
眼看到中国人和华人,以及周边受中国文化影响的国家最受重视的民俗节日春节。俺算是中国改革开放后研究西部贫困发展问题的先驱者之一,对西部社会和文化也比较熟悉,于是俺借花献佛:借西北回族穆斯林为主传承的民歌花儿,给大家的春节,也就是给俺自己的春节,献上一朵花。 邹蓝   

1207377  西北民歌:花儿   邹蓝


Now some words about Huaer花儿 folksong tradition in Northwest China. Northwest China is geographically on Loess Plateau with semi-arid climate and the Huis as an Islamic ethnic group are concentrated in this part of China and Huaer actually is their folk tradition. Its origin is said to be the folk song traditions of Tibetan neighbors of the Muslims in border areas of Sichuan with Gansu and Qinghai provinces. Gradually the tradition passed to the Muslims and spread among them in all the Northwest China.


According to field studies, the Huaer tradition is even spread beyond the Chinese border in Central Asia, probably that is because the defeated Muslim retreating all the way from West China to Central Asia in mid 1880s and settled down there ever since. They cannot use the Chinese written language but they keep speaking Shaanxi-Gansu dialect in their daily life, which is understood by Chinese from Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. The Central Asian Huis or Donggans (Tunggans) as they are so called in Central Asia, even keep the dress styles in 1800s up to now. It is a proof that in 1800s the Huaer tradition was popular among the Huis in China or they could not bring it to Central Asia and Xinjiang.


In fact, Huaer is not limited to Huis alone, but Ethnic Bao’ans, Salars and even Hans, Tibetans and Mongolians. Since the majority people observing this folk music tradition is the Huis, so we can roughly understand so in a general sense.


Huaer tradition has its regional varieties. For example there are Ningxia Huaer, Gansu Huaer and Qinghai Huaer, and with the Muslim resettlement from Shaanxi and Gansu to Xinjiang, there is a new Xinjiang Huaer. In Ningxia, there is the Mount Liupan Huaer(六盘山花儿) in Ningxia, the Jingwei Huaer (泾渭花儿), the Central Gansu Huaer (陇中花儿), Mount Lianhua Huaer (莲花山花儿) and Taozhou Huaer(洮州花儿)in Gansu.In Qinghai there is Hehuang Huaer (河湟花儿).Before that they were classified into two major categories of Hezhou Huaer (河州花儿) and Taomin Huaer (洮岷花儿).They are so named after their native region. http://video.baidu.com/v?ct=301989888&rn=20&pn=0&db=0&s=8&word=%CE%F7%B1%B1%20%BB%A8%B6%F9&fr=ala0