


    2011-03-29 01:43   稿源: 甘肃省卫生厅 编辑: 杨晨雨



  甘肃省性病艾滋病防治协会成立于2008年,三年来协会申请并完成了全球基金艾滋病第五轮、第六轮小额项目,2008年国家艾滋病防治社会动员项目,RCC社会组织管理项目工作。此次中标的2010年国家艾滋病防治社会动员项目,将以研讨、联谊会,同伴教育,社区反歧视倡导,心理咨询,医疗关怀,户外活动,电子竞技,远离毒品、健康性行为、安全套使用培训和技能、就业培训等形式的活动完成甘肃省内700名校外青少年的培训和干预工作;100余名艾滋病感染者和病人将通过就业培训、生产救助等项目活动支持,提高生活质量;5所高校、5个社区、5家省级医疗机构及省委党校和省直机关工委党校的数千名学生、居民、干部职工和领导干部获得反歧视政策的倡导和培训。(甘肃省性病艾滋病防治协会 李莉)

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Gansu Province Association of STD and AIDS Prevention "2010 National HIV Prevention Social Mobilization Project Management and Capacity Building Training"
2011-03-29 01:43 Manuscripts: Gansu Provincial Health Department Editor: Yang Chenyu
STD and AIDS Prevention Association of Gansu Province to apply the "three school children in Gansu Province of AIDS prevention Mode", "propaganda and anti-AIDS and related HIV infection in people who participate in Mode" and the "Gansu Province, and patients with HIV emotion project support and caring, "the three countries, AIDS in 2010 were the successful bidder for the project of social mobilization, a total of 440,000 yuan to obtain funding. In order to strengthen project management to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of project implementation to ensure that project activities and expected realization of the goal, approved by the Ministry of Health "2010 National HIV Prevention Social Mobilization Project Management program," the requirements of STD and AIDS Prevention Association of Gansu Province in March 2011 was held in Lanzhou 15-17 "2010 National HIV Prevention Social Mobilization Project Management and Capacity Building Training." STD and AIDS prevention and control work of the experts and the provincial CDC Echo responsible for social organizations to participate in AIDS prevention and control personnel, the successful institutions and social organizations, cooperation agencies project leader nearly 40 people attended the training. The training that is project management, social mobilization, training, AIDS is the province of social organization capacity-building training, and also marks the national AIDS prevention and control of our province in 2010 officially launched the project of social mobilization.

Course was opened by the President, vice president of Association presided over the sea, vice president of the Cao Xiaoyuan, Jiang Deming, Provincial Health Department, Chen Ying, Deputy Director of Disease Control, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. Cao Vice President stressed the importance of social mobilization project on the implementation of the project put forward the corresponding requirements. He stressed that the location of the project cooperation with the CDC and community agencies in close communication and cooperation, to seek support; programs in strict accordance with project implementation and project management requirements, timely completion of project activities and objectives and requirements. He said the province will take the forms of organization Ai Association supervision and inspection from time to time, to strengthen project management to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

Training on "Project Management Solution" and "financial management approach" for a detailed description of the deployment tasks. The project leader responsible organizations and representatives of partner agencies to discuss and improve the project implementation plan, activities, strategies and skills activities.

STD and AIDS Prevention Association of Gansu Province was established in 2008, the association for three years and completed the fifth round of the Global Fund AIDS, the sixth round of small projects, in 2008 the National AIDS Prevention Social Mobilization Project, RCC social organization and management projects. The winning of the 2010 National AIDS Prevention Social Mobilization Project, will be seminars, clubs, peer education, community anti-discrimination advocacy, counseling, medical care, outdoor activities, electronic games, stay away from drugs, health, sexual behavior, condom use training and skills, job training and other forms of activities in Gansu Province to complete the training of 700 young people outside schools and intervention; more than 100 patients with AIDS and through job training, production assistance and other support for project activities to improve the quality of life; 5 colleges and universities, 5 community, five provincial-level medical institutions and the Provincial Party School and provincial Organs thousands of students, residents, cadres and workers and cadres to obtain anti-discrimination policy, advocacy and training. (STD and AIDS Prevention Association of Gansu Province Li Li)


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