2011年03月05日 07:42 来源:中国新闻网
中新网3月5日电 据外电报道,德国一名前民歌组合Godewind成员,明知自己是艾滋病带菌者,但在泰国召妓时却故意不用安全套,散播艾滋病毒,前天(周四)被判监九年。
法官指, 66岁伯姆(Carsten Bohm)明知自己是艾滋病带菌者,但 2005年 5月至前年 11月在芭堤雅召妓期间,向妓女隐瞒病况,还没戴安全套与403名雏妓性交。
泰国警方在伯姆于芭堤雅寓所内,发现儿童色情物品。德国警方前年底在机场拘捕伯姆,证实他感染艾滋病毒仍在泰国召妓,令 7女童和 23少女感染。法官念及他的病情和曾企图自杀,判处入狱九年。德自 1993年起修例后,有权审讯在海外干犯性罪行的国民。
艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |

Germany does not wear a condom AIDS singer was sentenced to nine prostitutes
At 07:42 on March 5, 2011 Source: China News
Xinhua BEIJING, March 5, according to foreign reports, the German combination of Godewind a former member of folk songs, knowing they are HIV carriers, but not intentionally Shique prostitutes in Thailand, condoms, the spread of HIV, the day before yesterday (Thursday) sentenced to prison Nine years.
Judge, 66-year-old Boehm (Carsten Bohm) aware that he is HIV carriers, but in May 2005 to the year before last November prostitution in Pattaya during the condition to the concealment of prostitutes, not to wear condoms and 403 child prostitutes have sex.
Thai police in Pattaya in the Boehm home and found child pornography. German police arrested at the airport before the end of Boehm, confirmed that he is still HIV-infected prostitutes in Thailand, making 7 of 23 teenage girls and infection. Mindful of his illness and the judge had attempted to commit suicide was sentenced to imprisonment for nine years. Germany since 1993, after amendment, the right to trial in the sexual offenses committed by nationals abroad.
Liu Jun Union experts director of the Center AIDS treatment clinics, professors, experts, Chinese medicine and long difficult disease cures website. Paper "on the Treatment of AIDS medicine, " published in "China STD & AIDS"2003 version of the magazine, Kang Sheng invented the AIDS treatment drug clinical application since 2002, has a significant effect, the only AIDS drug available 3rd generation ...