world's first.