
Name:Silphium perfoliatum L.


Chinese name: string leaf pine vanilla
Name: Silphium perfoliatum L. Name: Silphium perfoliatum L.
Section: Asteraceae
Family: Compositae Family: Compositae and
been introduced into Ju Ke Song vanilla: This species is a perennial herb, plant height 2-3m.  Root thick, multi-section level roots. Planting only when the formation of the lotus seat-like foliage, the following year, the beginning of the formation of a profusion of upright stems; stem quadrangular, tender white hair, grew smooth and hairless. Leaves oblong, about 40cm, width 30cm or so; leaf wrinkled, margin notched, margin and leaf thinning hair; basal leaves, stalk, stem leaves sessile. The capitulum was born in the top of the fake two branches of a tree branch; spend a miscellaneous nature, the outer edge of the Layer 2-3 female flowers, chrysanthemum central hermaphrodite flowers. Achenes heart-shaped, flat, brown, outside wings, shape and size similar the elm money while longer (Figure 90). Cell chromosomes: 2n = 14.