艾滋孤儿成长受阻 期待完善救助方式

艾滋孤儿成长受阻 期待完善救助方式

http://kids.youth.cn   2010-03-31 09:44:00 中国少年网















     根据有关资料显示,目前我国15岁以下、至少已经失去父母中一人的艾滋儿童大约有7.6万名,主要集中在河南、云南、 湖北、 安徽、新疆等地。

























  “艾滋孤儿从农村到了城市,不知道如何和城市打交道,有畏惧感,没有社会支持网络。”这名志愿者说,在伊宁市喀尔墩乡一个叫“温馨家园”的儿童活动,就是为了帮助艾滋孤儿摆脱心理阴影,目前已经收到了不错的成效。  (记者张福军报道)

  • 艾滋病早期治疗是康复与延长30~60年生命的保
  • 艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本
  • 从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙
  • 康生丹颗粒免疫实验提示符合艾滋病、肿瘤等应
  • 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
  • 公布几例康生丹治疗艾滋病的检测报告照片
  • 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
  • 三合皂甙,康生丹片
  • 中药康生丹治愈艾滋病中医论析
  • 艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考 

  • 艾滋孤兒成長受阻期待完善救助方式

    Looking forward to improve the growth of AIDS orphans hampered rescue mode
    http://kids.youth.cn 2010-03-31 09:44:00 China Youth Net
    In recent years, Xinjiang, civil affairs, health, finance, education and other departments have jointly formulated and promulgated a series of relief measures for AIDS orphans will be no support, adoption, placement of AIDS orphans in the implementation of local child welfare or foster care; on the 16-year-old urban and rural more AIDS orphans living independently were included in the minimum living standard and scope of the subsistence program.
    Starting in 2010, children affected by AIDS in Xinjiang will be 600 yuan per person per month living allowance.

    With age children, AIDS orphans also need to innocent childhood and adolescence.
    Data for

    Reporter from the Xinjiang AIDS Working Committee Office was informed that as of the end of September 2009, Xinjiang has reported HIV (AIDS virus) infection 27,012 cases, of which 3,910 cases of AIDS cases, 2555 cases of death, accounting for 9% of the total number of reports, cumulative report of the fourth in the number of columns. Which, in January 2009 to September new HIV infections and 4,073 cases of patients.
    At present, Xinjiang has been living with HIV and patients more than 6 million people.

    Many AIDS orphans by their parents after the death of friends and relatives to adoption, or sent to the orphanage.

    The help of volunteers, journalists have been linked to 17-year-old Ahmat (a pseudonym). 14 years old Ahmat working from Ili to Urumqi, although just over 17 years old, but he seemed to mature a lot more than their peers.
    For the previous life, he does not want too much for mentioning it.

    "Daddy, drugs, infected with AIDS, in my 5 years old died, her mother is the disease, I was 8 years old she died." Parents died, in his mouth only words.

    Ahmat, said his family in the Ili rural, poor family, memories of my father does not always go home, often into the police station, coming home and her mother quarrel.

    After the death of his parents and uncle live with his uncle told him that his mother was identified as pregnant again after suffering from AIDS. Because of family tragedies, Ahmat did not finish primary school drop out.
    He said he hated his parents and his father who also hate drugs, and if not them, he will have a complete home.

    In Ili, the Ahmat no friends, and playing with his partner's parents are also several small drug premature death. Some students learned that his parents are AIDS patients often get a rock after him.
    In desperation, age 14, he followed his uncle came to Urumqi working.

    "I feel very lucky, because there is a pain to my uncle. If not him, I do not know what will become." Ahmat said.

    According to the statistics show that China's 15 years of age, has lost at least one parent with HIV, approximately 76,000 children, mainly in Henan, Yunnan, Hubei, Anhui, Xinjiang and other places.

    In most cases, physical examination results of AIDS orphans in the laboratory show that "blood HIV antibody negative," that they themselves are not infected with HIV.
    However, to be known as AIDS because people talk about the mere mention of words, they are the cause for the sympathy and help orphans identity and allows a lot of people "hesitation" of.

    In the message block, more a lack of awareness of AIDS in rural areas, people see these children to avoid fear.

    Urumqi, a longtime Red Cross volunteer, said AIDS prevention propaganda, AIDS orphans and children the same age as the need to innocent childhood and adolescence.

    In fact, after losing loved ones great sorrow, in addition to more poverty, no pillars outside the home, they need to muster more courage to suffer discrimination against others, panic, avoid words and deeds.
    These will be imperceptibly led them withdrawn and self-enclosed, seriously affecting their physical and mental health.

    For this special group of AIDS orphans, the children equal access and equal treatment as well as other small partners intimate friendship, and financial assistance are equally important.

