2011年08月26日 23:18:25 来源: 新华网

艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复
图示∶2011年5月正式出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构事迹 |

UN report says AIDS Asia-Pacific region at a critical juncture
August 26, 2011 23:18:25 Source: Xinhua
SEOUL, August 26 (Reporter Chen Yi) 26 UNAIDS report released in South Korea, Asia-Pacific AIDS despite remarkable achievements, but because of inadequate attention to high-risk groups, funding is not sufficient and other reasons, the Asia-Pacific Regional outlook for AIDS is still at a critical juncture.
Day report, entitled "Asia-Pacific AIDS: clear," the report in Busan, South Korea at the Tenth Asia-Pacific Conference on AIDS published. Report that the Asia-Pacific region the number of people receiving HIV-related services than in the past has greatly increased since 2001 to reduce new infections by 20% since 2006 in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy increased from the original 3-fold, However, universal access to prevention, treatment, care and help patients and so many countries far away from the target.
UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe said that if the Asia-Pacific region to achieve the AIDS "zero increase" the goal, it should be based on available evidence and scientific basis, at the national level to deal with. AIDS programs must be backed by adequate financial resources, and focused on high-risk groups. Today's investment will bring the number of times for future returns.
According to statistics, in 2009 the Asia Pacific region total 4.9 million HIV-infected persons, this figure has been relatively stable since 2005, infections were mainly in Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Thailand and Vietnam 11 countries.
The report notes that from 2001 to 2009 period, new HIV infections in Asia Pacific from 450,000 to 36 million. Among them, Cambodia, India, Myanmar and Thailand because of the sex workers implemented a centralized, comprehensive preventive measures, a decline is particularly significant. From 2006 to the end of 2009, the region infected antiretroviral therapy increased the number of 74 million new infections of children decreased by 15%.
However, by the end of 2009, more than 60% of Asia-Pacific region still has not been necessary for people with antiretroviral therapy, Cambodia is the only necessary for people to more than 80% of the country to offer this therapy. Prevent new infections of children services is still below the global average, to highlight the situation in Nanya You.
Reported that new HIV infections in Asia Pacific is still focused on sex workers, drug users, gay, transgender and other high-risk groups, risk groups and their partners for protection and not fully implemented. Most state high-risk groups for AIDS patients and discrimination is still very common, that impeded prevention and treatment of patients receiving high-risk groups and punitive regulations.
Data show that a large proportion of the Asia-Pacific region's new HIV cases are young people under the age of 25, in most cases, not effective in high-risk young people to promote AIDS prevention measures.
Report that the Asia-Pacific AIDS underfunded. 2009, 30 countries and regions, the Asia-Pacific anti-AIDS expenditures amounted to $ 1.1 billion, achieve universal access to anti-AIDS only target one-third of the funds needed for high-risk groups, especially the prevention of spending less. While China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Samoa, Thailand and other countries raise their own funds the majority of anti-AIDS, many countries are still heavily dependent on foreign aid, especially anti-retroviral drugs.
The reduction of international aid are threatening the region's anti-Ainu force in 2009, the international anti-AIDS assistance for the first time in 10 years, "marking time" in 2010 or even declined. Report that the Asia-Pacific countries, especially middle-income countries to gradually increase the proportion of self-financing, this region is critical to the fight against AIDS.