2010-09-08 13:04 来源:文新传媒
可是,如果他同意做一次彻底的检查,这真的有助于科学家找到治疗艾滋病的方法吗?一些著名的研究人员对此持怀疑态度。《自然》杂志援引伦敦帝国理工学院的传染病专家乔纳森・韦伯的话说,出现这种情况,要么是斯蒂姆森原本就没感染艾滋病毒,要么是他体内仍然有艾滋病病毒,只是由于某些原因,没有检查出来。 医学专家:误诊有可能报道疑点多
西德洛维奇补充说:“以前我们见过这样的报道,在某个非洲国家,十分之一的人感染了艾滋病毒,但*女却是健康的。科学家们对研究这种现象非常感兴趣。许多*女被告知休息一天,做一次细致的检查。结果既让人惊讶又让人费解。当她们在交易时取下保护物时,*女们都感染上了艾滋病毒!由于我没有数据证明,也没有数据反斥,所以我无法分清这件事的真假。但即使这只是一个骗局,我们也无论如何去研究一下。” 艾滋病有望被彻底治愈 记忆T细胞是一些艾滋病病毒的藏身天堂。
研究人员提出了结合化学疗法和抗逆转录病毒疗法来治疗艾滋病的新方法,其中,抗逆转录病毒疗法可杀灭人体内大部分艾滋病病毒,而化学疗法则专门针对“躲藏”在记忆T细胞中的艾滋病病毒,这使得艾滋病病毒在人体中再无藏身之地。 记忆T细胞
有的记忆T细胞的有效期很短,像流感、乙肝等。但有的有效期则是终生的,像天花。 相关新闻① 艾滋病病毒发现者:明年将试验新疫苗 12月1日“世界艾滋病日”来临之际,全球首先发现艾滋病毒的科学家、美国马里兰大学人类微生物学研究所所长罗伯特・盖洛表示,他的研究小组目前已在艾滋病疫苗的研制领域取得相当进展,新疫苗有望在未来的一年中投入临床试验。 路透社11月30日援引盖洛的话披露,研究小组的新疫苗目前已在动物身上取得了不错的效果。盖洛说,从猴子的反应来看,新疫苗可以让它体内产生一种抗体,该抗体对艾滋病毒具有免疫能力。盖洛表示,这种新疫苗有望在未来的一年内用于临床试验。 据报道,盖洛的新疫苗目前在猴子体内生成的抗体大约只能维持4个月的时间,之后,抗体就完全消失。显然,对于一种有效的艾滋病疫苗来说,这点时间还远远不够。
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- 康生丹配合西药治疗AIDS总结
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艾滋病成为第一大死因病种[刘君]的对策与思考AIDS may be a self-healing scam
2010-09-08 13:04 Source: New Media Culture
British tabloid "News of the World" and "Sunday Mail" reported in the 27 "world's first completely cured of AIDS patients", he is 25 years old 安德鲁斯蒂 Jameson, a resident of Glasgow, Scotland. ● cells alive, the virus also alive; cell death, the virus also killed; virus proliferation is fully dependent on cell division.
"AIDS self-healing" misdiagnosed or hoax?
British tabloid "News of the World" and "Sunday Mail" reported in the 27 "world's first completely cured of AIDS patients", he is 25 years old 安德鲁斯蒂 Jameson, a resident of Glasgow, Scotland.
Stimson in 2002, was diagnosed with HIV. Recently, he has accepted "News of the World" and "Sunday Post" interview, said that when he heard he was infected with the HIV virus is very depressed, considered suicide. Because of his physical condition was good, so give up the idea of committing suicide. But his concentration into depression.
Stimson did not received any drug treatment. About 14 months later, he accepted a check, surprisingly, this time the test result is HIV negative. After hearing the news, He was pleased to bad. He told reporters: "I am the luckiest person in the world." Him to the hospital previously examined him, asked for spiritual compensation, but he did not receive any compensation, because the doctor is clearly not evidence that the level of laboratory error.
Later, after many tests, confirmed that Stimson is indeed HIV negative. All of these tests by a very authoritative organizations - the National Health Service agencies to complete. Two years, Stimson read the 25 doctors. Doctors have told him that every time the virus is gone. Doctors say they have conclusive evidence that all the blood samples are from the same person, that is 安德鲁斯蒂 Jameson.
