艾滋病疫苗研发取得突破 美军华裔科学家贡献大 艾滋病疫苗研发取得突破 美军华裔科学家贡献大 世界卫生组织(WHO)与联合国艾滋病规范署(UNAIDS)表示,该实验结果为人体免疫缺乏病毒(HIV)疫苗研究“注入新希望”,尽管研究人员说,疫苗可能要多年后才能提供大众使用。 毕业于纽约爱因斯坦医学院的焦隽,目前人在泰国曼谷。他自2002年起在美国国家卫生总署(NIH)负责统筹所有艾滋病的相关研究。几个月前借调到美国陆军部卫生署驻泰国曼谷的艾滋研究中心,领军做最后突破。CNN24日引用焦隽的话指出,经过实验,新疫苗的确可以防止艾滋病。 研究人员表示,该疫苗结合早前实验失败的ALVAC疫苗和AIDSVAX疫苗,采取“准备─增强策略”,ALVAC先让免疫系统准备好攻击HIV,AIDSVAX再增强该反应,可以降低HIV感染率超过31%。但该疫苗对已感染HIV病患无效。该项全球最大艾滋病疫苗实验,有超过1万6000名志愿者参与。 协助领导该研究的金(Jerome Kim)上校表示,尽管该疫苗的效果温和,但“它是第一个证据,显示我们可以有安全、有效的预防性疫苗。” 该研究中心主任佛奇(Anthony Fauci)提醒,这不是“艾滋病疫苗研究的尽头”。但他表示,他对实验结果感到惊讶、高兴。佛奇说:“这让我对改善这项结果的可能性感到审慎乐观,这是我们可以办到的事。” 此外,科学家强调,该研究利用泰国常见的HIV病毒株,因此该疫苗是否能有效对抗美国、非洲或世界其它地方出现的病毒株,目前仍不得而知。但即使是只有些微效果的疫苗,也可能产生很大的影响。全球每天增加7500起HIV新感染病例。UNAIDS估计,2007年全球有200万人死于艾滋病。 这项“联合疫苗”的试验由美国军方和泰国卫生部共同主持,从2003年10月开始研制,总耗资1.05亿美元,这也是人类规模最大的艾滋病疫苗试验。研究人员在泰国挑选了年龄在18岁到30岁之间的共1.6万名志愿者参与试验。经过长期的试验观测,结果显示,在8197名接受疫苗注射的志愿者中,51人感染了艾滋病病毒,而在未注射疫苗的志愿者中,则有74人感染,即注射疫苗组感染风险降低了31.2%。而在此之前,还没有任何一种疫苗能对艾滋病有这样的免疫效果。 事实上人类早在1983年就识别出了艾滋病病毒,但近30年来疫苗研发领域却是“屡战屡败”,甚至一度使得有些科学家认为,人类可能永远都找不到一种有效的艾滋病疫苗。因此,“联合疫苗”的诞生,被认为是人类对抗艾滋病病毒的一道分水岭,具有“里程碑”及“历史性”意义。 对于这个新疫苗发布的成果,全球许多专家仍然持谨慎态度。世界卫生组织和联合国艾滋病规划署也联合声明表示,客观而言,一种疫苗具有降低不足三分之一感染风险的免疫效果,远没有达到可以大规模进入临床应用的标准。世卫组织也表示,目前的试验结果,还不能批准生产这种疫苗,因为还需要进一步研究确认这种疫苗对世界其他地方的人群是否能产生同样的免疫效果。但是这种疫苗的重要意义在于,它驱散了人类在艾滋病疫苗研究领域长期停滞不前的阴霾,给人们带来了成功抗击艾滋病的新希望。 [ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2009-9-26 文章录入:nnb ]
2009年09月26日 09:34 来源:中国新闻网
中新网9月26日电 据美国《侨报》综合报道,由美军华裔科学家焦隽博士(Joseph Chiu)领军的研究团队和“全国过敏症与传染病研究中心”赞助的实验24日宣布,研发出史上第一个可以防止感染艾滋病病毒的实验性疫苗。这不仅是致命性传染病艾滋病研究的分水岭,也是令人惊喜的成果。
2009年09月25日18:33 来源:中国广播网
At 09:34 on the September 26, 2009 Source: China News Net
BEIJING, September 26, according to Xinhua, "Qiao Bao" is a comprehensive report by the American-Chinese scientist, Dr. Jiao Juan (Joseph Chiu) led the research team and the "National Research Center for Allergy and Infectious Diseases," sponsored by experiments on the 24th announced developed in the history of the first one can prevent HIV infection in experimental vaccine. This is not only deadly sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS research in the watershed, but also surprising results.
