


    新华网长三角频道      csj.xinhuanet.com       2010-06-26 12:29:18





    一位姓岳的戒毒人员说,他们每天按时作息,7点半起床,吃过早饭后做一些轻微的习艺性劳动,午饭后安排午休,下午进行适度身体训练和体育运动,晚饭后自由活动,可以下下棋、看看书什么的, 7点收看新闻联播,9点熄灯。













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  • Zhejiang: China's first centralized witness admitted to drug treatment by HIV-infected persons
    Delta Channel csj.xinhuanet.com 2010-06-26 12:29:18 Xinhua
    HANGZHOU, June 26 (Xinhua Qiuli Hua) in the eastern city of Hangzhou City North in a mandatory drug addiction treatment in isolation, the playground is a group of men operating with the music in rehearsal drum. If not next to the police to remind, you may not know they are a gang of drug users living with HIV.

    This is a little known to outsiders, the forced isolation treatment center, is China's first AIDS drug concentration of treated drug addiction treatment. Zhejiang Province, from December 2003 the first drug in the here treated after HIV has treated AIDS drug officers have received more than 200 people. Admitted here that the current AIDS drug users carry 65 people.

    Reporter saw at drug rehabilitation centers, which set up a reading room, chess room and table tennis room. Some treatment staff are dedicated to reading, do the walls have their own blackboard, the contents of the above is to encourage his students to go. Drug Addiction Treatment in tranquil, orderly.

    Canteen day recipes written on the blackboard: the morning was steamed buns, rice porridge, lunch and dinner is a dirty two factors. A drug officer, these are all free of charge.

    In the dorm room, each bed is neatly folded, but the top layer are empty. Accompanied by reporters police said this is to prevent drug workers fell from above hemorrhage.

    A surname, drug officers say they work and rest time every day, 7:30 to get up, after breakfast to do some minor Brouwer labor, arrange lunch after lunch, the afternoon of moderate physical training and sports activities after dinner free can be the next chess, take a look at what the book, watch the news network 7, 9 lights.

    "Now life is law, my physical and mental state 的 significantly higher than when just entered a lot better." Yuemou has Zai here for a year. He became addicted to his home in Guizhou, Zhejiang, after the workers, like from the drug, the result was relapse, with others in the process of sharing needles infected with HIV.

    Yue Mou said that when he learned the results, "originally fragile heart to the extreme cold", arrived at the center when it is with feelings of hatred and conflict to deal with civilian police, civilian police assistance and again and again education so that he gradually changed the concept of life.

    "After a year of drug treatment, and now I am calm the mind, where police are very concerned about me, treatment is free, I want to live."

    Specifically to deal with AIDS, Ni squadron squadron leader, said officials with the general treatment is different from those living with HIV often have just come in with a strong hatred, want revenge on society, management, it is very difficult.

    November 2008, when he was commander of the king of police officers specifically to deal with AIDS, inspection and found students Taomou AIDS treatment is not subject to management, do not get up, he went to advise on, Tao Tough to turn around, grasping his hand mad police, making The latter face was scratched and bloody.

    Wang, Zhejiang Province, police officers rushed to the CDC, drug blocks virus testing. After the king back to the squadron of police officers quickly, "the idea is very simple, if I do not show up, and treatment personnel will transfer, squadron leader is afraid of the future management more difficult." When the king when police officers glared at Tao Mou, Tao a lowered his head, finally accepted the reform.

    Ni squadron leader said in the first contact, the police are very afraid of heart, many times a day to wash hands, and go further with tight protective gear, but later found that this effect of poor management of these patients to think that this is discriminate against them, we eventually take off the protective gear, but also often play with them chess, table tennis now manages Mo causing big problems. "But this time let your exposure to risk, if drug target to fight or accidental injury, blood-borne infections is very easy for police on the virus. We are fortunate that this has not happened."

    Police officer, surnamed Meng said:, "We can not expose their work outside, because the society still exist misunderstanding." Meng said police officers had talked about the first love, girlfriend, parents know that he managed the result of AIDS, they strongly oppose and eventually broke up.

    Drug Addiction Treatment political commissar Luo Aimin, said the special group in the management of the process, specifically to deal with police suffer from occupational exposure, family, fear of fear, doubts and even the cynicism of others confused the multiple pressures, but the police do their non-discrimination, do not give up, not abandoned, drug target in life care, encourage them spiritually and help them rebuild the confidence and courage of life, respected.

    According to reports, from Zhejiang Province to focus on treatment methods such as compulsory, the rest of the country have been coming to learn from that experience.

    According to the national database of drug addicts, as at the end of 2009, China now has registered more than 1.335 million drug addicts.

    June 26, 2010 is the first of 23 International Day Against Drugs. This year the theme of International Day against Drug Abuse: participation in anti-drug fight, build a harmonious society. (END)


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