疑病者称患"阴滋病" 专家否定存在艾滋病变种
2011-04-05 08:01 南方报网—南方日报
南方日报记者 李秀婷
统筹 谢苗枫
艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |

Hypochondriacal patients who said, "HIV negative" AIDS experts deny the existence of variants
2011-04-05 08:01 Southern reported net - Nanfang Daily
Yesterday, a Hong Kong media reported that: Mainland, including at least six provinces, including Guangdong, discovered called "negative AIDS" (referred to as "HIV negative"), the mysterious virus spread through saliva and blood, infection and AIDS means similar. This soon attracted so many users report panic, there are users in the shouted "terrorist", but also doubt whether the report is true.
Nanfang Daily Press yesterday to investigate this understanding. It is reported that the Ministry of Health has been in Guangdong Province epidemiological survey of 6, 6 provincial testing data have been reported to the Ministry of Health released the results will soon be unified.
Message from beginning a suspected infected people inexplicable disease
Yesterday, a Hong Kong media reported huge "yin stunning AIDS", said the patients were infected with "HIV negative" occurs after lymph swelling, subcutaneous bleeding, hair and other symptoms tongue raw, even more terrifying is no cure, but even the virus infectious disease experts have no idea, but the virus has continued to spread, there are at least six provinces found that the virus, the patient up to thousands of people.
The so-called "Yin AIDS", mainly refers to himself as infected with the virus generally have night sweats, numbness in hands and feet with HIV infection and other very similar symptoms, but after many checks are still HIV negative, clinical reports also show that they are "no significant organic disease ", they claimed to be" HIV-negative infections. "
Hong Kong media reported that Mr. Wang of Hong Kong people suspected of being infected with the virus in Hong Kong know Nvwang occur once every six months, unprotected sex after starting from last November there lymph nodes, tongue grow hair, continuously variable resistance symptoms and poor, more suspected infections to his wife. He was worried that he was infected with venereal diseases, but to the hospital for a number of checks, the results show that not infected with AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases.
The report, "the Street", the soon to be uploaded to microblogging. The reporters found that the relevant reports and more from 7 am yesterday, a well-known micro-Bo in the exposure of less than about noon on forward thousand more users are skeptical of the report. User "Healer Fairy" said he hoped the health sector can give an accurate statement, in order to avoid "specious", affecting people's lives.
Q group gathered to share their disease risk sexual behavior
Claimed to suffer from "negative AIDS" and "patient", even in the detection of HIV, many were negative results, they adhere to the suspect disease, but also by the "unknown virus" infection.
Yesterday, the reporter started checking and found that many hospitals have contacted many such cases. Patients are often the beginning of the onset of symptoms, log on AIDS Forum, to judge their own condition, but the AIDS Forum has always been the standard for judging the results. When the AIDS forum moderators and volunteers tried to persuade them to "de-terrorism" and provoke debate, they entered a a QQ group, in the group exchange of illness, drug use experience.
Sina microblogging, "unknown viral infection," the micro-Bo told said: "I am a hospital in Beijing to participate in testing the 'one fifty-nine patients'." He said, physical examination of patients fifty-nine table table most of them have related physical symptoms: oral ulcers, gingival recession, pharyngitis, rhinitis, decreased visual acuity; done basically the prompt detection of lymph lymph nodes.
User "impulse is the devil" and the lover after the negative results are detected, fear reduced; after the body erythema appeared, so she fear. So she the Internet search-related information and join the "Truth group." She initially suspected that he is "fear" out, but later found that those who had no symptoms occur one after another in his body, such as the bowel, headaches, white fur and so on. So she firmly believes that the disease is not "out of fear."
The reporters found that most patients had high-risk sexual behavior. They have the disease described as "an inability to detect and can spread saliva, attacks the human immune system, class HIV virus."
National experts point out that not one voice AIDS
Experts unanimously agreed that, this is not AIDS.
Department of Infectious Diseases, Guangzhou Eighth People's Hospital, Chief Physician, Ministry of Health AIDS clinical expert in the pathology expert who analyzed Cai Weiping, this population is not infected with HIV.
Cai Weiping also said, at present, basically there is no antibody not detected, although a handful of people can not detect a certain time, but with the capability of auto-immune, not always detected, and "they use many methods to detect Many times, some people not only to detect antibodies, and detection of the virus, it can not detect. "
Gui Xi'en, Li Taisheng, times and strong authority in the field of domestic AIDS treatment experts almost unanimously believe that this group complained of symptoms which do not constitute real medical sense of the symptoms.
They said a fever, doctors do not burn measurement; they say white fur, doctors thought psychological stress caused by endocrine disorders after; they said lymph nodes, the doctor said, "they reach the superficial lymph nodes may be caused by chronic inflammation of the tendon" ; they say rash, the doctor said, no one's skin is not defective; doctors physical examination found no clinically significant rash.
"Medicine, the patient complained of is important, but there must be real signs, but they really do not see signs of the medical sense." Expert Advisory Committee Ministry of Health AIDS Clinical Team Leader, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital medical director Dr Li Taisheng infection said.
Some experts pointed out that the subjective experience of these patients is described as serious, but found no signs of serious illness, mainly by the "fear of AIDS disease" caused physical symptoms. Gui Xien AIDS experts that the Chinese consider themselves to people infected with unknown virus, at least some people have psychological barriers. Should be given to this group help and care.
Diseases survey of 59 blood samples have been sent to the U.S. test
The experts for these patients is infected with other viruses, has a different point of view.
According to media reports in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Deputy Secretary of Health, Infectious Diseases Institute, Guangzhou, Tang Xiaoping believes that the current medicine is not "negative AIDS," but he stressed that if the HIV antibody test is not positive, it is impossible is a variant of HIV or AIDS. However, he did not rule out two possibilities, one is making them a high-risk sexual behavior, the risk of AIDS phobia; one is infected with other viruses.
AIDS era, Zhejiang strong caution panel members said, "do not deny that there may be unknown viruses."
Recently, the Ministry of Health, Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, the responsible person interview, said that Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangsu, Guangdong Province, has started six epidemiological investigation, analysis of specific causes. CDC epidemiological investigation into the provinces where the number of patients with blood collected fifty-nine has been sent to the U.S. laboratory for testing.
Among them, the Guangdong Province in February the Ministry of Health has received the relevant notification. Guangdong Province, Lin Peng, director of the CDC AIDS, said yesterday that the rapid establishment of a group of experts in Guangdong, including clinical doctors, psychiatrists, epidemiologists, AIDS experts and other investigation work.
Lin Peng also said in an interview, "Guangdong Province has seven or eight samples tested, it is clear that HIV can not be." Whether an unknown virus may be another, he emphasized national unity will be released the results of their own to disclose.
Nanfang Daily reporter Li Xiuting
Manpower Xiemiao Feng
■ Glossary
Fear of AIDS patients
Fear of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome phobia) commonly known as the fear of AIDS disease, is an intense fear of AIDS, accompanied by anxiety, depression, obsession, hypochondriasis, and other psychological symptoms of psychological disorders and behavioral abnormalities. Many patients think that their illness is infected with the AIDS virus, repeatedly call the hotline counseling, or HIV antibody test done repeatedly on the negative results but also skeptical, and believe that the current test is not accurate or your agent can not be detected virus.