
2010-09-16 10:59    来源:环球网论坛  











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    2010-09-16 10:59 Source: Global Network Forum

    The photo, the only 24-year-old Romanian women face old, she said that in order to steal their livelihood. In Bucharest, 70% of drug users are vagrants, many people by engaging in the sex trade to support themselves and their partner's drug costs. About 30% of the prostitutes admitted to taking heroin, which makes them more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
    ARAS staff Luca said: "A night spot checks will be able to identify the four HIV-positive girls."

    As the spreading behavior of injecting drug use in Eastern Europe has become the world's fastest growing region of HIV transmission is one of the reason why Romania survived, and much credit is due those who distribute clean syringes to drug users of non-governmental organizations.
    But with the economic downturn, the corresponding sharp drop in the health budget, to reduce international investment, social activists are worried that clean needles will fall into the end of the distribution

    Marian at the age of 28 because of a swig sick, a friend gave him injections for pain heroin, since then, he addicted. Marian has been 42 years old this year, with two children and five other individuals living in an apartment, he had a son, 18 years old died from a drug overdose.
    He is now injected at least four times a day.

    Marian is a friend of injecting drug. Romanian Association against AIDS (ARAS) the service of drug targets, 80% of people have been found infected with hepatitis C, because this disease is spreading everywhere, Rong Yi, very clear that these people are Gongyongxidu tools, which including even the medicine bottle is used to dissolve heroin.
    Funding cuts mean that ARAS had to stop providing the drug bottle, bandages and alcohol pads, bandages and pads are used to treat due to physical trauma caused by repeated injections.

    Marian said he had the idea of drug treatment, but lack of funds means that only a few hundred people each year receiving drug substitution treatment.
    Marian will be the treatment as usual for the Bible on the kitchen table, hoping to get some courage from.

    2009 Romanian non-governmental organizations issued a total of nearly 1.7 million clean syringes. In order to appease the police and other people who are not drug addicts, and reducing the risks of drug re-use syringes, NGO to collect and destroy the already used syringes to prevent the needle was easily thrown the streets, because some drug users had found the
    after blunt syringe sharp grinding after the concrete floor, then went on to use.

    In a time when economic conditions improve, the Romanian Association of Anti-AI drug users each week to the payment of 350 syringes. But with the ongoing withdrawal of international donors, Romania, which is now only issued to each user 10 in the syringe. Marian and his friends must share used needles, but he also knows that this building, many people infected with HIV or hepatitis C, so each injection, he must make friends with the child's life to
    swear that he is a clean.

    The beginning of injecting drug addicts usually choose arms and legs of intravenous injections, but with the increase in the number of injections, vein will gradually shrink, this time they were forced from the head, toes and groin injecting the functions of blood vessels , the needle will become more and more blunt, when you try a number of tattoos does not go in, they will need for a new syringe.
    For Marian, he usually takes stab the bad 10 to find a syringe can be injected in the blood vessels.

    For a more intense stimulus will be heroin addicts, and some over the counter medicines regularly or methoxy Ma flavonoids (mephedrone) mixed together in such illegal stimulants. Photos of the sexual services of women are howling, Marian ready for her call back on a needle, it's her third time within two hours injected.
    Drug seizures, she likes pulling his hair, and now the hair on her head had been ripped off a chunk.

    Who lived in slums 罗马尼亚费伦 Tully man on the front of the children injected with heroin.
    Such cases abound here, many children and even drug as part of everyday life.