
Olympic Games, international sports competition, , in which athletes from different nations compete against each other in a variety of sports. There are two types of Olympics, the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. Through 1992 they were held in the same year, but beginning in 1994 they were rescheduled so that they are held in alternate different years. For example, the Winter Olympics were held in 1994 and the Summer Olympics in 1996. The Winter Olympics were next held in 1998, and the Summer Olympics next occurred in 2000. The modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece, The successful campaign to revive the Olympics was started in France by Baron Pierre de Coubert in late in the 19th century. including only summer events (the Winter Olympics were not established until 1924), included about 300 athletes from fewer than 15 countries competing in 43 events in nine different sports. By contrast, when the Summer Olympics returned to Athens in 2004, more than 10,000 athletes from 202 countries competed in 28 different sports.

Scholars have speculated that the games in 776 BC were not the first games, but rather the first games held after they were organized into festivals held every four years

问学堂句典翻译机奥运会是一项国际运动赛事,不同国家的运动员在一起互相竞技很多种运动.现在有两种类型的奥动会,夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会.1992年他们在同一年举行,但是自从1994开始他们被重订时间以便能在交替的不同年份内举行.例如,冬季奥动会在1994年举行,而夏季奥动会在1996年举行.下一届冬季奥运会在 1998年举行,而下一届夏季奥动会发生于2000年,现代奥运会开始于希腊雅典.在十九世纪晚期由法国的Baron Pierre de Coubert 进了一场成功的运动让奥运会重新恢复.这时只包括夏季奥运会,(冬季奥动会直到1924才建立)由大约来自于不到十五个国家的三百名运动员竞技九种不同的运动的四十三项项目.相比之下,当2004年夏季奥运会重新回到雅典举行,来自二百零二个国家的一万多名运动员竞技二十八个不同的运动

