hears a student s

In playtime, the reporter hears a student s


In playtime, the reporter hears a student s


Boiler breakdown shutdown, maintenance master work
er does not come tardy 4800 teachers an brown ugg boots d stud
ents of     lunch is forced to go to the lava
tory online dispatch of face gold Guizhou yes
terday morning, the boiler of a school of Gui
yang city malfunctions quit the job, school t
eachers a dark brown ugg boots nd students 4800 Yu Ren's lunch, pur
chase the 60 box that come temporarily namely
convenient cover and biscuit. Have student r
eport, this is likely before before long of t
he agency of boiler room chestnut brown ugg boots  child by school disc
harge, this agency takes the chance to retali
ate the behavior of the school. But this agen
cy denies this one statement, say boiler main
tains a master to be in Guizhou fit light brown ugg boots ly the cou
nty is away on official business on the west,
just can come so late, with school him disch
arge the child has nothing to do. Surface of
bubble of teachers and students of flameout ocheap brown ugg boots >f frequency of spot   boiler is become lunch
    on November 1 afternoon 2 when make, our
newspaper hot line 96677 receive Guiyang repo
rt of some school student, say boiler room bo
iler has trou short brown ugg boots ble, many 4000 student can have
the school only midday bag of convenient cove
r knead dough. Afternoon 3 when, the reporter
will to this lodge make the school, the st tall brown ugg boots ac
k in the ash-bin of dining room doorway the c
onvenient cover case that takes. In playtime,
the reporter hears a student shouting abdome
n is hungry. In the buffe discount ugg moccasins t of the school, man
y students buy biscuit allay one's hunger in
playtime. A student of class of high school t
ake lessons after school says, school boiler
is bad, did not ea chocolate brown ugg boots t a meal midday, those who
eat is convenient cover, do not have at all s
atiate. Can take a nap at 1 o'clock at ordina
ry times, a moment ago late 50 minutes of abi
lity must rest. School squar brown ugg boots on sale e   urges 5 hours
master still did not come to   school prandi
al division deputy section chief Mr Li says,
on November 1 morning 9 when make 30 minutes,
school power cut, subsequently the scho cheap ugg boats ol is
enabled reserve power source, this boiler of
the dining room is hit did not catch fire, t
hey suspect is combustion engine occurrence t
rouble. Contact the master of agency and main
tenance i ugg sunburst tall boots nstantly subsequently, but made past
telephone call at 10 o'clock in the morning
till afternoon at 3 o'clock, spent 5 hours, t
he master still did not come, it is a  classic tall ugg boots on sale master
allegedly do work outerly to be not driven. Y
esterday morning 9 when make, after school po
wer cut, there still are many boiled waters i
n boiler r tall pink ugg boots oom. Midday, the school prandial di
vision is purchased to around terminal market
come 60 box are convenient face, send hand o
f teachers and students, still a few teache toddler sheepskin boot rs
and students buy loaf to school a small shop
attached to a school when lunch. Till aftern
oon 1 when, boiler worked brokenly after a fe
w hours eventually good partial rice evaporat
e. Ac australian sheepskin boot cording to plum deputy section chief int
roduces, having what the teachers and student
s of 3 eats 2 / midday about is bubble surfac
e. The reporter is bought in see on the contr
act, dining ro genuine cardy ugg boots om this boiler is school just l
iberated the agency of a boiler near supermar
ket of Lu Dachang grand to be in in Guiyang c
ity in July 2008 buy, manufacturer is Sichuan
 ugg cardy boots a company. According to plum deputy section
chief introduces, ability investment used thi
s boiler in August 2009, had repaired twice t
ill yesterday, not be what big mistake. Maint< ugg hazel sandals /br>ain before, make a telephone call, the master
comes to maintain immediately, knowing this
is how to return a responsibility. Agency   m
aster hurrieds back outerly immediately Guiya winter boots clearance 
ng   is buying a contract to go up, the repor
ter finds this week to surname the phone of a
gency, dial the past to enquire why maintenan
ce technician doesn't come tar wholesale uggs boots dy. Explanation
of this week manager says, the analogy maste
r that is in charge of boiler fuel lighting g
as maintenance is in Guizhou by chance yester
day the county is away on official business  cheap women winter boots o
n the west do work, whole Guiyang piece the b
oiler problem of the area is he will maintain
. After receiving school square telephone cal
l yesterday morning, he had buy ugg boots uk  acquired connecti
on with analogy master, let him drop the work
in the hand, hurried back instantly Guiyang.
Yesterday afternoon 5 when, analogy master c
omes to school boiler room, he was checked, s pink boot covers 
olved a problem immediately. He says, because
the school is mothball,be power source volta
ge is low, cause boiler combustion engine the
false appearance that tripping operation of
automatic pro cheap cardy ugg boots tector open just appeared to wor
k out of order. Receive through amlposition a
fter making contact, afternoon 5 when 30 minu
tes, boiler ran normally eventually. Afternoo
n  tall shoes 5 when 35 minutes, teachers and students ar
e normal serve a meal. Although this maintena
nce already exceeded a bag to repair period,
analogy master did not want school square ma womens sheepskin boot n
-hour to expend. He suggests the school buys
a manostat to add outfit go up in boiler powe
r source, ensure boiler runs normally. Author
: Poplar origin of article of (of a surname b
rilliant: Guizhou Metropolis Daily)





