

2010年09月23日 17:58:50  来源: 新华网 








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  • The basic momentum of the rapid spread of AIDS in China has been checked
    September 23, 2010 17:58:50 Source: Xinhua
    NEW YORK, Sept. 22 (Xinhua Ji Zhenyu) in 22 high-level United Nations Millennium Development Goals, the occasion of the meeting held a press conference, the Chinese Health Ministry officials said that since 2001, signed the "United Nations Millennium Declaration", China Government to fulfill its commitments made arduous efforts in AIDS prevention work has achieved remarkable results. Statistics show that the momentum of the rapid spread of AIDS in China has basically been contained.

    According to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV and AIDS, by 2010, universal access to all who need it for the treatment of HIV and AIDS.

    Chinese Ministry of Health Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention Hao Yang, deputy director, said at the reception in the AIDS prevention funding, from 10 years ago, China-based international aid into the main government finance, supplemented by international assistance. Meanwhile, China has already established 318 laboratory confirmed AIDS, screening laboratories 8306, covering more than 90% of the counties, the AIDS epidemic that capacity has increased significantly.

    Statistics show that China's AIDS virus each year the number of new infections each year dropped from 7 million a year in 2005, dropped to 5 million people per year in 2007, and further dropped to 4.8 million people per year in 2009. In addition to MSM, the other emerging high-risk groups of HIV infection to some extent under control.

    Meanwhile, the effectiveness of anti-HIV therapy significantly, greatly reduced mortality. The end of 2009, China accepted the number of anti-HIV treatment more than 8 million people. AIDS mortality from the year before treatment, 100 people died every 27 to 30 people, down to 6 months after treatment of 100 people die each year for every 4 to 5 people.

    In addition, in order to reduce the risk of AIDS infection rate, China also launched in 2004 for drug users in methadone maintenance treatment. As of the end of June 2010, Community Drug maintenance treatment extended to the 688-patient trial, the cumulative 26 million people in the treatment of drug addicts.

    Hao Yang said that despite China in the fight against AIDS has made great progress, but still faces great challenges. The Chinese government has been trying to take measures, and actively fulfill commitments made to the international community to ensure the schedule to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.


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