
    2011年06月14日 03:04 来源:北京日报 作者:本报记者 方芳














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All secondary and tertiary hospital HIV screening laboratories built
At 03:04 on June 14, 2011 Source: Beijing Daily Author: Fang Fang reporter
Medical institutions in the city for more than two HIV screening laboratories to be fully established, the Municipal Health Bureau announced yesterday the city this year, AIDS prevention and control points.

HIV prevention policies into the School training courses

Municipal Health Bureau said the end of this year, 15 to 49 year olds, Knowledge about AIDS among urban residents, 85%, 75% of rural residents, 80% mobile population, young people up to 90%, 90 types of high-risk groups %. Raise awareness of AIDS throughout the community level.

To this end, this year, governments at all levels and relevant departments to 100% of the accepted knowledge of AIDS prevention policies and training, to prevention and treatment policies into Party schools and other institutions of training, training for targeted, so that all levels of Party leadership Knowledge about AIDS among cadres, more than 90%.

City, district and county levels of government funding for AIDS prevention work to include the level of government budget. AIDS funding should be earmarked. Finance, health and other departments to strengthen supervision over the use of funds, check to make the most of funding.

Drug free treatment for infected mother to child

This year the city will increase monitoring efforts and intervention of AIDS coverage. Two above 100% of medical and health institutions to establish HIV screening laboratories, in medical institutions and gradually establish medical staff initiative to provide HIV counseling and testing mechanism.

The county's medical institutions to provide HIV and syphilis active antibodies consultation, requires the State to designated medical institutions at district level the annual number of HIV antibody testing is not less than 20,000 cases, street township of not less than 5000 medical institutions.

In order to prevent mother to child transmission among the city's various maternal health care and midwifery bodies are all to be carried out PMTCT, prevention of congenital syphilis work. Hospital for all pregnant women should take the initiative to provide AIDS prevention, mother to child transmission of syphilis and hepatitis B testing and consulting services, to strengthen HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B infection in pregnant women's prenatal care and follow-up services, HIV infection, syphilis pregnancy Infants born to mothers free of charge and provide treatment, preventive medication, follow-up and other interventions.

At least Bacheng infection receiving free treatment

Antiviral therapy is HIV infected or the patient's primary treatment, this year the city will expand the coverage of antiretroviral treatment free of charge. All the standard HIV and AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy or the proportion of Chinese medicine treatment will reach 80% this year.

In addition, the medical staff to the treatment of patients is at least 4 times the effective follow-up, this ratio can not be less than 90%; completed at least 1 viral load testing ratio of 90% or more.

The city also provides for treatment of AIDS, anti-viral treatment for 12 months for patients still alive and the proportion of adherence to treatment to more than 90%.

The city to set up community-based drug maintenance treatment expert, regularly send experts to participate in compulsory quarantine drug rehabilitation centers, drug rehabilitation centers voluntarily organized drug addiction treatment of drug maintenance treatment of community forums, and actively guide the drug addicts out of the maintenance therapy after the drugs involved in the community, so Drug addicts receiving opioid maintenance treatment the proportion of the community drugs 70%.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-6-14    文章录入:nnb ]