中国结核病防治面临新挑战 耐药危害超过艾滋病

中国结核病防治面临新挑战 耐药危害超过艾滋病
    2010年03月31日 09:31 来源:科技日报 
























2010年03月31日09:31 來源:科技日報



















據有關資料統計,大中城市結核感染率可高達50%—70%,也就是說城市人群的感染率高於農村。 “農民工進入大城市,生活相對貧困,居住環境擁擠狹小,衛生狀況不容樂觀,加上工作勞動強度大,疲勞過度,營養跟不上,長期處於這種生活狀態,導致機體抵抗力下降,使他們成為結核病的高發人群。”姜世聞說,“一些農民工進城前已患結核病或感染過結核菌,還有一些來自邊遠山區的農民工,缺乏對結核菌的特異性免疫力,使他們





結核病預防控制中心目前正組織各方面專家學者和實施人員共同研討制定下一個十年的結核病防治規劃。為應對當前結核病防治面臨的諸如耐多藥結核病、結核菌/艾滋病病毒雙重感染和流動人口結核病等新問題,《全國結核病防治規劃(2011—2020)》將著重從提高現代結核病防治策略實施質量、健全防治體系、與醫療改革相結合等方面加強結核病防治工作力度,保障人民健康。 (李穎)

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  • 中國結核病防治面臨新挑戰耐藥危害超過艾滋病

    China is facing new challenges TB drug resistance against more than AIDS
    At 09:31 on the March 31, 2010 Source: Science and Technology Daily

    In recent years, arising from the TB a growing problem of TB drug resistance, and drug-resistant TB epidemic in China has become one of the most serious.
    Please note -

    Ministry of Health pointed out that China's TB prevention and control is still facing new challenges, and tuberculosis prevention and control of three major new difficulties have emerged: first, economic development, population movements intensify, resulting in widespread dissemination of M. tuberculosis; Secondly, the number of HIV infections increase people infected with HIV decreased immunity to TB is increasing; and then there was no standard treatment of TB patients as result of drug resistance to tuberculosis and bounced back to some old "incurable."
    Only in 2009 the National Network Reporting System reports of infectious diseases of tuberculosis patients reached more than 100 million cases.

    Against drug-resistant TB than HIV

    Ministry of Health statistics show that: China is the world's 22 TB high-burden countries, the world's second highest number of patients, including multi-drug resistant TB epidemic is very serious. According to the National Baseline Survey of drug-resistant TB is estimated annually to emerging multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients was 8.32%, extensively drug-resistant rate of 0.68%; each new issue of MDR-TB patients 120,000, nearly 1 in patients with extensively drug-resistant
    million, the harm far more than AIDS.

    "Of particular concern is that MDR-TB in China, especially in the western rural areas is particularly acute, as the population flow, causing great danger to public health." In the "gift to the world of work place TB prevention projects in China," concluded the meeting
    China CDC Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Center of Policy and Regulations World news director Kang said not without concern.

    The so-called drug-resistant tuberculosis refers to the current standard drug treatment is no longer effective.
    WHO statistics show that a region in northwest Russia, the new TB cases diagnosed, 28% of drug-resistant tuberculosis, which is the WHO recorded so far the most serious incidence of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

    The total number from the patient perspective, WHO says drug-resistant TB cases in Asia the most, while drug-resistant TB cases in Africa, an estimated 69,000 cases, but most of them could not be confirmed.
    Globally, drug-resistant TB cases is estimated that only 7% have been diagnosed.

    Pathogenic mutation occurs

    After 40 years of the 20th century, TB has gradually brought out by its "terrorist", because with streptomycin. This antibiotic significantly reduced mortality rates of TB.
    The United States before 1904, patients with pulmonary tuberculosis per 100,000 people died in 188, to 1953, this figure was only 4.

    This does not make us optimistic, because since the last century 80's, the TB bacteria's structure has changed.
    This mutated pathogen bacteria resistant to most drugs, it caused the disease known as MDR-TB.

    According to the latest World Health Organization to complete the "MDR-TB and XDR-TB: 2010, Global Monitoring and Response Report" estimates that in 2008, there were 44 million people worldwide suffering from MDR-TB, of which one third
    have died.

    The report also estimated that nearly 50% of the world of MDR-TB cases have occurred in China and India.

    In 2009, the Global MDR / XDR-TB high-burden countries, the Ministerial Meeting, Health Minister Chen Zhu reported on the situation in China: China is the incidence of MDR-TB rate of 8.32%, a total of some 12 million people!

    In this year's "two sessions", the National People's Congress, Nankai University School of Medicine, Professor Zhu Tianhui submit "on the multi-drug resistant TB into the supplementary medical insurance bill," calling for great efforts from the national level to solve this public health problem of tuberculosis,
    Whether newly diagnosed or resistant tuberculosis, XDR-TB treatment costs should be included in the context of the national free treatment.

    75% of patients are middle-aged

    "TB is making a comeback. Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Center of China CDC data show that 80% of the current TB in rural areas, 75% of patients are young." Jiang said the world heard.

    From a clinical point of view, the peak can be divided into three age groups, namely 20-25 years, 45 years old, 75 years old.

    In recent years, people aged 15 to 35-year-old became the groups most vulnerable to tuberculosis, which most of the air-conditioned environment and young people and social activities that we have the office. Medical research shows that whether the incidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis invades the human body, depends not only on the quantity and toxicity of bacteria, but also depends on the resistance of the human body to tuberculosis.
    In the case of low immunity, invasion of M. tuberculosis organism defense system can not be eliminated but continue to breed, causing tuberculosis.

    According to statistics, the TB infection rate in cities up to 50% -70% can be, that the infection rate among urban than rural. "Migrant workers into the cities, lived in poverty, crowded living conditions cramped, health status is poor, coupled with labor-intensive work, fatigue, poor nutrition, and long life in this state, resulting in decreased body resistance to They became high risk of TB. "Jiang Shi Wen said," some of Migrant Workers before the TB or had TB infection, and some migrant workers from remote mountainous areas, the lack of specific immunity against TB, so that they
    become susceptible. "

    TB control program to be completed

    A survey, 150 million floating population in China, Beijing and Shanghai reported TB patients were 40% and 50%, while the Shenzhen as high as 80%. This part of the high mobility of population which led to the diagnosis of suspicious cases of tuberculosis is low, 70%; one of the lower rate of treatment success, Beijing and Shanghai are 20%.
    Therefore, the urgent need to continue to increase in the current floating population, the risk of infection remains high floating population of migrants under control of TB incidence.

    Recently, from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Center came news that the "National TB Control Programme (2011-2020)" is being developed.

    According to reports, over the past 10 years, China's policies for TB prevention and financial investment each year to strengthen all aspects of the implementation of measures to be effective.
    Coverage of modern TB control strategies, TB detection and cure rates of three core indicators were 100%, 70% and 85%.

    Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Center are now scholars and specialists from various fields to discuss the implementation of staff development for the next decade of tuberculosis control program. In response to the current TB face, such as MDR-TB, TB / HIV dual infection and tuberculosis, and other new problems the floating population, "the National TB Control Programme (2011-2020)" will focus from implementation to improve the quality of modern TB control strategies, sound control system, and combining health care reform, to strengthen TB control efforts to protect people's health.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-3-31    文章录入:nnb ]