    Xinjiang no professional rescue organizations

    Xinjiang Yap person in charge of anti-drug AIDS prevention network, the sixth round of Global Fund AIDS project for one of the Ahe buy Tiku Er Ban told reporters, in 2003, AIDS orphans groups into public view, along with the media scrutiny, the kinds of relief organizations have sprung up, most are set up model schools or orphanages to rescue AIDS orphans. But in Xinjiang, there are no AIDS orphans to receive special institutions or organizations, many AIDS orphans by their parents after the death of friends and relatives to adoption, or sent to the orphanage, only a small part by volunteers, or adoptive families without children

    Ahe buy Tiku Er classes, these years, the number of AIDS patients referred to him after the death of their children on their own survival, "but I can not, I can give only spiritual comfort, and then allow them to
    Local civil affairs departments for assistance. "

    AIDS orphans and other orphans different, because the reasons for the parents, most of them in education and employment aspects of heavy resistance.
    Most families with HIV are very poor, so they are mostly AIDS orphans drop out of school at a tender age.

    After dropping out of school, and many wandering orphans, they are easily used by some people with ulterior motives, and then into crime.

    Ahe buy Tiku Er classes, said, Chi Heng Foundation, mode rescue AIDS orphans project is the most successful one.

    So far, rescue Chi Heng Foundation in Hong Kong AIDS orphans and children has more than 8,000 people, located in Henan, Anhui, Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, six provinces and autonomous regions, this figure is increasing at present.

    Ahe buy Tiku Er classes, said, relief organizations, the leaders of AIDS orphans in Henan shangcai Du Cong HIV patients are concentrated such as funding for local AIDS orphans to school districts and employment.

    Chi Heng Foundation's philosophy is that, in the shortest possible time save up to children. The calm and rational bankers chose a different path, but also his view that the safest possible, in a short time can roll out a large number of ways: in the village as a unit, a village by village, thoroughly, and within our capabilities to help Science.
    Funded school in the original place of residence, so that AIDS orphans and children with general education, so that is conducive to the balanced development of the mentality of these children, in the future more easily into society.

    "People who meet the conditions can get relief assistance." So far, the Chilean line mode has been going on for 10 years, the scale is still expanding, currently being an extension of the remote western region.

    Xinjiang, a non-governmental AIDS prevention organization, said in an interview volunteers, volunteer organization in Xinjiang have to imitate the Chi Heng Foundation, with the establishment of fund to rescue AIDS orphans in Xinjiang, but there is no influence of grass-roots organizations, in addition
    lack of funds, which currently has only one idea.

    Assistance difficult in rural areas

    "In addition to material, spiritual and psychological care must keep up, but many people ignore this." Drug because of his brother's death, adoption, the nephew of volunteers Yi Gul told reporters.

    In 2008, there have been a professional organization made for the 280 orphans Duomingaizi professional psychological investigation.

    The survey found that AIDS orphans emotional and psychological abnormalities, mental depression, and parents through the process in the onset of AIDS began, a heavier financial burden, and humiliated, accused of being excluded or subjected to exploitation and violence caused by
    intense inner conflicts intensified.

    Urumqi, a Red Cross volunteer, said that with the gradual adult AIDS orphans, relief depth should be greater efforts: from the level of assistance to support the orphans living life to enhance the development dimension.

    In recent years, the Chi Heng Foundation began funding efforts to expand a growing number of high school, technical school students and college students, especially to encourage workers dropping out of school early enough to test into high school or read technical school for AIDS orphans, or participate in vocational training.

    Reporter visited found that the current technical school or college more than high school by the HIV family welcome, training one to two years, reading a short period return quickly, it also enabled children to learn skills, will therefore find a relatively decent job.

    "The real service for the AIDS orphans, they should follow their growth, according to the actual need to create the appropriate model." As children grow up, AIDS orphans may be from a matter of survival into a social problem.

    "AIDS orphans from rural to urban, and cities do not know how to deal with, there is a sense of fear, lack of social support network." Volunteers said that, in Yining City Dakar Dunxiang called "warm home" children's activities, that is, To help get rid of psychological shadow of AIDS orphans, now has received good results.
    (Reporter Fujun report) 

http://kids.youth.cn 2010-03-31 09:44:00 中國少年網




在志願者的幫助下,記者聯繫到了已經17歲的阿合買提(化名)。 14歲時阿合買提從伊犁來烏魯木齊打工,雖然今年剛滿17歲,但他看起來比同齡人要成熟很多。






根據有關資料顯示,目前我國15歲以下、至少已經失去父母中一人的艾滋兒童大約有7.6萬名,主要集中在河南、雲南、 湖北、 安徽、新疆等地。

























“艾滋孤兒從農村到了城市,不知道如何和城市打交道,有畏懼感,沒有社會支持網絡。”這名志願者說,在伊寧市喀爾墩鄉一個叫“溫馨家園”的兒童活動,就是為了幫助艾滋孤兒擺脫心理陰影,目前已經收到了不錯的成效。 (記者張福軍報導)

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