1.在山区,越来越多的文盲有机会接受教育了。2.你不能总是不表态,你必须对此事做出决定。3.你可以看到,有很多贸易信息可以利用。4.她给经理打电话,问是否可以打折扣。5.要在这一领域获得成功需要有智慧和才能,尤其需要勤奋。1.自从我上次见到她已经有6个月了。2.我出了10天差,刚回来。3.14个小时后我们就到了北京。4.读这本小说大约花了我们两天时间。5.他在那里住了大约11年,然后就搬到了纽约。6.他从上海的一所学校毕业后第3天就去了欧洲。7.我的假期时间还很长,于是就提出和她一起去。8.从市中心到机场大约需要30分钟时间 1. In the mountains, a growing number of illiterate have the opportunity to receive education. 2. You can not always stand, you have to make a decision on the matter. 3. You can see, there are a lot of trade information can be used. 4. She called to the manager and asked whether or not to be discounted. 5. To be successful in this field need to have the wisdom and ability, in particular, need to work hard. 1. Since the last time I saw her have a 6 months. 2. I am a 10-day difference, just come back. 3.14 hours after we arrived in Beijing. 4. Reading this book, we spent about two days. 5. Where he lived for about 11 years, then moved to New York. 6. Shanghai from a school after graduating from the 3rd day went to Europe. 7. I still have a long time for the holidays, so on and made her go. 8. From the downtown to the airport takes about 30 minutes 1.在文化交流中,误解常常是不可避免的。2.在英国留学的几年中,我有机会见到了不同国籍的留学生。3.在西方国家,向老师赠送圣诞节贺卡,是一种常见的表达敬意的方式。4.老师望着我,脸上露出不解的表情。5.我们都十分清楚,市场竞争是非常残酷的。6.一些汉语习语被译成英语后,会使一些英语读者感到很吃惊。1.他好像比我还熟悉那条路。2.他的声音好像打扰了她。3.他的粗心大意导致了这场车祸。4.努力工作是成功之路。5.当我到大学工作时,他们分给我一个单人房间。6.老师给我们每人一份假期作业。7.在我到达之前不要离开。8.你让我走, 1. In the cultural exchange, is often misunderstood is inevitable. 2. Studying in the UK several years, I have the opportunity to meet students of different nationalities. 3. In Western countries, Christmas gift cards to teachers, is a common expression of respect. 4. Teacher looked at me, puzzled expression on the face exposed. 5. We are well aware of that market competition is very cruel. 6. Some Chinese have been translated into English idiom, a number of English readers will find it very surprising. 1. He also seems to me more than familiar with the road. 2. His voice seemed to bother her. 3. His carelessness led to this accident. 4. Is to work hard to success. 5. When I went to university, they give me at a single room. 6. Teachers give each of us a holiday operations. 7. Do not leave before I arrived. 8. You let me go,