艾滋病夫妻一死一病危 6岁儿被公益协会收留

艾滋病夫妻一死一病危 6岁儿被公益协会收留
    2010年03月30日 11:33 来源:东南网 


  现状 神志不清无处安身




  关爱 卫生人员现场捐款





  提醒 碰到艾滋病患者不用慌

  针对一些市民对艾滋病病人和病毒感染者的恐慌心理,泉州市疾控中心健康教育科陈先生提醒市民,艾滋病病毒的传播途径是血液、性、母婴,日常的生活接触不会传染。“我们好多同事都曾经和艾滋病病人一起吃过饭、握过手。有的志愿者还同艾滋病住在一起,照顾他们,因此,市民若碰到艾滋病患者不用恐慌。”(东南早报 谢伟端)

  • 艾滋病早期治疗是康复与延长30~60年生命的保
  • 艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本
  • 从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙
  • 康生丹颗粒免疫实验提示符合艾滋病、肿瘤等应
  • 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
  • 公布几例康生丹治疗艾滋病的检测报告照片
  • 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
  • 三合皂甙,康生丹片
  • 中药康生丹治愈艾滋病中医论析
  • 艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考 

  • 艾滋病夫妻一死一病危6歲兒被公益協會收留

    AIDS death of a terminally ill wife a 6-year-old child has been hosting charity association
    At 11:33 on March 30, 2010 Source: Southeast Network
    "Now she needs most is to restore his health treatment." Yesterday Quanzhou No. 1 Hospital Dr Lam said. Recently, the Morning Post, who lives in West Street, an alley sustained attention within a couple She has been, and Yin, who was diagnosed with AIDS. Currently, Mr. Yin had died, their 6-year-old son was on the 26th was Xiaofei Quanzhou Public Association of love shelter.
    Husband had died, their children can not meet the pro, the current condition has a heavier yesterday She has been admitted to the relevant medical institutions.

    Yesterday afternoon, Quanzhou, Quanzhou CDC AIDS prevention and control professionals and hospital doctors first to find She has been in the streets.

    Status of unconsciousness homeless

    She has been the Aunt, Ms. Yin said the 25 afternoon, Ms. Yin Yin, one being Mr. Tivoli Park, make arrangements for their funeral, I do not know who dialed 120, the She has been carried away from the rent.
    "After she had no place to shelter, sometimes walking in the streets."

    Yesterday afternoon, 3 pm, Quanzhou CDC AIDS prevention and control professionals, and city solicitation reporter with the First Hospital clinicians to find She has found her and saw she was squatting on the street.
    She has a brother in law Mr. Ban tried to speak to her, but her voice was weak, but did not say a few words on fell to the ground.

    Mr. Ban said that she is conscious is not clear and people can share good times, bad times, then all could not clearly understand.

    Care for health workers on-site contributions

    Quanzhou CDC Emergency and Infectious Diseases, said Mr. Gong, originally wanted to do She has been free of charge medical examination and collected blood samples for detection of CD4, blood and biochemical tests, which are free anti-virus treatment before they can collect material.

    "But her health Void, you must first nursed back to health." Quanzhou No. 1 Hospital Infection Colin doctor said that if a bad case of physical therapy, may be worse.
    Dr Lam on the spot She has been issued a prescription to treat AIDS opportunistic infections, asked his family to buy on prescription drugs to She has been taking.

    Finally, the city of CDC Mr. Gong, Mr. Chen and the Urban Institute, Dr Lam were each presented with a show or two hundred to Mr. Ban recommended that they are putting the body She has been nursed back to good, do the treatment.

    Last night, reporters got the news, after a city health department co-ordination, She has already been admitted to medical units.

    AIDS patients do not have to remind hit panic

    For some members of the public to AIDS patients and HIV-infected persons panic, Quanzhou Center for Disease Control and Health Education Mr. Chen reminded the public that HIV is transmitted through the blood, sex, mother and child, daily contact with the living will not be transmitted.
    "We have a lot of us have had the AIDS patients had dinner together, shaken hands. Some volunteers also live with AIDS, care for them, so people do not panic if the encounter with AIDS." (Southeast Morning Xie Wei side)

2010年03月30日 11:33 來源:東南網 


  現狀 神誌不清無處安身




  關愛 衛生人員現場捐款





  提醒 碰到艾滋病患者不用慌

針對一些市民對艾滋病病人和病毒感染者的恐慌心理,泉州市疾控中心健康教育科陳先生提醒市民,艾滋病病毒的傳播途徑是血液、性、母嬰,日常的生活接觸不會傳染。 “我們好多同事都曾經和艾滋病病人一起吃過飯、握過手。有的志願者還同艾滋病住在一起,照顧他們,因此,市民若碰到艾滋病患者不用恐慌。”(東南早報謝偉端)

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:198    更新时间:2010-3-30    文章录入:nnb ]