

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年01月15日16:19  北京晚报



  本报讯“防艾不仅仅是在12月1日”。继第22个“世界艾滋病日”期间开展的一系列防艾宣传活动之后,1月12日上午,北京市防治艾滋病工作委员会、北京市卫生局在八一剧场又举办了“遏制艾滋 我们都是志愿者”首都预防艾滋病宣传志愿者“1+1”十进行动总结表彰会。




Each volunteer completed by 2010, AIDS Prevention, "6 a" service
http://www.sina.com.cn 2010 Nian 01 Yue 15 Ri 16:19 Beijing Evening News
2010 AIDS Prevention Volunteer

Each completed "6 1" service

WASHINGTON, "AIDS Prevention not only in the December 1." Following the first 22 "World AIDS Day" during a series of anti-aids publicity activities carried out after the morning of January 12, Beijing AIDS Working Committee, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau also held in the 81 theaters the "Stop AIDS we are all volunteers "the capital of AIDS Prevention Volunteer" 1 +1 "10 to move concluding commendation.

For many years has been committed to the cause of AIDS prevention and control of the South African Constitutional Court judge Edwin Cameron, Mr personal experience to appeal to either AIDS or the common people, please correct understanding of AIDS.

2009 Beijing AIDS Prevention works with the "voluntary service" as the core, in the January to October period, the majority of anti-aids more than 400 volunteers carried out a large-scale screening of anti-aids publicity campaign to disseminate promotional materials, more than 20 kinds of, 40 I 10000 were directly involved in the staff of nearly ten thousand passengers, the capital of the AIDS Prevention more than 2000 volunteers from the initial development of today's 52911 people.

Beijing's deputy director of the AIDS Working Committee, the municipal government Lu Yong, Deputy Secretary-General read out in 2010 the capital of AIDS Prevention Volunteer Volunteer Services "6 1", that is the capital of AIDS Prevention volunteer to be completed by 2010, "to participate in an AIDS Prevention training, the development of a new volunteer, visit an AIDS Prevention education base to design an anti-aids publicity ideas, aimed at high-risk groups to carry out an anti-aids missionaries, in the capital, the Red Ribbon Web site published an article in the Forum "It's six volunteer service. AIDS Prevention volunteers through volunteer services 6 1, and further in-depth promotion of AIDS prevention and control knowledge, will bring into full play the advantages of volunteers to the capital in the cause of AIDS prevention and control.


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