Investor is operated risk

Investor is operated accordingly, the risk


Investor is operated accordingly, the risk


Mix base cash float is deficient, debt radical cas
hs float is filled  cheap winter boots for kids with. 3 quarters, the stoc
k mixes model gain of open mode fund (unfulfi
lment accrual + already realized profit) twis
t considerably deficient, accumulative total classic short black >gain two hundred and eighty-nine billion one
hundred and sixty-seven million yuan, but aft
er deducting evenhanded value to change alrea
dy realized accrual to be behav black classic tall ugg boots ed however for
deficit ten billion two hundred and eighty-s
ix million yuan, 0.53% what occupy period end
net assets. Gain of this quarterly unfulfilm
ent e tall winter boots arnings is more, achieve two hundred and
ninety-nine billion four hundred and fifty-t
hree million, 15.42% what occupy period end n
et assets. From the point of bond fund,  women's tall winter boots this
period accumulative total gain 3.128 billion,
cashed the float of 1.381 billion is filled
with, and mix model fund is contrary, bond fu
nd chooses to sel pink cat boots l the negotiable securities
that gives gain. Mix model fund encounters cl
ean redemptive bond fund is obtained clean ex
plain buy. From clean explain buy and in ligh
t of only redemptive case, the stock  white boots on whole
mixes model fund appeared clean redemptive,
portion of 3 quarters index fund increases 5.
348 billion, but outside creating 7.193 billi
on effect considering index new fund, old ind
ex fund is winter boots for cheap  only redemptive 1.841 billion, occ
upy than 0.51% ; Active stock mixes model fun
d portion diminishs forty-nine billion nine h
undred and forty-four million, eliminate this pink cowboy boot 
quarter is new the active share that create
mixes model fund twenty-two billion nine hund
red and forty-one million portion hind, actua
l old active stock mixes model fund is only r
edemptive sev classic winter boots enty-two billion eight hundred a
nd eighty-five million, occupy than 4% ; Bond
is protected this model fund happening is cl
ean explain buy, altogether share increases 3
 winter boot clearance 9.43 billion, set fund newly among them 37.07
billion, old fund is only explain buy 2.36 b
illion, clean explain buy scale for 2.16% ; M
onetary type fund sets fund newly 91 discount shoes and boots 6 million
, integral portion change is not big. Fund wh
ole raises a storehouse. Enclosed the average
storehouse of fund from on of the quarter 72
.66% rise 77.57% to this quarter, increased 4< pink fur boots /br>.91 percent. Rise considering stock market pr
ise can bring about fund stock storehouse pas
sive and elevatory, we push cipher out 3 quar
ters are enclosed fund passivity adds size ugg boots buy  a store
house 2.61% , and add a storehouse actively e
xtent is about 2.30% . The stock mixes model
open mode fund, its are average stock storeho
use by go up to come 72.82% litres of the qua
rte ugg 30th anniversary r 82.21% of this quarter, increased 9.4 pe
rcent, ticket of likewise OK and computative
be derailed mixes model passivity of open mod
e old fund adds a storehouse 2.60% , add a st
orehouse actively pink boots  extent is about 6.79% . QDI
I fund as a result of overseas market 3 quart
ers concussion goes up, stock capital fund in
creased 7.122 billion, average share storehou
se from 72.04% rise to 76.69% , lifted 4. baby blue ugg boots 65%
. This period mix storehouse of open mode new
fund on any account keeps other. Retail obta
in add actively in great quantities hold, fin
ance is sure to be decreased  black ugg boots actively by hold
. Before this quarterly fund weighs a storeho
use to hold some 3 large trades are insurance
of mechanical equipment, finance and medical
biological product, mechanical equipment is womans winter boots r>jumped litre make the biggest trade, finance
of original the biggest trade is sure to retr
eat house the 2nd. Equipment of the machinery
in the trade that market prise incr classic short ugg boots eases and
wholesale and retail industry increase 46.6
billion yuan to become market prise to increa
se most trade with 43.5 billion yuan with par
ting. Wholesal leather sheepskin boot e and retail fictitious market
prise increases most, estate, metal is metall
oid with IT industry fictitious market prise
increases more also, these industries increas
e held likelihood actively kids ugg boots on sale  taller, and financ
ial insurance, traffic is carried, the fictit
ious market prise of excavate course of study
and medical biology profession decreases mos
t, the probability that they are decre ugg cove boots ased ac
tively to hold is higher. Bank encounter a la
rge number of decreasing hold inflation to an
ticipate next consumption accept favour. This
quarter, active model stock with mix model f
und data uggs boat  shows, bank industry continues to su
ffer fund decrease considerably hold, and bel
ow the setting that runs rampant in fluidity,
fight inflationary demand to make consume ki
nd of stock to be favorred, fund  sheepskin boot inserts is added con
siderably in supporting trade of high-grade l
iquor, trade retail and medical biology board
piece, among them Maotai of fluid of Su Ning
electric equipment, 5 grain, Guizhou becomes brown leather ugg boots 
fund 3 quarters add a storehouse most. (the
sea connects negotiable securities Inc. Yang
Jian autumn)     (special clew: Article conte
nt is pure belong to author individual viewpo
int, do not represent people network position
, article content offers investor reference o
nly, do not make investment proposal. Investo
r is operated accordingly, the risk is carrie
d oneself. ) (article origin: People net)





