
University of Leeds 利兹大学


   利兹大学(The University of Leeds)位于英格兰北部利兹市。大学的主体部分皆建于19世纪下半叶,当时的目的是为了达成对当地科学和技术发展的教育要求。1904年英王爱德华七世正式授予利兹大学大学的名号。

   利兹大学(The University of Leeds)的前身是建立于1831年的利兹医学院,以及建立于1874年的约克郡科学院。在1887年以上两个学校与曼彻斯特欧文学院、利物浦大学学院合并为维多利亚联合大学。












   Leeds Business School
Full time MBA £20,500
MA Human Resource Management / MA Diversity Management £12,500
MA Advertising and Marketing / MA Advertising and Design £14,000
MA Accounting and Finance
MSc Banking and Finance
MSc International Finance
MSc Financial Mathematics
MSc International Marketing Management
MSc Management / MSc Computing and Management


MSc International Business £16,000
MA Economics / MA Economics and Finance / MA Economics and Development £10,300

  Entry requirements
   a good first degree or equivalent qualification. In exceptional circumstances, applicants without a first degree will be considered on the basis of their relevant work experience and potential for benefiting from the programme.
   Applicants for Accounting and Finance, Economics and Finance, International Finance should have a relevant first degree or equivalent, e.g. accounting, finance, economics, sports science.
   Applicants for Human Resource Management should have a good first degree or equivalent in the social sciences.
   Applicants for International Marketing Management and Advertising and Marketing should have a good first degree or equivalent in a subject other than a marketing specialisation.
   Applicants for the MSc Management should have a good first degree or equivalent in any subject other than business and management.
   TOEFL 580 overall and 4.0 in the TWE. IELTS 6 in each section and an overall score of 6.5
   Entry requirements equivalent to 2.1 from countries the most applications are as follows:
Country Equivalent to 2.1
China At least 80% overall grade. Four years bachelors degree only (no diplomas), prestigious universities only.

  School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering RAE 5* (英国有7个大学)
   Modern Digital and Radio Frequency Wireless Communications MSc
   School of Computing RAE 5
   Distributed Multimedia Systems MSc
   Information Systems MSc
   Multidisciplinary Informatics MSc
   Computational Fluid Dynamics MSc 流体动力计算科学

   School of Civil Engineering
   Engineering Project Management MSc
   Environmental Engineering and Project Management MSc
   Infrastructure Asset Maintenance and Management MSc
   International Construction Management and Engineering MSc
   Sustainable Waste Management MSc

   School of Mechanical Engineering
   Automotive Engineering MSc
   Mechanical Engineering MSc
   Medical and Life Sciences Engineering MSc
   Medical Engineering and Biomechanics MSc
   Combustion and Energy MSc

   Institute of Communications Studies
   Communications Studies MA
   Communications Studies MSc
   International Communications MA
   International Journalism: Production and Consumption MA
   Political Communication MA

   School of Education
   Information Communications Technology and Education MA
   International Educational Management MA 两年以上工作经验
   TESOL MA 三年以上工作经验

   School of Modern Languages and Cultures
   Applied Translation Studies MA
   Interpreting and Translation Studies MA
   Screen Translation Studies MA

   Transport Economics MA
   Transport Planning and the Environment MSc
   Environment and Business MA
   Sport and Exercise Sciences MSc
   Sustainable Development MA
   Cyberlaw Information Technology, Law and Society LLM 计算机法律信息技术
   Combustion and Emissions Control MSc
   Environmental Pollution Control MSc
   Fire and Explosion Engineering MSc
   Transport Engine Emissions MSc
   Integrated Design of Chemical Plant MSc
   Food Science MSc