





中国艾滋病传播途径和发达国家不同。在中国,异性传播占据艾滋病毒感染首位,占44.3%,其次是吸毒占32.2%,同性传播占14.7%,通过商业捐献和输入受到感染的血液和血制品的占7.08%。异性传播与血液感染这两个指标表明,中国在应对艾滋病方面仍然任重道远。而依据UNAIDS与中国政府联合作出的评估,中国在艾滋病的歧视、艾滋病患者及病毒携带者个人隐私的保护方面,也仍有很多工作要做。但遗憾的是,UNAIDS与中国也并不总是步调一致,比如“全球防治艾滋、结核病和疟疾基金”(The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria)近日就冻结了一笔原准备提供给中国的上亿美元的援助金,并指责中国政府在资金使用中存在管理不当、不透明。

联合国大会艾滋病问题高级别会议将于2011年6月8日至10日在纽约召开。届时,各国代表将共同审核全球艾滋病应对的进度,并对其未来进程作出规划。会议召开前夕,记者就中国防艾现状、UNAIDS与中国合作等问题专访了联合国副秘书长、艾滋病规划署执行主任米歇尔·西迪贝(Michel Sidibé)。















为了实现这个目标,我想这次会议向人们传达以下信息:我们呼唤科技创新,因为科技的发展能提高人类治愈艾滋的机会并让更多有需要的人接受治疗。全球仍有1000万人在等待治疗,而最近新的研究发现,HIV感染者在感染初期接受一种治疗,可以将病毒传播风险降低96%,这是一个新的机会。(原题为:我们和中国合作,着眼于全球防艾的未来——访联合国副秘书长、艾滋病规划署执行主任米歇尔·西迪贝) (生物谷Bioon.com)

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红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




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UNAIDS Executive Director of the talk about cooperation with China's anti-AIDS
China News 2011-6-7 11:16:15

According to UNAIDS (UNAIDS) figures, as of August 2010, China reported cumulative total of HIV infection 361,599, including 127,203 cases of AIDS patients and deaths reported 65,104 cases. However, UNAIDS estimates, there are 20 million -56 million HIV carriers has also failed to enter the official statistics.

AIDS transmission in China and developed countries are different. In China, the heterosexual transmission of HIV infection occupy the first place, accounting for 44.3%, 32.2%, followed by drug use, homosexual transmission accounted for 14.7%, through business donations and input by infected blood and blood products accounted for 7.08%. Heterosexual transmission of blood infected with the two indicators show that China remains to be done in response to AIDS. Pursuant to the joint UNAIDS and the Chinese government's assessment, China AIDS discrimination, AIDS patients and HIV carriers in the protection of privacy, but also there is still much work to do. Unfortunately, UNAIDS and China do not always act in unison, such as "Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria" (The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) recently to freeze a sum of the original prepared to offer to China The billions of dollars in assistance, and accused the Chinese government mismanagement exists in the use of funds, lack of transparency.

United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AIDS 2011 June 8 to 10 in New York. By then, delegates will jointly review the progress of the global AIDS response, and to plan its future course. The eve of the meeting, the reporter status of China's AIDS Prevention, UNAIDS and other issues with China, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations interview, Executive Director of UNAIDS Michel Sidibe (Michel Sidibé).

Q: How do you see, "the Global Fund," freeze billions of dollars to China's aid money for AIDS prevention and treatment regarding?

Michel Sidibe (hereinafter referred to as "Sidibe"): I think it is just a technical operational issues can be resolved quickly. I am the last ten years the Chinese government's efforts for AIDS convinced. The Chinese government established in the decade of the fastest growing in Asia, the largest audience of AIDS prevention treatment system, AIDS mortality has decreased dramatically - in fact reduced by 64%. Of course, drug users, gay men are at high risk. The Chinese government and civil society organizations in the exchange on this issue was also significantly increased.

Reporter: So you and UNAIDS in China's cooperation is satisfactory?

Sidibe: Of course satisfaction. I see China has achieved real results. When we first started and the Chinese government, China has not yet promulgated the "Four Frees and One Subsidy" policy. Introduction of this policy contributed to the overall process of HIV prevention work. Benefit from a lot of Chinese people. What can not be changed within a day, China's AIDS prevention work takes time.

Reporter: UNAIDS and the cooperation of the Chinese government also appeared in other problems or trouble?

Sidibe: You will work in any difficulty. For example, the U.S. government in order to promote HIV perfect the relevant laws, we spent a full 20 years. Consultation with the Chinese government has also encountered difficulties, but compared to many other countries, and China's cooperation is satisfactory. Even with difficulties, including some important differences of opinion, it is important that we have been in progress. I think that policies to promote, the efficiency of China is higher than the United States. We are working with China, is not confined to China, at the moment, but the future of the global AIDS prevention.

Reporter: Some people accuse the international community the Chinese government for lack of practical grassroots work. How do you see?

Sidibe: Work to do step by step. But we are also thinking about how to better the role of civil organizations in the role of specific services provided. The number of people receiving treatment in China is growing rapidly in recent years, the time was zero in 2002, and now more than 8.6 million people. Better support and promote the work of civil society organizations, this is what we and the Chinese Government to work together. We are responsible to ensure that its consultations with China toward a positive direction, and understand the specific implementation of China's own pace.

Reporter: Do you want to work in international anti-AIDS play what role?

Sidibe: First of all, I think China should take full advantage of the friendly relations and Africa. There are many Chinese working in Africa, but Africa is AIDS "disaster area": ​​230 million infected persons, there are millions of people can not accept any treatment, each year, many infants are still born with HIV. So I think China should strengthen South-South cooperation, investment in non-HIV-prevention work will be taken into account, because AIDS is the most important issue in the region. China can also provide new technology for Africa's support.

Reporter: UNAIDS for HIV prevention in China is facing difficulties and challenges? Data shows that China and other Asian countries in recent years the situation of AIDS are more severe.

Sidibe: This is a good question. First of all, China is a very large country. HIV services in the areas of work, at the national level where decisions need to be better in the implementation. China also needs to pay more attention to sex workers, drug users, gay men and other high-risk groups of preventive work. Last year 32% of HIV patients newly infected gay men.

Reporter: soon the UN General Assembly in 2011 held high-level meeting on AIDS, which mainly want to solve the problem?

Sidibe: Over the past three decades, 3,000 people were killed by AIDS, now worldwide, there are 3300 million HIV carriers. Over the past decade, more than 60 new national decline in the number of patients infected with HIV - AIDS prevention had such a "model country" only Uganda, Senegal and Thailand, and now we have more than sixty in reducing the number of new HIV infections countries. We look forward to AIDS transition from crisis management to "change management", that is to bring mankind from the response to AIDS crisis, steering more responsive to changes in the world of management. We expect to achieve in 2015 without any carry HIV, the birth of a child, I hope the meeting can be a powerful impetus to us to this target.

To achieve this goal, I would like this meeting conveyed the following message: We call for scientific and technological innovation, because the development of science and technology can improve the chance of human cure HIV and that more people in need for treatment. 1000 million people worldwide are still waiting for treatment, and recent studies have found a new, HIV infected patients receiving a treatment at the early stage of infection, reduce the risk of virus transmission can be 96%, this is a new opportunity. (Formerly entitled: Our cooperation with China, focusing on the future of the global AIDS Prevention - An Interview with UN Under Secretary General, Executive Director Michel Sidibe UNAIDS) (Bio Valley Bioon.com)



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