全国孤儿5年增加13万 数十万儿童受艾滋病影响

全国孤儿5年增加13万 数十万儿童受艾滋病影响
    底东娜     来源 光明网 2011-6-2 15:54:52
















据统计,我国学前儿童总数约为9560万,报告测算,如以每年人均400元的低标准起步,政府每年投入约390亿元即可启动儿童学前教育津贴制度。(生物谷 bioon.com)

艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复



红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




中国青年网 健康频道








National 5-year increase of 130 000 orphaned hundreds of thousands of children affected by AIDS
Na source of the end of East Guangming Wang 2011-6-2 15:54:52

24% five-year increment of the National Orphans

China's child welfare policy report was released, the proposed investment and 600 billion yuan the government started seriously ill children, disability, pre-welfare system

Yesterday, the "China Children's Welfare Policy Report 2011" released, the report recommends that the Government need to give priority in 2011 from the serious illness of children, disability, pre-school education system in the construction of three aspects, and measure out 60 billion yuan to launch the three child welfare system.

According to reports, the report by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Social Welfare and Charity Promotion Division, UNICEF, the Beijing Normal University Community Research Institute jointly released the One Foundation.

Report revealed that at the end of 2008, the total number of Chinese children aged 0-18 are 278 million people. The number of vulnerable groups of children in China, the number of orphans from 574,000 in 2005 rose to 712,000 in 2010, five years, an increase of approximately 24%. Various types of disabled children aged 0-17 were 504.3 million rural children left behind about 5800 people. The end of 2010 estimated that about 496,000 -89.4 million children affected by AIDS.


Investment and 11 billion yuan to build catastrophic medical insurance

Status: June 2010, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Civil Affairs issued "on major diseases of children in rural areas to carry out to improve the level of medical care pilot views." As of September 30, 2010, there are 23 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have formulated or revised and issued on the ill treatment of children in rural areas of implementation.

The report recommends: serious illness of our children requires the use of government-led relief, increase investment, social participation, welfare services and market mechanisms combined mode of operation. Report estimated that the country children aged 0-14 of about 220 million children in catastrophic health care insurance system to establish, for example, annual government expenditure of no more than 50 children will be able to be a serious illness health insurance, under which the government estimated this year spending about 110 billion.

Should be built system of welfare benefits for children with disabilities

Status: types of disabled children aged 0-17 a total of 5.043 million, for basic living needs and rehabilitation treatment is huge.

The report recommends: the establishment of national priorities shared by central and local fiscal burden of welfare benefits system for disabled children. Proposed classification for children with disabilities and establish a system of welfare benefits, such as the average standard of 2000 yuan per person per year projections, the government only invested about 100 billion yuan.

Subsidies should be given to pre-school children

Status: uneven development of pre-school stage, often resulting in underdeveloped areas and pre-school children in areas of scarce resources in a timely manner to pre-school is difficult.

The report recommends: First, pre-established system of allowances for pre-school children to be subsidized, and then gradually build a comprehensive commitment by the Government, for the welfare of all pre-school age children.

According to statistics, the total number of pre-school children is about 95.6 million, the report estimates, such as 400 yuan per capita annually, low standard start, the Government invested about 39.0 billion a year to start pre-school child allowance system. (Bio Valley bioon.com)


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