World Health Organization (WHO) standards with the United Nations AIDS Agency (UNAIDS) said that the experimental results for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine research "to inject new hope", even though the researchers said the vaccine could take years to become available for the general public.
He graduated from New York, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jiaojuan, currently in Bangkok, Thailand. He was in the United States since 2002, the National Health Department (NIH) is responsible for co-ordination of all AIDS-related research. Seconded to the War Department a few months ago in Bangkok, Thailand, the Department of Health AIDS Research Center, led a final breakthrough. Day quote Jiaojuan CNN24 as saying, after experiment, the new vaccine can actually prevent AIDS.
The researchers said the vaccine with the failure of earlier experimental ALVAC vaccine and AIDSVAX vaccines and "ready ─ enhanced strategy", ALVAC let the immune system is ready to attack HIV, AIDSVAX further enhance the reaction, can reduce HIV infection rates over 31% . However, the vaccine has been infected with HIV disease is invalid. The world's largest AIDS vaccine experiment, there are more than 16,000 volunteers.
Helped lead the study of gold (Jerome Kim) Colonel said that despite the modest effect of the vaccine, but "it is the first evidence to show that we can have safe and effective preventive vaccine."
The research director of the Center Buddha qi (Anthony Fauci) reminds, this is not "the end of AIDS vaccine research." But he said he was surprised by the experimental results and happy. Buddha Qi said: "This gives me the possibility to improve this outcome is cautiously optimistic that this is something we can do."
In addition, the scientists emphasized that the study of the use of the HIV strains common in Thailand, so the vaccine is effective against the United States, Africa or elsewhere in the world emerged strain of the virus is still unknown. But even if only a minor effect of the vaccine may also have a huge impact. Global daily increase of new HIV infections since 7500. UNAIDS estimates that in 2007 the world's 200 million people died of AIDS.
Thailand and the United States have jointly developed by the first case of the immune effects of AIDS vaccine
At 18:33 on September 25, 2009 Source: China Radio Network
Zhong Guangwang Beijing News September 25 (Xinhua Liu days thinking), according to Voice of China, "Yang Guang news" 18:19 to reports, local time, September 24, Thailand, medical researchers and the U.S. military held a press conference in Bangkok, issued a joint statement announced that they discovered through large-scale experiment, a new type of AIDS vaccine can reduce the risk of HIV infection in about one-third.
Allegedly, this is a confirmation of the world's first have a certain effect of AIDS vaccine immunization.
This "combined vaccine" trial by the U.S. military and the Ministry of Health co-chaired by Thailand, from October 2003 started to develop, with a total cost of 105 million U.S. dollars, which is the largest human AIDS vaccine trial. Researchers in Thailand has selected the age of 18 to 30 years a total of 16000 volunteers to participate in the pilot. After a long trial observation, the results showed that in 8197 vaccinated volunteers, 51 people were infected with HIV, but in the absence of vaccine volunteers, there are 74 people infected, the vaccine reduced the risk of infection group of 31.2%. Before that, there is no any kind of vaccine for AIDS could have such immunity.
In fact human beings as early as 1983 identified the AIDS virus, but over the past 30 years, the field of vaccine research and development is "conspicuous failure" and even once led some scientists believe that humans may never find an effective AIDS vaccine . Therefore, the "combined vaccine" birth, is considered one of man against the AIDS virus watershed, has a "milestone" and "historic" significance.
For this release the results of new vaccines, the global, many experts are still cautious. World Health Organization and UNAIDS joint statement also said, objectively speaking, a vaccine to reduce the risk of infection less than one-third of the immune effect is far from reaching a large scale into the clinical application of standards. WHO also said that the current test results, it could not approve the production of this vaccine, because further studies are needed to confirm this vaccine to the rest of the world population is able to produce the same immunity. However, the importance of this vaccine is that it broke up the field of human AIDS vaccine research the long-term stagnation of the haze, gave rise to new hope for the success of the fight against AIDS.
T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究