

A的会计报表 (简表)                      表1   时间T5
资产:                                   负债:
(实际大米105公斤销售收入105元, 贷款   100元
现金          100元
一架农具         5元                  利息     3元
 预付利息        3元                  税收     2元
预付税收         2元
资产合计       110元                负债合计   105元
推理2、(事实2)105张货币-(事实1)105张货币=0 。


An economic paradox - - do 5 Yuan profits come from where
“A Rice Model”
In supposition Central Bank has 100 currencies (each 1 Yuan). Number from No:1, No:2,…, No:100.
1st, (Middle omission Commercial bank) loans 100 currencies in time T1, A to Central Bank, the number is at the same time No:1, No:2,…, No:100., a prepaid interest 3 currencies, the number is No:1, No:2, No:3;prepay  the tax  is 2 currencies, the number is No:4, No:5. (by now Central Bank turning in finance 3 currencies, No:1, No:2, No:3)
2nd, Produces 105 kg rice in time T2, A
3rd, Sells 100 kg rice in time T3, A, each kg 1 currency, the sales revenue 100 currencies, the number is No:1, No:2,…, No:100. (5 are the financial purchase rice disbursements, the number is No:1, No:2, No:3; No:4, No:5)
4th, Pays 5 currencies in the time T4, A purchase farm tool, the number is No:1, No:2, No:3, No:4, No:5;
5th, Sells 5 kg rice in time T5, A, each kg 1 currency, the sales revenue 5 currencies, the number is No:1, No:2, No:3; No:4, No:5.
6th, Returns the Central Bank 100 currencies in time T6, A, the number is No:1, No:2,…, No:100. (altogether pays the Central Bank principal and interest in time T6, A to divide two time 105 currencies, A has not owed Central Bank to loan)
A Accountant Report form (simple list)       
 Table 1                 Time T5
Property:                                   Debt:
(actual rice 105 kg sales                   
 revenue 105 Yuan, 5 Yuan
purchase farm tools)
Cash      100 Yuan                 Loan        100 Yuan
 A farm tool    5 Yuan             Interest      3 Yuan
 Prepaid interest  3 Yuan         Tax            2 Yuan
 Prepay tax     2 Yuan          Debt sum total 105 Yuan
Property sum total    
            110 Yuan         Rights and interests
                                        5 Yuan
In "A Rice Model", we see to three facts:
 The fact 1, A divide two times returns the bank loan 105 currencies (in T1 and T6).
The fact 2, A divide two sales revenue 105 currencies (in T3 and T5).
 The fact 3, 105 kg rice have exchanged 105 currencies. (in T3 and T5).
 Infers 1, (fact 3) 105 kg rice - (fact 2) 105 currency =0; (rice has exchanged currency completely, therefore in A rice =0, takes away obviously currency burns down, in A is 0).
Infers 2, (fact 2) 105 currencies - (fact 1) 105 currency =0.
According to infers 2, 105 currency - 105 currency =0, in A does not have the profit, but in the reality, in A presented 5 Yuan profits (to see "A Rice Model").
In the logic reasoning, the fact 1,2,3 and infer 1,2 does not have the mistake; A presents this 5 Yuan profits in the reality also not to have the mistake. Obviously, the logic reasoning and the reality should not have the contradiction, therefore logic reasoning's result and the reality result must have a mistake; Who can discover the mistake in where?
 (I discovered now that our today's economic possibly had - - the big problem. This question we have not imagined that simply. Perhaps this question, to our intelligence is a challenge)