


    2010年09月23日 12:04新华网



























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  • Premier Wen Jiabao attended the United Nations Millennium Development Goals will be discussed with the AIDS Sidelights
    At 12:04 on September 23, 2010 Xinhua
    UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 22 (Xinhua Zhao Cheng, Liao Lei Renmin Ribao reporter Ding Gang) "We can not ignore the call of life, can not delay the pace of relief, must be more effectively promote the global AIDS prevention and control work to ensure that AIDS-related Millennium Development objectives on schedule. "

    September 22, local time 13:15. United Nations Headquarters in a spacious conference room, facing the United Nations and national officials and AIDS experts, Premier Wen Jiabao personally experienced with their own story to the world about the true meaning of love and life, declaring that China's determination to fight AIDS, countries to join hands against AIDS issued by the Millennium Development Goals to achieve the calls for.

    When a person with AIDS, seems to be sentenced to death. Those who walk the edge of survival in the eyes of death, be considered as an alternative to those suffering face, those wives and children after the desert-like despair, with Premier Wen Jiabao again and again deeply hurt the heart.

    Eight years as prime minister, no matter how busy official duties, regardless of how seems in a hurry, Wen never forget suffering from AIDS patients and their families suffering. He walked among them, do their friends, sincerely listen to their tell, muster the courage of their lives. He is compassion and love them so as to arouse the whole society personally own joint action against AIDS. AIDS patients in China Premier Wen Jiabao is affectionately called volunteers, saw him as a beloved friend.

    Eight years of unremitting insistence that Premier Wen Jiabao touched AIDS patients more real soul. Conference room from more than 300 representatives of the world, Wen Jiabao and representatives chest wearing a "Red Ribbon", "Red Ribbon" to the hearts of the people closely linked together. They are so focused, listening to heart of China's premier real, moving the feeling:

    "Every time I see patients who suffer from AIDS, torture, see those orphaned by AIDS in the elderly and children, into their home, holding their hands, my heart welled Health issued to a sense of responsibility that Government should do more for them. "

    Language can be blocked, the concept can be different, but in this vastly different world, the love of life and responsibility, it is mankind's most common language. Wen Jiabao's speech deeply touched everyone present.

    Because of love, the Chinese premier to Beijing Tiantan Hospital, hardest hit by AIDS in Henan Shangcai to come to Fuyang, Anhui, came to the middle of AIDS, making them the most sincere friend.

    Because of love, December 2006, Chinese Premier the 15 children orphaned by AIDS and children come in Zhongnanhai.

    Because of love, the Chinese Premier to visit Uganda in June 2006 Mu Lage Hospital, clenched hands of AIDS patients in Africa. So far, he still clearly remember the fight against AIDS in Uganda's national famous phrase: "We are the fight against AIDS, not to fight with AIDS patients."

    Because of love, the Chinese government into action. In 2004, AIDS Working Committee was set up. AIDS has developed a long-term planning and two five-year plan of action. AIDS 2006, issued regulations. AIDS funded by the central government's 100 million yuan in 2001 increased to 1.6 billion yuan this year. The momentum of the rapid spread of AIDS in China has basically been contained, significantly reduced mortality, infection, and the patient's quality of life improved significantly.

    It is also because of love, the Chinese premier stand here and to the world to further strengthen cooperation in the calls for AIDS prevention and control, and commitment to the Chinese government in the next three years to the Global Fund $ 14,000,000.

    Shared all because of love, all for the life which stubbornly persists, call again and again!

    No one noticed the passage of time, people are immersed in that earnest and touching emotions.

    "Now we have not found a panacea to cure AIDS." "Love is a medicine to reduce the pain of AIDS patients."

    This is not a torrent of macro theory, Wen noted in mind, the mouth tells is one concrete and fresh, he remembers their appearance, remember their demeanor, I remember their words.

    Gui Xien seventies is a professor of Wuhan University School of Medicine South. For decades, he has help AIDS patients at their own expense, also the patient to his house to live. It is common for people with AIDS, love, Wen Jiabao will Gui Xien as his friend. June 2004, Premier Wen Jiabao made a special trip to Wuhan, Professor Gui Xien visited door.

    Twelve-year-old boy Huang Lei, parents suffering from AIDS have died. He lives with his elderly grandmother. 2006, at Zhongnanhai, Premier Wen Jiabao, he said: "When I grow up to be a doctor, let the world no longer have AIDS, are no longer children lost their parents due to AIDS." The juvenile wild words phrase is the Huang Lei hearts of the most authentic hope.

    Today, at United Nations Headquarters, Premier Wen Jiabao tells his mind to the world of hope: there is always one day, mankind will finally defeat AIDS, infected with the less fortunate people in the face of AIDS is no longer tears of despair, but hope smile. To this day come soon, let us redouble our efforts to work!

    When Premier Wen Jiabao concluded his speech, the audience burst into thunderous applause. The applause, the Chinese Premier expressed his sincere praise a loving, united to pass the human firm confidence in the fight against AIDS.

    11-year-old Nigerian girl Albanese than listening to Premier Wen's speech, in the front seat with a tender voice about his own experience: my mother unfortunately infected with the HIV virus. Fortunately, my mother recognized the danger of things, taking an early anti-HIV drugs, so he did not become due and a mother to child transmission of AIDS victims.

    "If I was born with HIV, then the discrimination, I can not go to school, it is necessary to take medicine forever, can not play together with friends and learn, a lifetime to be frightened." Abbott, said today: "And I lucky ah. How many kids do like me lucky? "

    Abbott and Premier Wen Jiabao than the expression of the common aspirations. When Sidibe, UNAIDS Executive Director introduced the mother than Aibo, Wen and the presence of people with warm applause for the mother.

    Premier Wen Jiabao, Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is an old friend. He described their experiences and practices to combat AIDS, and AIDS in China expressed appreciation for the achievements.

    When got up and left the meeting Premier Wen Jiabao on the scene, the audience again burst into warm applause.

    UNESCO officials speak of the Baka impressed Wen Jiabao. She said: "China's most important feature of AIDS is made important commitments to strong leadership, to develop the right strategy, taking the right approach and adequate resources provided."

    As Sidibe said in his speech today, the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. This important holiday, it should be perfectly happy to share time with family, we present here is part of the family of Chinese Premier. Thanked China for its important AIDS policy and action, allowing AIDS patients hope.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-9-23    文章录入:nnb ]