得艾滋病很值得骄傲? 缘起:打开电脑总能发现一些让人眼前一亮的东东,今天打开搜狐主页就看到一则很雷人的新闻,说是一个女子得了艾滋病之后感到很是骄傲,并且把自己的经历发到网上想借此弄出点名堂。小付很纳闷,什么时候国人(小部分,个别)开始以得艾滋病而骄傲了? 新闻一:《河北艾滋女为报复曝光数百性接触者自称很骄傲》http://news.sohu.com/20091016/n267394873.shtml说的是:洗头小姐闫德利来自河北容城县,她在博客上公布了279名曾与自己发生过性关系的男性手机号码,并称自己身染艾滋病。闫德利表示,这些只是她接待的男人中的一部分,估计大部分已染病。记者拨打近百个号码,八成用户停机或关机,接听者称不知情。 新闻二:也是来自搜狐 :《小偷手持“艾滋病证明”被抓后又释放 市民不满》(http://comment2.news.sohu.com/viewcomments.action?id=267377623 )说的是:众人合力在凌晨擒住了小偷并将其扭送派出所,但小偷凭着随身携带的“艾滋病证明”获得了警方“赦免”。合肥华都城市花园小区的杨女士为此很不解:难道手持艾滋病病例证明就可以随意为非作歹吗? 小付有话说:小付真的不想说什么,也没有什么可说的。总的感觉是这只是个别人,但我觉得就是个别人也不应该。 记得第一次遇到艾滋病患者时,我心情很是郁闷,于是就找一个要好的老师聊天倾诉。那位老师告诉我,艾滋病也是千千万万疾病中的一种。其患病率在众多疾病中也不是最高,其死亡率也不是很高,应该说其是一种很平常的病。人们对这种病存在偏见说明人们不了解这种病。当时总觉得这位老师是在说官话,总觉得艾滋病不是一般的疾病。后来接触到的艾滋病病人越来越多,就慢慢感到这种病并没有什么可怕的。来到北京之后也和一些同事聊到艾滋病,他们给我的感觉也是对这种疾病不太了解。后来接触到北京的患者,和他们聊艾滋病,他们往往把这种病归为“坏病”当中。我问他们,如果艾滋病是孬病,什么是好病呢?其实一个艾滋病病人并不见得就比肾衰病人存活时间短,其对人体的健康危害并不见得比尿毒症等病小,为什么把艾滋病当作“孬病”来看呢?患者无语。 让小付感到不解的是新闻上登出这样的事情,一个洗头小姐因为得艾滋病之后感到非常骄傲,并且把其经历发到网上。这时候我猛然醒悟,原来艾滋病并没有什么,是艾滋病这种病经性传播,而非法性交易给这种病制造了传播的土壤。一来二去人们就把这种病定性为“孬病”。不过小付解释不通的是,既然大部分人觉得艾滋病是“孬病”,为什么还有人对得艾滋病而感到骄傲呢? 最后总结一下:艾滋病是千万种疾病种的一种,无所谓好与坏。之所以人们对这种疾病存有偏见,就是因为这种病往往是在不光彩的情况下得的。可为什么还有人因为得到这种病而感到骄傲呢?小付弄不明白。 Was very proud of AIDS? [ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:196 更新时间:2009-10-17 文章录入:nnb ]
Tags: AIDS
Origin: Turn on your computer can always find some bright spots on the Dongdong, today opened Sohu home page to see a very Ray's news, saying that a woman got some felt was very proud of AIDS, and the experience of his own hair working out points to the Web would like to take their places. Small pay wondered, when people (a small part of the individual) began to get proud of AIDS?
Press 1: "Hebei, in retaliation for exposure of hundreds of HIV-female sexual contact is very proud to call themselves" http://news.sohu.com/20091016/n267394873.shtml say is this: wash Miss Yan Deli from Rongcheng County, Hebei, and she In the blog posted 279 have occurred in sexual relations with their male phone number, saying that he live with AIDS. Yan Deli, said that she received these are just part of the men, it is estimated the majority have been infected. Reporter dial numbers nearly a hundred Eighty per cent of users to stop or shut down, answering those who said that without the knowledge.
News 2: also from Sohu
: "A thief armed with" AIDS proof "was arrested and later released from public discontent" (http://comment2.news.sohu.com/viewcomments.action?id=267377623) say is this: everyone together in the morning of the thieves, and Qin Zhu be seized and turned over police stations, but the thieves relying on carry-on "AIDS proof" access to the police, "pardon." Hefei Hua Du City Garden Residential Area Ms Yang this is very puzzling: Is holding AIDS cases can be free to commit crimes that do?
Small to pay something to say: small to pay did not want to say anything, nor anything to say. The general feeling is that this only an individual person, but I think it is the individual who should not be.
I remember the first encounter with AIDS, I was very depressed mood, so to find a good chat with the teacher to talk. The teacher told me that AIDS is a disease millions. Its prevalence in a number of diseases are not the highest mortality rate is not very high, it should say it is a very common disease. People of this disease bias shows that people do not understand this disease. At that time the teacher is always felt that Mandarin, always feel that AIDS is not an ordinary disease. Was exposed to an increasing number of AIDS patients, the disease would slowly feel there is nothing to fear. Came to Beijing even after talking with some colleagues to AIDS, and they gave me the feeling is also not know much about this disease. Later, patients come into contact with Beijing, and their talk of AIDS, they tend to put this disease classified as "bad disease" among them. I asked them, if AIDS is the NAO disease patients do what is good? In fact, an AIDS patient, and not necessarily on the shorter survival time than patients with renal failure, its human health hazards, and not necessarily small compared with uremia and other diseases, why is the AIDS as a "NAO disease" view? Patients with silent.
To enable small to pay puzzled that the news posted on such a thing, because it was a shampoo lady, after AIDS was very proud of, and made its experiences to the web. At this time I suddenly realize that there is nothing original AIDS is the disease of AIDS through sexual transmission, while the illegal sex trade to the spread of the disease has created the soil. 1 to 2 people to put this disease to be characterized as "NAO disease." But the small pay unreasonable interpretation is that since most people feel that AIDS is a "NAO disease" Why do people get AIDS and feel proud?
Concluded this: AIDS is 10 million kinds of diseases, as a species, does not matter good or bad. The reason why people are prejudiced against this disease, it is because this disease is often the case in the infamous obtained. But why the disease was also due to be proud of it? Small pay puzzled.
T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究