艾滋病患儿将获专项基金救助 艾滋病患儿将获专项基金救助 本报讯 (记者 徐佳丽 郭现中)前晚,2009粤港“让爱助动未来”紫爵明星慈善夜媒体联谊会在大梅沙京基海湾大酒店举行。联谊会上发布,市民政局、市关爱办和市慈善会等将于今年11月30日合力推出“2009粤港‘让爱助动未来’紫爵明星慈善夜”,深圳范围内患有先天性心脏病、白血病、恶性肿瘤、慢性肾功能衰竭、重度自闭症、地中海贫血症、脑瘫、癫痫、艾滋病,血友病、脊柱侧弯等11种疾病的儿童有望获得专项基金救助。 据明星慈善夜组委会执行秘书长温瑞玲介绍,“紫爵明星慈善夜”前后期的“爱心直通车”等系列活动,将多元化、多渠道、多形式地募集慈善资金;同时推出“资产、责任和传承”系列沙龙,“企业战略慈善”论坛,市民文化大讲堂等系列活动,提高社会对重大疾病儿童的关注度。 [ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2009-9-26 文章录入:nnb ]
http://gd.news.sina.com.cn 2009年09月26日05:42 南方都市报
Children with AIDS will be a special fund relief
http://gd.news.sina.com.cn 2009 Nian 09 Yue 26 Ri 05:42 Nanfang Dushi Bao
Abstract: The night before last, 2009 Hong Kong and Guangdong "Let Love to help move the Future" Purple Star Charity Jazz Night Media Association in the Greater Meisha Beijing DMH Bay Hotel. Association published, municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, City Office and the City, charity care, etc. will be held November 30 this year, jointly launched the "2009 Guangdong-Hong Kong 'Let love to help move the next' Purple Star Charity Night Jazz", within the scope of Shenzhen with congenital heart disease, leukemia, cancer, chronic renal failure, severe autism, Mediterranean anemia, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, AIDS, hemophilia, scoliosis and other 11 kinds of diseases of children are expected to receive a special fund relief.
(Reporter Xu Jiali, Guo is currently in) the night before last, 2009 Hong Kong and Guangdong "Let Love to help move the Future" Purple Star Charity Jazz Night Media Association in the Greater Meisha Beijing DMH Bay Hotel. Association published, municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, City Office and the City, charity care, etc. will be held November 30 this year, jointly launched the "2009 Guangdong-Hong Kong 'Let love to help move the next' Purple Star Charity Night Jazz", within the scope of Shenzhen with congenital heart disease, leukemia, cancer, chronic renal failure, severe autism, Mediterranean anemia, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, AIDS, hemophilia, scoliosis and other 11 kinds of diseases of children are expected to receive a special fund relief.
Star Charity Night, according to Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee Wenrui Ling Ge, "Purple Star Charity Jazz Night" before the latter part of the "love train" and other series of activities will be diversified, multi-channel, multi-form to raise charitable funds; also introduced the "assets , responsibilities and Inheritance "series of Ariel Sharon," Corporate strategic philanthropy "forum, the public auditorium and other series of great cultural activities to enhance the community's attention from major diseases of children.
T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究