百个防艾宣传创意实施在即 防艾宣传再掀热潮http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年09月13日10:01 北京卫生局网站

百个防艾宣传创意实施在即 防艾宣传再掀热潮http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年09月13日10:01  北京卫生局网站


百个防艾宣传创意实施在即 防艾宣传再掀热潮

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年09月13日10:01  北京卫生局网站





  • 艾滋病早期治疗是康复与延长30~60年生命的保
  • 艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本
  • 从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙
  • 康生丹颗粒免疫实验提示符合艾滋病、肿瘤等应
  • 鸡尾酒疗法并非万能,抗药性与毒副作用导致联合疗法与中药疗法应用的迫切性
  • 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
  • 三合皂甙,康生丹片
  • 中药康生丹治愈艾滋病中医论析
  • 艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考

  • 100 AIDS prevention publicity ideas will soon be implemented AIDS prevention publicity attempt to start another boom http://www.sina.com.cn 2010 年 09 月 13 日 10:01 Beijing Health Bureau website
    AIDS 2009, the city public education work to volunteer at the core, the capital of AIDS prevention throughout the year to recruit a total of more than 80,000 volunteers, the volunteers in the community, schools, factories and enterprises to carry out a large number of fruitful missionary activity. To further increase the propaganda and education of AIDS prevention and control of Beijing's efforts to mobilize all of society's effort to contain HIV, Kuo Tai AIDS prevention work scope of publicity efforts Conger Youxiaopuji AIDS prevention knowledge, enhance self-protection of the public awareness and capacity at the same time more of Rang people concerned about HIV, about AIDS, promote AIDS prevention in the city set off knowledge, universal state and local government policy, boom, the capital of AIDS prevention volunteers to help contest platform to exchange and common progress, innovation, Beijing AIDS Working Committee Beijing Municipal Health Bureau held the "2010 Beijing 100 AIDS prevention outstanding creative Contest."

    Competition since inception in July, has been widespread concern in the community, we actively competed for the capital, AIDS positive publicity ideas and suggestions. Through the layers of screening, the final competition jury selected the "100 best ideas AIDS prevention", the theme selected for creative activities involving high-risk intervention, infection care, media interaction, race class and other means to publicize the audience covering civil servants, school students, college students, community residents, troops, infected with various groups.

    Selected the "100 best ideas AIDS prevention" will be 9, the full implementation in October. Currently, the implementation of all outstanding creative team has been ready, prepared to use their wisdom and ability to demonstrate the style capital of AIDS prevention volunteers, the capital of AIDS prevention boom set off again, as its capital contribution to the cause of new AIDS prevention efforts.

    In this, the Municipal Health Bureau urged the general public concerned about the competition progress, actively participate in advocacy around AIDS prevention, with the actual action to curb the HIV! Stay tuned for more exciting content contest the capital of the Red Ribbon Network http://www.bjrroc.org.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-9-13    文章录入:nnb ]