在某种意义上来说,你犯那个错误我倒很高兴,因为那个错误会对你起警告作用。2.我建议你买那张多用途沙发,因为它可以作为床用。3.这个学校最早是一个社区学院,现在已经成为这个州的最著名的大学之一。4.哥伦比亚于1938年从一个家庭作坊的帽子销售商发家,现在已经成为世界上最大的户外品牌之一。5.我们的目标成为经营业绩最好的和最被羡慕者之一。6.我们公司的承诺是将国内产品介绍 In a sense, you are committing an error that I am very much pleased, because you have an error warning from the role. 2. I suggest you buy a sofa goes multi-purpose, as it can be used as a bed. 3. The first school is a community college, has now become the state's most famous universities. 4. Columbia in 1938 from a workshop of the family fortune hat seller, has now become the world's largest outdoor brands. 5. We aim to become the best operating results and the most enviable one. 6. We are committed to the company's domestic product will be introduced