
    2011年11月04日 10:37来源:荆楚网



艾滋病新鸡尾酒疗法 附 HIV感染者,早吃药早受益

Quarter Jianmin: segregated education is discrimination against children with HIV
At 10:37 on November 4, 2011 Source: Sports Network
Dandong City, Liaoning Province, a village Kuandian Manchu Autonomous County, seven years ago, a small peak was detected in primary and secondary students with AIDS, was the exclusion of other parents and protests. Village had to vacate an office, building the "primary love", and invited outside the village, Wang Lijun, a retired teacher taught separately. This is the special primary school, only one classroom, two primary schools but also one hundred meters away (see November 3, "Zhengzhou Evening News").
Modern scientific research has proven that AIDS is not a scourge, to be correct as long as the science of prevention, AIDS is completely preventable. Primary and secondary small peak was detected with AIDS, was the exclusion of other parents and protests. The local government pressure forced the students and parents of small children are different from ordinary peak isolation to implement education for children of HIV discrimination.
It is undeniable that a small peak in the education process, many people encountered in the village led away from the classroom their children, and parents went to town on behalf of petitioning the government, insisted: "If he came to school, that I can transfer their children, "and so on. However, students and parents of these fears and discrimination, there is no scientific basis and scientific reason. For these there is no scientific basis and foundation of fear and discrimination, the local government should be a scientific guide. Should not succumb to the pressure of ideological ignorance, blind obedience is no scientific basis for these views.
Local government's blind obedience and submission, not only for ordinary people can not eliminate the fear of AIDS. But more likely to deepen and curing the people who, for fear of AIDS and discrimination psychology. As a child not only HIV discrimination by more people, because of this fear is over-exaggerated, but HIV children meet more peer discrimination and alienation. Such discrimination and alienation not only hurt the child's psychological, but more likely in the child's heart lay the seeds of hatred.
HIV is a disease of the victims, should be the social-humanitarian sympathy and help. For many HIV children, they are suffering from AIDS is not caused because of their fault. They should not be held responsible for someone else's fault, but should not the fault of others, they should not undertake to bear the isolation and discrimination. On this issue the government should take more responsibility, for ordinary people to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against HIV-children.
Government to abandon their responsibilities, it will cause the normal rights of children HIV can not be guaranteed. Segregated education is not special treatment for HIV children, it deprived children and their peers living with normal education rights of children, it contributes to people for AIDS children increased psychological discrimination.

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红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




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[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-11-5    文章录入:nnb ]