中国去年传染病死亡15257例 艾滋病是最大"杀手"
2011-02-16 16:05:00 来源: 中国新闻网(北京)
中新社北京2月16日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)中国卫生部16日发布的疫情报告称,2010年内地共报告法定传染病发病6409962例,死亡15257人,其中艾滋病死亡7743例,居传染病死亡病例之首。
图示∶2010年12月即将出版的《中国特色医疗金鉴》登载的刘君主任及其机构 |

China last year, 15,257 cases of AIDS deaths from infectious diseases is the biggest "killer"
2011-02-16 16:05:00 Source: China News Service (Beijing)
China news agency, Beijing, February 16 (Reporters Ou Yang and Kai Yu) - 16, Chinese Ministry of Health report released by the epidemic, reported a total of 2010 years and 6,409,962 cases of legal infectious diseases, deaths 15,257, of which 7,743 cases of AIDS deaths, ranking infection disease deaths in the first place.
Report: Annual incidence rate of 480.24/10 million infectious disease, the mortality rate was 1.14/10 million; incidence among the top five diseases were viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, bacterial and amebic dysentery, gonorrhea, infectious diseases accounted for Class B 94.97% of the total reported incidence, the number of deaths reported among the top five diseases were AIDS, tuberculosis, rabies, viral hepatitis and H1N1, and B class infectious diseases accounted for 96.49 deaths %.
Report revealed that last year the incidence of human plague were reported in 7 cases, 2 deaths, the number of reported cases and deaths were less than 5 cases in 2009 and 1; incidence of 157 cases of cholera were reported and no deaths reported incidence rate of 0.0118 / 10 million, compared with 2009 increased by 84.38%; report of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza disease in 1 case, 1 death, the number of reported cases and deaths over 2009, respectively, a decrease of 6 cases and 3.
The report said, compared with 2009 last year, and B class infectious diseases respiratory infectious diseases, natural foci, and insect-borne diseases, intestinal infectious diseases, blood and the reported incidence of sexually transmitted diseases declined 18.97%, respectively, 13.02%, 8.26% and 3.76%. Intestinal infectious diseases, cholera, and increased incidence of hepatitis E, hepatitis A, typhoid / paratyphoid, hepatitis and dysentery are not divided incidence decreased; respiratory diseases, in addition to a slight increase in incidence of pertussis, the influenza A H1N1 influenza , epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, measles, tuberculosis and scarlet fever the number of reported cases has decreased in varying degrees; and insect-borne infectious diseases in natural foci of leptospirosis and epidemic hemorrhagic fever incidence increased, people infected with highly pathogenic Avian influenza, malaria, plague, encephalitis, dengue fever, anthrax, rabies and brucellosis incidence decreased; blood of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis and hepatitis C, a slight increase in incidence , gonorrhea and hepatitis B incidence declined.