2010-10-27 21:52 |
转载自 http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/2b26be08ae79442b6b60fb01.html
We see the wavering levels of consciousness that change from one second to another. Those who are aware of the changes that are soon to manifest, are more focused on the future and know that all will turn out well. However, there are still a large percentage of people who lack direction, and tossed about like ships in a storm. For some it causes utter despair, as they cannot see how humankind can overcome the problems it faces. That indeed is the point of our presence, as we are fully prepared to go into action once we are officially introduced to you. Unfortunately we cannot move before that time, but will always be keeping an eye on what is happening on Earth. We can certainly take preventative action if matters get out of hand, and our allies are well aware of their part in protecting you. We are anxious to get on with the cleansing programs, and tending to the pollution of the seas that are a danger to life, and that is a priority. You may tire of hearing us tell you, that matters are so close to bringing you relief from the adversity you presently experience. However, for those who closely follow our activities, it is clearly evident that a major announcement is near, and we are ready. 我们看到了“觉知”的大潮从一人传到到其他人。那些人因“觉知”的改变非常明显,更多的聚焦在未来,并且知道一切都会变得更好。然而,还是有一大部分人处在“欠缺”的决策中,就像在暴风雨中随波逐流的小船。对一些人来说,这个导致了“绝望”的情绪,因为他们无法处理与面对问题。重点是在关于我们的存在上面,我们已经完全的准备好由官方把我们介绍给你们。不幸的是,在那之前我们无法行动,但是我们会一直在幕后观察地球发生的事情。预防事态失去控制,我们的盟友也在尽他们的能力在保护你们。我们非常焦急的是那些“清理程序”,海洋的污染趋势已经威胁到生命的安全,这是必须优先处理的。你们也许已经“厌倦”了听我们说的,关于问题已经如此接近明朗化并且会带给你们救赎。然而,那些一直跟随我们行动的人,非常清楚的明白关于主要声明的程序已经近了,并且我们已经准备好。 |
2010-10-27 21:53 |