
2011年11月14日08:52  来源:湖南在线  作者:王庆永
  除了八院,广州其他医院不会替H IV感染者做血液透析,也不会有医院愿意为HIV感染者做肾移植手术。吴奋去了广州市内多家综合三甲医院,无一例外都遭到了拒绝。这些医院基本上给出了相同的拒绝理由,目前无法腾出专用的机器与病房,达不到医疗条件;有需住院治疗的病人被验出艾滋感染时,均要送往八院治疗。《钱江晚报》



艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复 艾滋病不治会早死,早治才康复



红津液饮料面世 或将能预防艾滋病




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艾滋病新鸡尾酒疗法 附 HIV感染者,早吃药早受益

Discrimination against people with AIDS than died leaving fear
At 8:52 on November 14, 2011 Source: Hunan Online Author: Wang Qingyong
In addition to eight homes, other hospitals in Guangzhou for the H IV infection does not do dialysis, the hospital would not be willing to do HIV-infected kidney transplant. Wu Fen went to several comprehensive top three hospitals in Guangzhou City, without exception, have been rejected. Basically, these hospitals refused to give the same reason, are unable to make a dedicated machine and ward, reach medical conditions; have to be hospitalized AIDS patients were found to be infected, are to be sent to the eight hospital. "Evening News"
See the structure of discrimination refuse to accept medical reports of AIDS, I was very puzzled and indignant heart, before the media after the investigation, said: non-discrimination, humiliation the most serious sites, is medical institutions. Because only medical facility staff, possible HIV infected patients were informed of the information. The fact that today placed in front of us, as life-saving professional bodies, as angels in white people's minds, how there will be discriminated against AIDS patients, even the bad behavior does nothing about them, leading to rejection of these hospitals, people with AIDS discrimination The main reason is the policy of not missing, nor will it be professional enough, but the lack of medical ethics, professional medical organizations as a very natural way to clear AIDS and prevention of infectious diseases a real way, but that is the case in the know, or do Shanghai matter of course, AIDS will cause outrage all the people, the authority as a medical professional organizations or persons, should help promote AIDS prevention and transmission of such knowledge, rather than carrying their own conscience first hide, and thus aroused greater on AIDS range, a greater degree of fear and discrimination, people with AIDS said that discrimination more they fear more than death.

The news that for the coexistence of disease after AIDS patients how to deal with the medical profession, "Communicable Disease Prevention Law", though not specifically, but the State Department then issued the "AIDS Prevention Act" states: "Medical institutions shall not seek treatment for HIV patients infection or AIDS patients, prevarication or refuse treatment for other diseases, the first in a doctor's duty, after the country's policies, but there are numerous hospitals and some medical staff in a very professional doing the very identity professional matters, AIDS itself is in a great fear, loss, loneliness and even despair of the state, in the inquiry to go the hospital after complications have been deprived of the power really should not, the hospital is saving a place, the doctor every day are engaged in life-saving duty, I would like to ask, as the angels of your face look and AIDS pain relief expected to be the eyes, you have the heart to refuse it? Please do not give the doctor's duty black cast, more Do not reject AIDS patients in mind a thousand miles away.

The world has not yet developed a cure for AIDS, the effects of drugs, there is no effective vaccine available for prevention, at present, the disease became a death rate almost as high as 100% of the "super cancer" Faced with this situation, the situation of AIDS and mentality had dropped to below freezing, they helpless, hopeless look at the world, they need help and care, we can not push them, we can not use the cold and selfish to treat them as a professional medical organization should lead to respect and protect people with AIDS, to establish a model community, with love, courage and professionalism to break the fear of being demonized AIDS, do not let AIDS death in the face to face discrimination when, let's work together together around AIDS care, because we love them is to love yourself.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-11-15    文章录入:nnb ]