The golden timing to enter China’s burgeoning and promising nuclear markets has arrived now! China is the second largest power market in the world after the US market, with 11 working reactors with 9.07 GW of total installed capacity. China witnessed severe storm weather this winter, during which time the NPPs generated about 5.8 billion kilowatt hours, equal to power generated from 1.7 million tonnes of standard coal – such amount need 340 trains to carry, according to statistics from the CNNC. This shows great competitive edge of nuclear power for a country like China – to both secure the power supply and reduce the transportation and other costs.
Meanwhile China is expanding nuclear power capacity faster than earlier planned. It is reported that China’s planned operating nuclear power capacity has increased from 70 GW to 80 GW by 2020. The new target is verified by Zhang Guobao, a minister of the National Development and Reform Commission long involved in energy planning. The intensified development has generated great attentions from the world leading nuclear suppliers ranging from the reactor and equipments technologies to the fuel cycle chain.
Among the 11 operating reactor units, three use domestic CPR technologies, four adopt French EPR technology, two with Canadian CANDU technology and two are VVER type from Russia. These major reactors suppliers are aiming bigger market share in the world as well as China. In fact China and Russia is already engaged in the discussion and negotiation about the Tianwan Phase II project. During the conference, the executives from AtomStroyExport and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited “will be very pleased to share with Chinese industrial peers” about their Generation III/III+ reactor technologies and further plan in China and global markets. Recently, Dafan NPP which could be the first inland project and Fangjiashan, the extension of Qinshan nuclear power base enter the preparing period. The project operator under CNNC will share their progress and supply-demand dynamics with all attendees in 2011 China Nuclear Energy Congress (CNEC).
China National Nuclear Corp. (CNNC), the leading domestic nuclear power conglomerate, is composed of more than 100 subsidiary companies and institutes, with scientific R&D, construction functions, operating in various fields including nuclear power generation, nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear technology applications. The company announced on Wednesday that it had verified the largest uranium ore deposit in the Ordos Basin in the northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. "The newly proven uranium amount each year in China lays a solid foundation for Chinese nuclear power development for the long run," said Wang Sen, a senior executive of CNNC. However most of the uranium miners are very optimistic about the China’s increasing demand such as Cameco, Kazatomprom, Rio Tinto, BHP Billition, TVEL, all focusing their strength and energy in China.
Top global equipment manufacturers including AREVA, Westinghouse, GE-Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, AECL have set up the plants and looking forward to the prosperous growth in China. Although enrich natural resource, prevalent technology commercialization and abundant investment provide huge potential for developing nuclear power, it is necessary to gather NPP developers, equipment manufacturers, nuclear fuel suppliers, engineering consultants and industrial experts to identity what is lacking now and how to accelerate China’s nuclear power healthy and sustainable development.
2011 China Nuclear Energy Congress, one of the biggest and exclusive nuclear energy events in China, will run from 12 to 13 May at Beijing, China. As the only event in China dedicated to the whole nuclear energy value chain ranging from next generation commercial reactors, NPP operation and management, equipments & facilities, fuel cycle, and advanced reactor technologies, 2011 CNEC has managed to attract a wide range of attendance from more than 120 diversified companies across around 18 countries. It is a genius platform and opportunities for the leading decision-makers around the world and top level government officials involved in the nuclear energy industry.