大学生携手农民工共同防艾 最大的亮点是以强带弱

大学生携手农民工共同防艾 最大的亮点是以强带弱


大学生携手农民工共同防艾 最大的亮点是以强带弱  
    http://www.gxnews.com.cn  2011年03月28日 06:38  来源:广西新闻网-南国早报 
    广西新闻网南宁讯 (记者伍鸽玲)面对疯狂的艾滋病,如何动员社会的力量筑起防控墙?3月25日,由广西预防医学会和南宁青少年健康服务学会合作实施的“2011年国家艾滋病防治社会动员项目——‘防治艾滋,你我同行’大学生携手农民工”项目在南宁启动。项目由国家投入15万元资金,将在今年底完成。该项目最大的亮点就是以强带弱,通过有一定知识的大学生来带动防病知识相对缺乏的农民工群体,增强他们对艾滋病的认识和防控能力。

艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复



红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




中国青年网 健康频道








Students work together migrant workers is the biggest highlight of AIDS prevention with a weak intensity
     http://www.gxnews.com.cn 2011 03 28 06:38 Source: Guangxi News Network - southern China Morning Post
     Nanning, Guangxi News (Reporter Wu Ge Ling) in the face of AIDS crazy, how to mobilize social forces to build prevention and control of the wall? March 25, from Nanning in Guangxi Preventive Medicine Association and the Society of Adolescent Health in cooperation of the "2011 National HIV Prevention Social Mobilization Project - 'Combat HIV, you and I walk' hand in migrant workers Students"project launched in Nanning. Project funds by the state invested 150,000 yuan, will be completed by the end of this year. The biggest highlight of the project is to strong with a weak knowledge of students by a certain knowledge to boost the relative lack of disease control groups of migrant workers and enhance their awareness of AIDS prevention and control capabilities.
     Construction site of the floating population of migrant workers is a very important part, and the age of 18 to more than 49 years, belonging to the age at high risk of AIDS infection. For various reasons, their knowledge of AIDS, and little is known about preventive measures, and a long home, mobility, once infected with HIV, the spread of, the spread is also greater. College students is a certain level of knowledge of the flow of people, they are an important force in the fight against AIDS one of the work. Project will train a group of volunteer college students and migrant workers, the use of theatrical performances, game and other means, into the site of Nanning City to promote AIDS prevention and treatment of migrant workers have the knowledge to promote change in their behavior.
     The project target is to develop and build three university students in the school volunteer service teams, through volunteer work to improve the Nanning five large municipal site of 2,000 migrant workers in the AIDS prevention awareness, and promote large-scale municipal Nanning 5 2,000 migrant workers on site safety behavior, and completed 200 of HIV voluntary counseling and testing.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-3-29    文章录入:nnb ]