国际新闻:全球艾滋病蔓延势头依然严峻 世界艾滋病大会将在维也纳召开
2010年03月11日 08:38:35 来源:新华网
世界艾滋病大会将在维也纳召开 |
时间: 2010-03-11 09:34:51 来源: 新华网
关键词: 维也纳 世界艾滋病 大会 艾滋病蔓延 国际社会 |
内容摘要: 3月10日,联合国维也纳中心挂出了今年世界艾滋病大会的标志。新华社记者 刘钢 摄 3月10日,联合国毒品与犯罪问题办公室执行主任科斯塔在奥地利首都维也纳举行的新闻发布会上发言。

3月10日,联合国维也纳中心挂出了今年世界艾滋病大会的标志。今年7月18日至23日,世界艾滋病大会将在维也纳召开。预计来自世界各地的2.5万名代表将出席大会,就艾滋病当前的全球发展态势及防控措施交换意见。新华社记者 刘钢 摄

3月10日,联合国艾滋病联合计划署执行主任希迪贝在奥地利首都维也纳举行的新闻发布会上说,目前全球的艾滋病蔓延势头十分严峻,国际社会必须对艾滋病防控工作保持足够的重视。今年7月18日至23日,世界艾滋病大会将在维也纳召开。预计来自世界各地的2.5万名代表将出席大会,就艾滋病当前的全球发展态势及防控措施交换意见。新华社记者 刘钢 摄
時間: 2010-03-11 09:34:51 來源: 新華網
關鍵詞: 維也納世界艾滋病大會艾滋病蔓延國際社會
內容摘要: 3月10日,聯合國維也納中心掛出了今年世界艾滋病大會的標誌。新華社記者劉鋼攝3月10日,聯合國毒品與犯罪問題辦公室執行主任科斯塔在奧地利首都維也納舉行的新聞發布會上發言。
3月10日,聯合國維也納中心掛出了今年世界艾滋病大會的標誌。今年7月18日至23日,世界艾滋病大會將在維也納召開。預計來自世界各地的2.5萬名代表將出席大會,就艾滋病當前的全球發展態勢及防控措施交換意見。新華社記者 劉鋼 攝
3月10日,聯合國艾滋病聯合計劃署執行主任希迪貝在奧地利首都維也納舉行的新聞發布會上說,目前全球的艾滋病蔓延勢頭十分嚴峻,國際社會必須對艾滋病防控工作保持足夠的重視。今年7月18日至23日,世界艾滋病大會將在維也納召開。預計來自世界各地的2.5萬名代表將出席大會,就艾滋病當前的全球發展態勢及防控措施交換意見。新華社記者 劉鋼 攝
International News: the momentum of the global AIDS epidemic is still grim
March 11, 2010 08:38:35 Source: Xinhua
VIENNA, March 10 (Xinhua) The United Nations AIDS Program, the Executive Director of the Joint Xi Dibei on the 10th at the United Nations Center in Vienna at a news conference that the current momentum of the global AIDS epidemic is very grim, the international community must AIDS prevention and control work to maintain sufficient attention.
He pointed out that currently the world's daily average of 7,000 new HIV infections, of whom only the southern African region would add 1,500 people per day. Due to lack of effective treatment for pregnant women in the world of babies born each year there are approximately 40 million with HIV.
According to data provided by Xi Dibei is currently the world's annual total funding needed to fight AIDS has been more than 16 billion U.S. dollars, the world's AIDS patients are receiving treatment there are 4.7 million people, although this figure is already five years ago, 10 times, but the there are still about 11 million people living with HIV has not been properly treated.
The Vienna-based UN Office on Drugs and Crime Executive Director Costa at the news conference, said: "The drug consumption contributes to the spread of AIDS among injecting drug users around the world at present there are about 300 million people, in some countries, even 40 % of injecting drug users living with HIV. "
President of the International AIDS Society Montaner at a press conference called on the international community and governments to further strengthen the research and capital investment, more effective prevention and control of the spread of AIDS.
This year July 18 to 23, the World AIDS Conference will be held in Vienna, Austria. Expected to come from all over the world will attend the General Assembly, on behalf of 25000 on the current global development trends of AIDS prevention and control measures and exchange of views. Among them, drug addicts, narcotic drugs addicts, prostitutes and gay men as the most vulnerable to HIV-infected population issue will be the focus of the General Assembly.
World AIDS Conference will be held in Vienna
Time: 2010-03-11 09:34:51 Source: Xinhua
Keywords: Vienna World AIDS Conference, the international community, the spread of AIDS
Summary: March 10, the United Nations Center in Vienna hung out a sign of this year's World AIDS Conference. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Gangshe March 10, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Executive Director Costa, in Vienna, Austria to speak at a news conference.
March 10, the United Nations Center in Vienna hung out a sign of this year's World AIDS Conference. This year July 18 to 23, the World AIDS Conference will be held in Vienna. Expected to come from all over the world will attend the General Assembly, on behalf of 25000 on the current global development trends of AIDS and the prevention and control measures to exchange views. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Gangshe
March 10, the Joint United Nations AIDS Program, Executive Director of the Xi Dibei in Vienna, Austria at a news conference that the current momentum of the global AIDS epidemic is very grim, the international community must work for AIDS prevention and control to maintain sufficient attention. This year July 18 to 23, the World AIDS Conference will be held in Vienna. Expected to come from all over the world will attend the General Assembly, on behalf of 25000 on the current global development trends of AIDS prevention and control measures and exchange of views. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Gangshe
[ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:212 更新时间:2010-3-11 文章录入:nnb ]