Naturally, the media is filled with reports of miraculous healing of AIDS. Currently, doctors hope he will do a thorough check, but, so far, he refused. Doctors still hope that he will make further checks, because he seemed to hesitate. He said: "AIDS, 34.9 million people worldwide, I was the only person completely out of illness, I was the only way you can help scientists find a cure for people."
However, if he agreed to do a thorough check, it really helps scientists find a cure for AIDS it? Some well-known researchers skeptical. "Nature" magazine quoted an infectious disease expert at Imperial College London 乔纳森韦伯 saying that this happens, either Stimson had no HIV infection, or is his body still has HIV, but For some reason, did not check out. Medical experts: reports doubts over the possibility of misdiagnosis
Many other people seem to agree with Weber's perspective, medical experts, of course no exception. Russian Ministry of Health AIDS Institute of Immunology head of the Department 伊戈尔西德 Pavlovic, Professor Stimson was suspected infected with HIV. West Germany Pavlovic said: "About 2,000 people die of AIDS, 4,000 people are living with HIV. However, only one person Stimson then recovered. Therefore, it is likely that the beginning The test is misdiagnosis. may only be testing out a positive, other tests were negative. reports on the matter even more doubt, and Stimson's case is too used to fry for tabloid readers like Look kinds of reports. However, the experts can not easily believe that this report. There is no information, no chance to find out if this is just a hoax, a mistake, or really a medical miracle. "
West Germany Pavlovic added: "In the past we have seen such reports, in one African country, one tenth of the people infected with HIV, but * it is a healthy girl. Scientists studying this phenomenon is being interest. many * women were told one day off, do a careful examination. The result is both surprising it makes hard to understand. When they remove the protection of property in the transaction, the * women who are infected with HIV! Since I did not Data shows that there is no data retorted, so I can not distinguish between true and false matter. But even if this is just a hoax, no matter how we look. "AIDS is expected to be completely cured and memory T cells are HIV hiding heaven.
● cells alive, the virus also alive; cell death, the virus also killed; virus proliferation is fully dependent on cell division.
● destruction of memory T cells, it can be destroyed, "hide" up the AIDS virus.
Canadian and U.S. researchers in the UK 21 "Nature - Medicine" published a paper, they found a cure for AIDS may be completely new method of AIDS will likely no longer be incurable.
The key is to find a cure for AIDS, latent pool of HIV - HIV in the body's hiding place. The researchers said they found this latent pool, that memory T cells, a human immune cells, although it is paradise to hide some of the AIDS virus, but also to a certain extent, to limit the activities of these viruses.
The researchers found that once HIV hiding to memory T cells, the fate of its solidarity with the memory T cells: cells alive, the virus also alive; cell death, the virus also killed; virus proliferation is fully dependent on cell division . Therefore, the destruction of memory T cells, it can be destroyed, "hide" up the AIDS virus.
The researchers proposed combination of chemotherapy and antiretroviral treatment for AIDS, a new method, in which antiretroviral therapy can kill the body Taibu Fen AIDS virus, and chemotherapy are 专门 for "hiding" in the memory T cells The AIDS virus, which makes the AIDS virus in the human body no place to hide. Memory T cells
The third line of defense immune is divided into two parts, humoral immunity, and second, cellular immunity. Immune cells, there are two, one is T cells, one is B cells.
After T cell division and differentiation in the formation of memory T cells and effect of T cells, memory T cell antigen will be the next invasion will be remembered once again the anti-virus methods of re-mobilized to kill the antigen again.
Some memory T cells in a very short period, such as influenza, hepatitis B and so on. But some are valid for life, like smallpox. ① discoverer of HIV-related news: Next year will test new vaccines on Dec. 1, "World AIDS Day" approaches, the world's scientists first discovered HIV, University of Maryland Institute of Human Microbiology 罗伯特盖洛 said His team is currently in the field of AIDS vaccine made considerable progress, the new vaccine is expected to invest in the coming year clinical trial. Reuters November 30 quoted the words of the disclosure Gallo, the team's new vaccine in animals has achieved good results. Gallo said the response from the monkeys, the new vaccine can it produce an antibody in vivo, the antibodies to HIV have immunity. Gallo said that this new vaccine is expected to be used in future clinical trials within a year. According to reports, Gallo's new vaccine is currently produced antibodies in monkeys have approximately 4 months time, after which the antibodies disappear. Obviously, for an effective AIDS vaccine, this time not enough.